
资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:82 评论:0
之前咱们讲了痴迷炒币的韩国年轻人,每5个年轻人,就有一个在炒币。Before we talked about Korean young people who are obsessed with coins, one for every fi...


Before we talked about Korean young people who are obsessed with coins, one for every five.


However, South Korea is a little bit more likely than Thailand. In Thailand, it is not only young people who are eager to collide, it is almost universal, with one in every five men and women involved, and this is the number one in every five people in the world.


The Thai Government is more directly involved, with the central bank and the Tourist Board issuing successively official encrypted currencies.


In the face of this situation, it is inconceivable that, 10 years ago, Thailand was the first country in the world to have a total ban on Bitcoin.


So why would Thailand be so obsessed with the currency? How could a country that had banned bitcoin be transformed into a large currency?


The government's attitude has changed a lot.


From the very strict ban at the outset to the warm embraces that followed, the attitude of the Thai Government towards encrypted currency changed fundamentally in just six months.


In July 2013, the Central Bank of Thailand declared Bitcoin illegal and became the first country in the world to have a total ban on Bitcoin.


Only six months later, however, the Central Bank of Thailand announced the lifting of the ban on Bitcoin, with the proviso that its circulation and transactions must be restricted to Thailand and that they can be settled only with the Thai baht and not in foreign currency.


Over the next few years, Thailand's acceptance of encrypted currency has gradually increased, and even the Government itself has actively promoted the development of block chains and encrypted currency.


The shift in Thailand's attitude towards crypto-currency has been influenced to a large extent by neighbouring Singapore, which allowed not only Bitcoin transactions but also related tax policies in 2014.


The Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand indicated that while Singapore was not in the area of financial science and technology, it was at least ahead of neighbouring countries such as Viet Nam and Cambodia.


It is well known that Thailand’s economy is highly dependent on exports and tourism, and has been looking for new economic growth points. In 2016, the Thai government launched a “Thailand 4.0” strategy to develop high-value-added industries through innovative and technological means in an effort to break through the middle-income trap.


“Thailand 4.0” emphasizes the use of digital technology, and since then, from government to civil society, Thailand has experienced a huge wave of encryption.


In 2017, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Thailand instructed the Central Bank to examine carefully whether Bitcoin could be used as a legal payment method and to require that encrypted currency be regulated without impeding innovation in financial science and technology.


By May 2018, Thailand had adopted the Royal Decree on Digital Asset Operation, which officially legalized encrypted currencies. In August, the Central Bank of Thailand launched an official encrypted currency named after Thailand’s peak “because of others.”


The Securities and Exchange Commission of Thailand, SEC, has also approved six encrypted currency exchanges, providing the Thai population with official channels for the production of currency.


It's a boom.


As a result, the Thai Government has “nearly” cleared the way for the people to spend their money.


Since 2019, the encryption market has been warming. Gambling knows no borders, and more and more Thais are starting to take part in this speculation.


Thailand's largest online forum is full of discussions about encrypted currency, such as how newcomers choose trading platforms.


Others remain confused after learning, asking whether the digging of bitcoin is really profitable.


Shortly thereafter, the outbreak of the new crown outbreak severely affected tourism in Thailand and exposed the vulnerability of the Thai economy to excessive dependence on tourism.


In 2019, Thailand received nearly 40 million tourist arrivals and, following the outbreak, the number of foreign tourists fell sharply to 400,000.


Thailand's tourism revenues amounted to 3.3 trillion baht in 2019 and fell sharply to 480 billion baht in 2020, representing an 85 per cent decline, and a further 20 per cent decline in 2021, amounting to only 380 billion baht.


Faced with the near collapse of the economy, the Government needs new economic growth points more than ever, and the population has to find new means of livelihood in the face of the double pressures of unemployment and inflation.


As a result, the Thailand Tourism Authority plans to introduce TAT to attract encrypted currency holders and boost tourism.


And the warmth of the encryption market has brought renewed hope to many ordinary Thais.


As in the past, the Thai Government has been cooperating in the establishment of a favourable policy, starting with the elimination of the 7 per cent value added tax on encrypt currency transactions, followed by the elimination of 15 per cent of the capital gains tax and the rapid transformation of the currency boom into a national movement.


In 2018, the number of Thai counterfeits, estimated at 170,000, had doubled to 2 million by the end of 2021, and the number of encrypted assets held by Thais rose sharply from less than 10 billion Thai baht to 114.5 billion Thai baht.


Of the population aged 16-64 in Thailand, one in every five persons holds the highest amount of encrypted currency in the world.


And it is not just young people who are passionate about encrypted money, with investors under the age of 30 accounting for half of investors over the age of 30.


In the midst of this speculatory boom, South Korea was born as a star project, LUNA, and Thailand emerged as a star company, Jasmine Technology.


In July 2021, Jasmine technology in Thailand announced its investment in bitcoin excavations. Although only eight bitcoins were mined for six months, the stock price rose sharply.


At the beginning of 2021, the share price of Jasmine Technology was less than $2. By April 2022, it had soared to nearly $600, even exceeding the encoded currency itself, as a shock to the head of the company.


In this frenzied atmosphere, almost no one in Thailand speaks of block chains and encrypted currency, and well-known universities offer an encrypt currency course, and cafés are equipped with dozens of monitors to pay close attention to the encrypt currency.


Even Buddhists often wear Buddhist medals to protect themselves from the evil. One project in Thailand specializes in the sale of encryption charms at a cost of $400 per sale, and more than 1.2 million have been sold.


Another project, based on the total population of Thailand, issued 6,618 million SDC coins, opened by the monks, claiming good luck for the holders.


On the opening day of the SDC, prices jumped to $10, with a total market value of approximately $660 million.


It's chicken hair.


At the same time that the population is insane, Thailand's SEC warns against the risk of encrypted currency investment, alerts investors to large price fluctuations and emphasizes that transactions can be made only on regulated platforms.


At the same time, the SEC has set thresholds for investor age, financial knowledge and income levels, similar to the situation in the Republic of Korea.


These proposals immediately provoked the anger of the captors.


No one thinks that SEC is protecting investors, but many think that it is deliberately excluding low-income people. Because Thailand’s SEC proposes an income threshold of 1 million baht, equivalent to about 200,000 yuan, while Thai households have an average annual income of only about 26 million yuan, how can ordinary people get rich overnight by selling currency?


In the face of public anger, SEC eventually had to give in. Secretary-General SEC stated that the strict conditions were meant to be heard and were not actually implemented.


The SEC rescinded the resolution, and Thai gamblers continued their festivities with the dream of financial freedom by changing their destiny through currency speculation.


By the end of the year, however, the market had suddenly turned upside down, the encoded currency had continued to collapse, and the LUNA crash in May in South Korea had led to the collapse of the entire encrypt market, shattering the Thais'currency-false dream.


Countless people rushed to sell, before being occupied overnight by posters about huge losses in a forum where the secret of the currency was shared.


Jasmine technology, which had increased 300 times in a year, fell by more than 90 per cent in just a few months.



After the fever, the Thai coins left only the fur of the earth.


At that time, some continued to insist on the desire to make up for their losses, while others began to shout out that encrypted money was a fraud and called on their online friends to defend their rights together.


The Government was also questioned as to why no measures had been taken to help encrypt money investors.


More people left the market silently after losing their blood, and Thailand experienced a rapid contraction in the volume of encrypted currency transactions, which reached only one quarter of its peak in August 2022.


The vast majority of people end up having a bad dream of being rich.


When the bubble burst, everyone seemed innocent, but many forgot that it was they who united to force the SEC to change their destiny by means of coins.


This is not, and will not be, the first time in Thailand.


All right, that's it for the session. You're welcome to leave a message on the topic of interest. I'll see you next time.



1.Cabinet okays easing levies on digital assets, bangkokpost

2.Thailand’s crypto trading volume increases by almost 600% to $3.96B, tokenpost

3.Crypto Dreams Dashed in Thailand as Regulators Tighten Rules, Anuchit Nguyen

4.COVID to crypto-amulets: young Thais seek fortune-telling upgrades, Patpicha Tanakasempipat

5.Thailand’s Tourism Authority Floats Idea of Utility Token to Attract Crypto Holders: Report, Sebastian Sinclair

6.?.?.?.? '?' ? .?. 71.2% ? 7.2 , bangkokbiznews


The Koreans said, "I'm the best, and the Thais laughed..."

8.比特币走向边缘化:虚拟货币暂时还只是一场游戏, 证券时报网

Bitcoinsdown: Virtual money is just a game for now, the Securities Times.

9.泰国封杀比特币 开全球先河,上海证券报

Thailand's sealing of Bitcoin, the world's leading river, the Shanghai Stock Exchange.


Bitcoin is in a different position in South-East Asia, Li Kuo-Chung.


Encrypted currency creates “equity bubbles”, a Thai technology company that soared 67 times this year, investing.com

12.“泰中合作是互惠互利之举” ——访泰国中华总商会主席陈振治,杨讴等

“Thai-China cooperation is mutually beneficial” - visit to Chen Jinji, Chairman of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce of Thailand


13. Thailand is likely to be the worst performing economy in Asia this year: 80 per cent drop in foreign tourists, rice exports are estimated to be the lowest in nearly 20 years, and small money rocks.


14. Expanding the Thai market: innovation and technology, Ma Yingde

15.重塑旅游业生机 泰国大力推动国内旅游, 孙广勇

15. Restarting tourism opportunities Thailand has been a major promoter of domestic tourism, Sun Wang Yong.

16.泰国去年境外游客仅创造240亿旅游收入 德国成最大客源国, 泰国网

16. Over the past year, only 24 billion tourists from outside Thailand generated tourism revenues from the largest tourist country in Germany, Thailand Net.

17.泰国区块链的监管政策与实践, 邓建鹏

17. Regulatory policy and practice of the Thai block chain, Deng Jianjun

18.泰国高僧为6千多万枚加密货币“崇迪”开光, thaipbs

Thai monks opened up over 60 million encrypted currency "Zondi", thaipbs

19.泰国DeFi项目暴跌99%!SEC称未来将介入DeFi监管领域, Jim

19. Thailand’s DeFi project fell by 99%! SEC says it’s going to be involved in DeFi’s regulatory field in the future, Jim.


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