
资讯 2024-06-25 阅读:62 评论:0


In order to dispel some confusion about the existence of 欧元那样是由印刷而来,比特币是以电子的方式创建并保存的。他们由世界各地的电脑利用免费的软件生产而来。

Bitcoin supports transfers between users without the need to go through central institutions (e.g. banks). Unlike the United States dollar or Eurospan/span>, they are created and preserved electronically by computers around the world using free software.


Bitcoin is the first encrypted currency that emerges and is a growing asset class. It has some features of traditional currency and is based on cryptography.


Who created it?

  一位名叫中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的软件开发员于2008年创造了比特币,并提出了比特币是基于数学证明的电子支付系统的想法。他的理念是创建一种独立于任何中央机构的交易方式,让用户可以通过安全,可核查及不被他人篡改的方式进行电子转账。

A software developer, Satoshi Nakamoto, created Bitcoin in 2008 and put forward the idea that Bitcoin is an electronic payment system based on mathematical proof. His idea is to create a way of dealing independently of any central agency that allows users to transfer electronically in a way that is safe, verifiable and not tampered with.


So far, no one knows who Nakamoto is.


What's the difference between him and the traditional currency?


By mutual agreement, Bitcoin can be used as an electronic payment. In this sense, it is like the traditional People's Currency /span /span>, US dollar, euro.


However, there are several important differences between bitcoin and the legal numeric currency:

  1 – 去中心化

1 – To centralize


One of the most important features of Bitcoin is that there is no agency that controls it. It is maintained by a group of coders who volunteer to it and run by computer networks all over the world. This attracts individuals and groups that oppose the control of funds by banks and government agencies.

  通过密码学和经济激励的巧妙结合,比特币解决了电子货币“双重支出问题”(数字资产很容易被复制和重复使用)。在传统的电子货币使用过程中,这个问题由银行来监管,这使他们得以控制传统的电子货币系统。 然而,比特币交易的完整性完全由分布式开放网络维护,没有人控制着它。

By a smart combination of cryptography and economic incentives, Bitcoin solves the “double spending” of electronic currencies (digital assets are easily copied and reused). In the traditional use of electronic currencies, the issue is regulated by banks, which enable them to control the traditional electronic monetary system.

  2 – 供应有限

2 – Limited supply

  法定货币(人民币、美元、欧元等)拥有无限供应量 - 中央银行可以根据需要来发行货币,并可以试图操纵货币相对于其他货币的价值。 货币持有者(公民)承担着成本(货币贬值)。

The legal currency (the renminbi, the United States dollar, the euro, etc.) has an unlimited supply - the central bank can issue the currency as needed and can attempt to manipulate the value of the currency vis-à-vis other currencies. Monetary holders (citizens) bear the cost (depreciation of the currency).

  然而,比特币的供应量受底层算法的严格控制。每小时都会有少量的新比特币流出,但流出速度将持续变慢,直至达到最大总量2100万个。 这使得比特币作为资产更加具有吸引力 - 理论上来说,如果需求增长且供应保持不变,价值将会增加。

Bitcoin’s supply, however, is strictly controlled by bottom-level algorithms. A small amount of new bitcoins will flow every hour, but the rate will continue to slow until it reaches a maximum of 21 million.

  3 – 匿名性

3 – Anonymousity

  在传统的电子支付过程中,支付方的身份通常是可识别的(为了达到验证及反洗钱的目的)。但比特币的运营理念实际上是半匿名性。由于没有中央“监管器”, 用户在向其他用户转账比特币时并不需要识别自身身份。提交交易请求时,协议会检查该用户之前的所有交易,以确认支付方有足够数量的比特币以及支付方拥有支配这些比特币的权限。在此过程中,系统并不需要知道他或她的身份。

In the traditional electronic payment process, the identity of the payer is usually identifiable (for purposes of verification and anti-money-laundering purposes). But the business concept of Bitcoin is actually semi-anonymous. In the absence of a central “supervisor”, the user does not need to identify itself when transferring bitcoin to another user. When a transaction request is submitted, the agreement checks all transactions before the user to confirm that the payer has a sufficient number of bitcoin and that the payer has the authority to dispose of the bitcoins.


In practice, for anti-money-laundering purposes, the system can identify users by their wallet addresses. Therefore, transaction records can be tracked in this way. In addition, law enforcement agencies have developed other methods to identify users, where necessary.

  4 – 不可逆性

4 – Irreversibility


The process of dealing with Bitcoin is irreversible, because the absence of a central “award” can be described as “good, refundable”. So a transaction that has been recorded for more than an hour is unalterable.


While this may be somewhat disturbing, it does mean that no transactions on the Bitcoin network will be tampered with.

  5 – 微交易

– Micro-trading

  比特币的最小单位称为satoshi。它是比特币的百万分之一(0.00000001) - 按今天的价格计算,大约是百分之一美分。这将可以实现传统电子货币无法做到的微交易。

The smallest unit of bitcoin is called satoshi. It's a millionth of bitcoin (0.00000001) -- about a cent at today's prices. This will make it possible to make small transactions that traditional electronic currencies cannot do.




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