比特币行情坐上“过山车” 24小时内36万人爆仓

资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:26 评论:0


In recent days, Bitcoin has been sitting in “ & & rdquo; first on a steeper journey, with a price of one currency once higher than one kilogram of gold. By the evening of February 22, another drop was made from about $57,000 to $47,000. Within 24 hours, 360,000 people burst. This surge and collapse has again triggered concerns about &ldquao, which is represented by Bitco; currency & rdquo; investment. Yanko's evening reporter interviewed the players and experts who found that Bitco was still in & ldquao; the grey zone & rdquao; and many risks that needed attention.

  策划 沈春宁  撰稿 实习生 曹宇昂

Shen Chunning & nbsp; contributor Intern Cao Woo Aung

  扬子晚报/紫牛新闻记者 徐兢 马燕

Yangzi Evening/Uchi Journalist Xu Chien Ma Yin



Bitcoin rides


360,000 people in 24 hours


In recent times, the most exciting investment product in the global market has probably been Bitcoin. On February 22, Bitcoin once fell from about $570 million to $470 million. Within 24 hours, about 360,000 people blew up and about $3.72 billion (about 24.5 billion renminbi) went missing.


Last weekend, however, Musk also said that Bitcoin and Etheria prices & & & & & & & & & looked really high & & & &. This is seen as why bitcoin continued to fall over the next two days.


Bill · Gates said in an interview that he was not a fan of Bitcoin, because bitcoin mining consumes a lot of energy and has an impact on the environment. He also said that investors should be careful if they don't have as much money as Mask.



Bitcoin investments may have high returns but high risks, &ldquao; pits & rdquao; and very many


Yanko Evening journalists interviewed several & & ldquo; currency circle & & rdquo; players or interested people. They introduced, for example, Bitcoin & & & rdquao; probably not much, but & & ldquao; pits & & rdquao; and many, reminding you of the risks.


After > 95, Xiao Liu:

  若回到几年前或许会投资 现在想投资但顾忌风险高

If you go back a few years, you might invest, now you want to invest, but you're afraid of risk.


Little Liu Bitcoin was very interested after Nanjing 95 and has been studying it without substantive involvement. The reason he was concerned about Bitcoin is & & ldquo; it's too profitable. In 2013 or around $600, it's now equivalent to $340,000, and it might have invested & rdquo a few years ago.


& & ldquo; theoretically, you can play with a computer, but in practice, &lsquao; burning ’ electricity; and in order to improve the ability to do so, you have to spend a lot of money to buy a card and improve its ability to do so. & & rdquo; he roughly estimates that & & ldquao; & rdquao; & & rdquao;


Liu told Yanko's late reporter that investing in Bitcoin would first know a term for “ mining & rdquo; understanding “ mining & rdquo; first knowing & “ Hashi algorithms & rdquo; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & Qu ; ;


Liu introduced the use of the extranet, which is now &ldquao; the grey zone & & rdquao;. The legitimacy of this is still a problem and is not subject to regulatory protection, which can easily lead to fraud. For example, there are illegal traders that package the wooden horse program into so-called mineral ponds and get personal information. For example, the secondary market of the card is frenzy, the investor becomes & & ldquao; the receiver & rdquao;


Mr. Queen 70:

  自己曾加杠杆赚到1500万元 也见过不少人加杠杆爆仓

"Strong" used to leverage 15 million dollars, and I've seen a lot of people do it.


Mr. Queen 70, a fund manager who had been working for more than 20 years, invested 2 million yuan in bitcoins four years ago with friends. At that time, the price of Bitcoins was 2,000 yuan, which he felt was cheaper than that of houses and stocks.


Mr. Wang described Bitcoin as a virtual currency, with two types of investment: one that buys cash, and then does not move, and then sells it up and down; the other that leverages, i.e., that they buy a bitcoin, for example, by investing in a dollar to buy a contract, with a larger share of 0.1, and if the post-market rises, they will pay off; if they fall, they may lose their blood. Of course, they can also look empty. The key is that he earns, for example, 15 times, a 20-fold leverage. And & ldquo; leverage, many times the return, but the risk is too high for ordinary investors to propose leverage & rdquo if they want to participate in bitco; and he sees friends with leverage around him that led to a bang, and he lost all of his first year.


& & & & & & ; bitcoin, I will continue to invest, but not too high. If you have $1 million in idle money, you will spend up to $30,000 to invest in bitcoin. & & rdquo; as a senior fund manager, he is well aware of the investment patterns of the liquid investment variety & & & & & & & & & ; infinity & & & & &, is a high-risk species. It's not impossible to fall back to $1 in case of a fall.


After > 60, Mr. Lee:

  炒币比炒股波动大很多 而且相对虚拟看不太清楚

"strong" is a lot more volatile than "stroking" and it's less visible than it is.


After 60 years in Nanjing, Mr. Lee approached & & ldquo; the currency circle & & rdquao;. He now has 10 mine machines and some Ether, and has a profit on the books, but he hasn't realized it. He's not very clear about the evolution of virtual money.


Mr. Lee told the Yanko Evening Reporter that some people had started to fire the mine because the coins were so expensive. More than a year ago, a friend opened up a company related to the mine machine. He bought 10 mine machines for his friends. “ the price was $1.18 million at that time, and now, according to friends, is $29.8 million. However, these machines dig not bitco but another currency. & rdquao;


Mr. Lee said that the mine machine was like a computer, digging through the arithmetic. If the technology of the mine wasn't closed, it would stop. So his miner only started digging in December 2020, and now it's six hundred and seventy. “ it can be traded, but I haven't.


He described Bitcoin as a generation representative of a virtual currency; Etheria as a second generation representative of a virtual currency. More than a year ago, when Etherno was $1,800, he bought it at the suggestion of a friend, then fell to about $900, then 5,000 dollars, and over 10,000 years later in 2021.


Mr. Lee is also a shareholder. He feels that there is a similarity between the coins and the shares. From the time of the transaction, the coins are available for 24 hours and 365 days, which is easier than the stock exchange.


[Expert reminder]

  比特币不能和黄金比 是泡沫资产风险极高

bitcoin cannot be compared to gold is very risky for foam assets


Ordinary investors cannot withstand their volatility


In an interview with a journalist from the Yanko Evening newspaper, Kang Sang, a senior researcher from the Tokuku think tank, said: & ldquo; Bitcoin's total inability to match gold is a very risky asset! & rdquao;


Jiang Quan explained that Bitcoin is actually a risk bubble. For Bitcoin, the biggest problem is that it has been overworked. “ we say not that bitcoin has no value, but that its value is grossly different from the price it currently represents, so that bitcoin is currently extremely risky. ”


& & & & ldquo; Now that bitcoin prices have fallen, in fact, we are testing our judgement that the risk of bitcoin has accumulated to a very high level for the market as a whole, so that any release of risk could trigger a sharp price volatility that would be totally unbearable for ordinary investors. ” Jiangjun warns that ordinary investors must pay close attention to Bitcoin’s risks, and do not lose their minds over the price of its excessive rise.


Distinguished economist Song Qinghui, in an interview with Yanko Evening Reporter, described Bitcoin as a virtual asset with a high risk factor compared to gold objects that were relatively low-risk and could not be manipulated. Bitcoin compared to equities, because it was not dependent on specific institutions for issuance but was based on specific algorithms, had lower investor confidence and the bubble could collapse at any time.


In his view, Bitcoin is a typical foam asset, but only a recent incarnation of wild speculation, and may eventually lead to collapse, as in 1637 & ldquo; tulips and & rdquo; and 2000 Internet bubbles. The high risk of Bitcoin is well known, and even for that reason, some people have lost their homes.


At the policy and legal level, bitcoin transactions are &ldquao; grey zone & rdquao; often used for illegal financing, money-laundering, etc., as a criminal offence that moves around & & & & & & rdquao; special & & & & & ldquao; equivalents & & rdquao;. In the future, bitcoin is likely to be used as a currency in circulation, pending further clarification of its value by law.


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