"Strong" is going in a more and more ridiculous direction, though the ring has always been absurd.
This part is about the currency circle. You can skip it if you don't want to.
Now you've heard of bitcoin.
On May 8, 2011, Bitcoin had only $3.6 dollars for a
What the programmer didn't expect, however, was that the price of bitcoin had soared since then, and even by 2021, it had reached nearly $60,000 a day:
Now a bitcoin can buy more than pizza, even a nice car.
The strong has increased by 15,000 times over a decade, an average of 1,500 times a year, and is more insane than anything in human history that can be called “crazy” in bonds, stocks, real estate, tulips, etc.
It was said in the news that an aunt bought a stock in 2008 for 50,000 and forgot, and this year when she went to sell it, it was already 5 million.
But if the aunt buys bitcoin and forgets the account, it may not be 5 million, but billions.
This rate of return is enough to drive people crazy.
Even with such a high rate of return, for a long time, many investors have scorned it, mainly because it has no anchor.
The man who laid off the house said, “The price of the house in the big city is skyrocketing, and behind it is the country's rapid economic development, the scarcity of land resources in the big city, and the desire of all Chinese to go north far and deep, and the price of the house will, of course, rise forever.”
The stockholders say, "The stock is backed up by solid company operating data, and behind it is the business of these companies. You can't go out during the epidemic, you can't play games at home, so it's going to go up well. You see, it's true."
"And what's the holdup?"
Indeed, Bitcoin is a complete zero-sum game until a big company announces the purchase of a virtual currency. It has no value on its back, no data to go around, just how much new money comes in.
So then the coin ringer used a concept to explain the “strong” of Bitcoin, which was decentralized, “and it had a ceiling.”
To centralize means that bitcoin cannot be supervised and cannot be traced, so it means freedom, the paradise of all kinds of black money.
And with the upper limit, it doesn't go up like the dollar, and 某著名交易所在科普比特币的优势时,这样写道: When a well-known exchange took advantage of Copbitco, it was written as follows: 他们觉得“有上限”和“去中心化”是区块链货币暴涨的关键。 They think that 然后因为比特币的暴涨和成功,越来越多的有着奇形怪状名字的虚拟货币开始进入到市场里。 Then, as a result of the surge and success of Bitcoin, a growing number of virtual currencies with strange names began to enter the market. 反正它既没有监管也没有门槛,人人都能发币人人都能搞个币出来玩玩。 It has no regulation or threshold, and everyone can give a coin and everyone can play with it. 于是整个市场上的“虚拟火币”数以千计。 So there are thousands of “virtual flares” in the whole market. 其中就有我们今天的主角,DOGE(狗狗)币和SHIBA(柴犬)币。 Among them are today's protagonists, Doges and SHIBAs. 看这个k线图: Look at this kline chart: 这是名为DOGE(狗狗)币在最近一段时间的走势图。 This is a map of what's known as the Doge in recent times. 在2021年1月3日,它的价格还是0.008美元一个: On 3 January 2021, its price was still $0.008 a: . 结果到了5月3日,它已经到了0.74美元一个了: As a result, by 3 May, it had reached 0.74 dollars in 四个月翻了近100倍。 nearly 100 times over four months. 而且和早期比特币不同,那会儿根本没多少人知道虚拟货币,但狗狗币根本就是在众目睽睽之下涨到这么疯的。 And unlike the early bitcoin, there wasn't a lot of people at that time who knew about the virtual currency, but the dogbill just went so crazy in front of everyone. 乃至于一个月份的时候另一个博主问我狗狗币能不能买,我说看不懂的东西我不买,然后这一个月的时间,狗狗币就涨了十倍,让我非常愧疚.... I said I wouldn't buy anything that I couldn't see, and then ten times the size of that month, and I felt so guilty. 那么这个狗狗币到底是何方神圣,又有什么价值让它能涨成这样呢? So what's the value of this dog's coin going up like this? 答案是没有价值,它完完全全就是币圈人口中的所谓“山寨币”。 The answer is no value, it's all about the so-called strong, the so-called strong. 它的货币形状,根本就是网上爆火的一个表情包: It's a currency shape, and it's an expression of the online fire: 它是无限发行的,现在市面上流通的有足足1000亿枚: It's infinity, and now there's 100 billion on the market: 它的官网,根本就是一个大学生的习作,上面写着不明意义的话: It's a network of college students, and it says: 它甚至没有白皮书,有的只有一个充满了废话的介绍视频,里面详细介绍了你可以用狗狗币来买东西: It doesn't even have a white paper, and there's only one video full of crap that details how you can buy something with dog coins: 有人采访过狗狗币的创始人,其实他们当年完全是带着戏谑恶搞的心情发了这么一个币,所以才会用网络大热表情包做头像,然后写一大段废话,目的就是解构币圈的那一套“我们是有价值”的说法。 Some people interviewed the founder of the dog money, but they were in the mood for a prank, so they used the web-based hot-faced cap to make a head image, and then wrote a big piece of crap aimed at deconstructing the “we are valuable” version of the currency ring.
.2013年,那时的互联网上有两个特别火爆的话题: 一是此前寂寂无名比特币突然迎来了一个价格极速上涨的周期 ,在很短的时间内从几美元涨到了几十美元,让众人错愕不已。二是有个 名为Doge meme的柴犬表情包风靡全网 ,大家纷纷转发这个狗头表示着“哇”“无语”“反讽”等种种难以言表的情绪。 而这两个互联网热门在当年碰撞在了一起。在大家对数字货币几乎完全不了解的当时,针对比特币飞涨、各种山寨币涌现这一打破规律的事件,狗头表情包在网友们的发文和评论里满天飞。
这时,身在Adobe悉尼市场部的营销专员杰克逊帕尔默萌生了一个恶搞的想法:他决定把以狗头表情包来做一款数字货币,用以讽刺当时数字货币圈高涨的投机氛围。接着,他在Twitter上发了一条推文写道: “投资狗狗币吧,很确定它将是下一个大事件。”
这想法吸引到了在IBM工作的软件工程师马库斯的注意,两人一拍即合,说干就干。直接把比特币的代码大段大段复制过来,然后把BITCOIN改成了Doge coin,然后狗狗币就设计完成了。
The idea drew the attention of Marcus, the software engineer working at IBM, who hit the two of them and said, "Do it." Copy the big bitcoin code, , and then transform the BITCOIN into Doge coin, and then the doggie coin is finished.
lasted no more than three hours:
此外,出于把恶搞坚持到底的心理,他们还做了一些有趣的改动。比如把字体改成跟表情包一样的漫画格式,把“挖矿(mine)”改成了“挖洞(dig)”,因为狗一般都是刨坑的。 马库斯还把比特币创始人中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的名字改造了一番,把自己的Twitter名改成了Shibetoshi Nakamoto(姑且译为“中本柴”吧..)
And you can see this "dog money" -- it's all in the form of a prank by the sarcasm of "strong," whose founders probably never thought it was a real asset, just fun. In their own words, "it's a joke that's bound to disappear."
然而就这么一个好玩的东西,在新一轮的币圈狂潮中被推上了王座,而随着ELON MUSK一轮又一轮地在推特上喊单,表示看好狗狗币,狗狗币更是宛如坐上火箭,直接“fly to the moon":
And yet, this fun thing, it was pushed to the throne in a new wave of currency circles, and as ELON MUSK's turn to tweets, it was like, "Fly to the moon": 截至前天,狗狗币的市值已经超过800亿美元。要知道整个通用汽车的市值也才800亿美元,狗狗币的市值已经追上了美国最大的汽车制造商。 By the day before yesterday, the market value of 一个原意是讽刺比特币的山寨货币,反而成为众人追捧的对象被捧到月球上,让无数人追捧、疯狂,这无疑让狗狗币的讽刺艺术达到了最高潮。 One idea is to sarcasm the currency of the mountain, which has become a popular target for the moon, and which has led to the triumph and madness of countless people, which undoubtedly has brought the sarcasm of the dog price to its highest level. 当然,狗狗币已经是过去的事情了,这两天真正的大明星不再是狗狗币,而是SHIBA COIN(柴犬币),我们把它称为“shib”。 Of course, it's in the past, and the real stars of these two days are no longer dog money, but SHIBA Coin, which we call "shib." 它的K线是长这样的: Its K-line is like this: 一年涨了11000多倍,一个月涨了264倍,一周涨了7倍。 More than 11,000 times a year, 264 times a month and seven times a week. 然后这个币就更夸张了,因为它发行了1000万亿枚,虽然其中不少已经被他们送给V神,也有不少作废了,但流通在市场上的,依然有足足394万亿枚: And it's all the more exaggerating because it's issued 100 trillion pieces, many of which have been given to V God and others have been destroyed, but there's still 394 trillion pieces in the market: 如果说DOGE COIN是讽刺比特币结果却遭到热捧的话,那SHIBA INU根本就是靠马斯克以及DOGE币的热度火起来的币。 If the DOGE Coin is sarcastic and the result of bitcoin is popular, the SHIBA INU is the currency that burns with the heat of Musk and Doge. 比如前几天,马斯克表示他要养一只shiba(柴犬)作为宠物: For example, the other day, Musk said he was going to have a shiba as a pet: SHIBA团队立马在下面回复说,他其实是想要SHIBA币疯涨。他有一个坏习惯,就是说话不直接。 The SHIBA team responded immediately below that he really wanted the SHIBA coin to go crazy. He had a bad habit of saying things that weren't straight. 然后SHIB就开始了新一轮疯涨.... Then SHIB started a new boom. 还能说啥呢? What else can I say? 面对这种行情,老鸟只能喝汤,啥都不懂的新手才能吃肉: Faced with this, birds can only eat soup, freshmen can only eat meat if they don't understand anything: 前天下午,还有位博主在网上实时分享了自己3000块买的shib,怎么变成5000、7500、9600。 The day before yesterday afternoon,
Then 60,000... 70... /strong...
Ten times a day, man.
That's what Mr. Muskell used to buy after he yelled, and those who accidentally bought those coins before he yelled, were as rich as he won the lottery overnight.
There's no point in predicting, analysing, or valuing any kind of operation. Any technology, learning, is the only thing that makes sense.
So many people are now predicting what kind of virtual currency Mask likes.
Some say you like dogs when you yell at Doge and then you yell at Shiba.
Some say it's not right, either dog or wood dog, it's a popular expression bag on the Internet, so he doesn't really like dogs, but he likes it.
Or "fake boy's coin."
In any case, it's far from what we know about finance.
The real estate people think it's all sauerkraut, and real estate's worth so much.
The stock market is filled with salivate, and the company securities are all bubbles.
The stock marketers think it's crazy, financial products that are not tied to real performance, and it's nothing but a zero-sum ponzi scam?
Whoever buys a capped currency like BTC and ETH thinks that those who buy an almost unlimited amount of DOGE and SHIBA are fools. You don't buy it. By consensus and new pickles?
Then the DOGE and SHIBA coins increased 100-fold, 1,000-fold, 10,000-fold, telling the world that financial ups and downs only need consensus.
You don't need your value, you don't need your back, you're worth as long as there's enough people who believe you're worth it.
{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}The whole world is based on consensus. {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}
Smallly, the stock is so, the bonds are so, the real estate is so.
To be large, money is so, reputation is so, power is so — the world's most powerful people have not had three arms, and it is everyone who believes in his power that gives him power.
What's the power?
In the American play The Game of Power, the former Minister of Intelligence told the little devil to guess a riddle, saying that if there were three big men, a king, a bishop, a wealthy businessman in a room with a swordsman, they would have told the swordsman to kill the other two.
The little devil says it depends on what the swordsman believes in.
So Varys concludes that if the swordsman's faith is the key factor, then why do we still feel that the king has the highest authority?
Power exists where people believe it exists. It's a trick, like a floating wall. A very short man can project a very large shadow."
In a place where everyone believes in the supremacy of kings, kings are truly supreme. In a place where everyone believes in God, bishops have no power as the voice of God. And in a commercial country rich traders can buy everything. But if there is chaos and no order, everyone believes only in their own place, and the sword-bearer is the best.
Power depends not only on what you have, but more on what you believe in.
It's ridiculous, it's foam, it's a Ponzi scam.
But what else can we do than hug the foam?
Yesterday afternoon, Musk made a speech only because he said, “I don't give my mother a gift for Mother's Day, so ‘strong' the dog's coins fell, and countless people went to
is a magic scene.
Now, a lot of people are going to go over this screenshot of 2011 and use it for that commentary at the time of the execution.
In fact, it is true that the so-called bitcoin of
But the world as a whole is a big scam, so long as there are enough people to believe in it, it is a “consensus”, which turns into a rocket, and lets people jump into the sky until the moon.
本文系授权发布,By 雷斯林,From 雷叔说事,微信号:normalbeauty,欢迎分享到朋友圈,未经许可不得转载,INSIGHT视界 诚意推荐
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