
资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:113 评论:0


Private Keys for Compressed Formats: You can see whether the private key is condensed? I thought so at first, but as I learned and understood the concept in depth, I found that I was wrong because Private Keys itself and could not be compressed and the private key for compressed formats was one byte more than the private key for non-compressed formats , which was added to the private key '01'/b' to show that the private key came from a newer version of the wallet and was used only to generate the public key for compressed formats. That is, the private key can only be used to generate the public key for compressed formats, not the compressed format itself. Conversely, the private key for non-compressed formats is used only to generate the public key for non-compressed formats.


From the definitions and illustrations above, it can be seen that the word private keys in compressed formats are used inappropriately and misleadingly to suggest that private keys can be compressed. This understanding is not correct. As the concepts mentioned above give, private keys in compressed formats are actually one byte more than private keys in non-compressed formats, and the postfix "01" is added to the private keys in non-compressed formats to mean private keys in compressed formats, and private keys in compressed formats are presented as a newly developed private key encoding format to save wallet storage space.


If a bitcoin wallet achieves the compressed format public key, it will use the pressurized format public key in all transactions. The private key in the wallet will be used to generate the compressed format public key, compressed the format public key, and then used to generate the bitcoin address in the transaction. When the private key is exported from a bitcoin wallet that achieves the compressed format public key, the wallet import format (WIF) will be modified to the WIF compressed format, which will add a byte-size after the private key. The final private key in the Base58Check code format is called the WIF (“compressure”) private key, which begins with the letter “K” or “L” at the beginning of the word “5” and starts with the private key that is derived from the older WIF (non-compressive) format.


Table 4-4 shows the same private key coded using different WIF and WIF compressed formats.


Hex: 1E99423A4ED27608A15A216A2B0E9E52CED330AC530EDC32C8FFC6A526AED


WIF (non-compressed private key): 5J3mBAH58CpQ3Y5RNjpKPE62SQ5tfcvU2JpbnkeyfsYB1Jcn


Hex-compressed: 1E99423A4ED27608A15A216A2B0E9E52CED3AC530EDC32C8FFC6A526AED01


WIF-compressed (compressed private key): KxFC1jmwCoAquicaZ3eXa96mBM6tb3TYzGmf6YwgdGZgawrtJ


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