
资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:61 评论:0
--关注八爪鱼,解读区块链-- - Focus on the octopus, interpret the chain of blocks - 今天想和大家分享的是腾讯在2017年发布的《腾讯区块链方案白皮书--打造数字经济时代信任基...


- Focus on the octopus, interpret the chain of blocks -


What I want to share with you today is the White Paper on the Stretch Block Chain Program -- Building the Foundations of Trust in the Digital Economy, released in 2017. This is neither the Chinese original paper, Bitcoin: an electronic cash system with a point-to-point, nor the white paper on the latest project, so why choose this white paper?


In China, it is not possible to bypass BAT (Tents, Ali, 100 degrees) and TMD (headlines, US missions, drops) if you want to see the development of the Internet in the coming years. They are closer to data, closer to capital, and closer to policy.


At a time when the technology of the block chain is in a state of disarray, a myth of wealth is moving, technology giants are early in the game, and those who missed the BAT stock in the same year hang on to the money, saying, “No more to miss, no more to miss, no more to miss”.


But the horse said:


"Stand no coins".


So what do you want to do in the area of the block chain? The answer is in the White Paper on the Totem block chain program. Reading the White Paper is also a good opportunity for us to look at the block chain from the point of view of the totem.


Next, I will read this White Paper in a more intuitive and simple way: Building Trust in the Age of the Digital Economy. If you don’t want to spend much time reading the White Paper or just want to get a general idea of what to say, look at this article and hope it will help you.


Today we share the first part, and we will see how the “block chain” is interpreted as one of the troika's communications.


The first sentence of the White Paper reads as follows:


“The birth of the block chain marks the beginning of the construction of a truly trusted Internet.”


I wonder how it would feel to look back at that in a few years, as Mark Anderson, a venture capitalist, said in an interview with the Washington Post:


Twenty years later, we will discuss block chains like the Internet today.

  • 2008年,中本聪发表论文《比特币:一种点对点的电子现金系统》-
  • 2009年1月3日,区块链的第一个区块诞生,该区块又名“创世区块”。-
  • 2009年1月12日,中本聪发送了10个比特币给密码学专家哈尔芬尼。-
  • 2010年7月,比特币交易所Mt.Gox的成立,比特币的价值被世界认可。


The idea of design is important, and it determines the direction of things.


The revolutionary nature of block chain technology is that it transforms trust into trust in people and technology. Based on this interpretation, it offers its view that it is neither decentralized nor anonymous, but rather lowers costs .


At the economic level , cost reduction is an important design idea for block chain technology.


First, trust in the transaction is determined by machine and algorithm.
Second, the transaction process can be executed automatically by the program.


At the technical level , the block chain can be seen as a multi-participating and reliable distributed data storage system, unique in that:


First, there is a multiplicity of actors involved in records, i.e., parties can participate in records; second, data storage is participatory and jointly maintained, i.e. all parties are involved in data storage and maintenance; third, data and contracts are stored through a chain and can only be read and written and cannot be tampered with.


It is believed that, while the current mainstream block chain technology platform is foreign-origin, the block chain technology is still in its early stages of development, that there is much room for development of core technology, that we are well placed to innovate and develop an autonomous block chain platform, and that we need to focus on the development of its core technology, including, inter alia, the following three points:

  • 共识机制:共识机制是指定义共识过程的算法、协议和规则,区块链的共识机制具备“少数服从多数”以及“人人平等”的特点。
  • 密码学原理:在区块链技术中应用了大量的密码学的知识,如:公钥、私钥、哈希、对称加密、非对称加密、同态加密、签名、零知识证明等。
  • 分布式存储:一是区块链每个节点都按照块链式结构存储完整的数据,二是区块链每个节点存储都是独立的、地位等同的,依靠共识机制保证存储的一致性。


The projections for the development of the block chain are optimistic, but the projections for the future are realistic when compared to the public chains of ideals and faiths.

  • 应用模式升级:未来区块链的应用领域将以联盟链、私有链或混合链为主。
  • 多中心化:未来区块链系统架构将是构建可信任的多中心体系,将分散独立的各自单中心,提升为多方参与的统一多中心,从而提高信任传递效率,降低交易成本。
  • 从金融创新带动其他行业应用突破:比如于政治选举、企业股东投票、博彩、预测市场等领域。
  • 智能合约的社会化:除了将社会中的有形资产转变为数字智能资产进行确权、授权和实时监控外,区块链还可应用于社会中的无形资产管理。


This is a very important issue, which is summarized in three features: the high level of standardization, the high demand for automation and the high level of qualification required.


According to tweak statistics, banks, securities, and insurance have the highest market share in the industries involved in block chain technology. In the future, the growth of the entertainment and media industries, dominated by block chain technology, will continue to accelerate, followed by applications in sectors such as health care, physical networking, supply chains, etc.


In recognition of the enormous potential for technological applications of block chains, developed countries have begun to think at the national level about the path to development of block chains. China, in sync with the world, has also initiated relevant studies and practices.


So much said, which industries are considered to be the preferred ones? The answer is: finance, public services, charity, supply chains, and access to goods.


  • 在(跨境)支付方面,区块链技术优势突出,可以实现支付交易的实时处理,提高效率,降低成本。-
  • 在保险理赔方面,智能合约的应用,既无需投保人申请,也无需保险公司批准,只要触发理赔条件,实现保单自动理赔,支付理赔金额。-
  • 在证券交易方面,通过相应机制确保证券发行和交易符合监管要求和框架,无需中介机构,资产发行可根据需要选择保密或公开的方式进行。-
  • 在票据方面,可实现票据价值的去中心化传递,有效控制中介市场的资产错配,有效防范“一票多卖”、“打款背书不同步”等问题。



Automatically run various devices in the network, such as: IBM and Samsung’s ADEPT can automatically send signals in case of power failure. The Visa and DocuSign car rental projects record transactions through distributed bookkeeping, real-time updates of rental agreements, insurance projects, etc., and simplify cumbersome steps in the traditional car rental process.



New certification mechanisms can be set up to improve management in the public service in areas such as digital copyright, intellectual property rights, academic qualifications, property rights, and medical data.



Subject to the requirements of the privacy protection of project participants and other relevant laws and regulations, there are conditions for public publicity to facilitate public and social oversight and contribute to the healthy development of the public good.



The transparent and non-distorted nature of data effectively avoids supply chain disputes and eliminates counterfeiting.


According to Tseng, there are two lines of development:

  • 自上而下的路线:以大型金融机构为代表,组建区块链联盟,探索应用场景,服务自身业务。
  • 自下而上的路线:以比特币、以太坊为代表,社区一直是推动区块链行业发展的重要力量。


Until 2016 , investment funds were concentrated in areas related to Bitcoin, such as mine chips, trading platforms, payment of remittances, wallet services, etc.
>, since 2016, block chains have emerged as an independent area, with more projects concentrated on the bottom technological infrastructure. In addition, ICO has become a unique mode of financing for the block chain industry.

  • 初创公司或组织:组建国际性区块链平台和联盟,搭建底层技术协议,制定行业标准。-
  • 金融机构:针对已有场景或已知需求,实施区块链试点,降低交易成本。-
  • 大型科技公司:基于IT技术开发、云服务等能力,推出区块链相关服务(BaaS, blockchain-as-a-service) ,面向包含金融机构在内的企业客户。-
  • 咨询公司/系统集成商:发展区块链技术与相关服务,以支持金融机构或其他领域企业客户的区块链技术布建与应用。
  • 初创公司或组织:搭建开源的技术研究生态及投资孵化。
  • Fintech:搭建区块链底层服务。
  • 大型科技公司:将原有技术能力延伸至区块链领域。


At present, there are three main clusters of alliances in the country:

  • 2016年1月5日, 中国首个区块链联盟“中国区块链研究联盟”在京成立。
  • 2016年4月19日,中国分布式总账基础协议联盟(China Ledger)宣告成立。
  • 2016年5月31日,由微众银行、深金信会、深证通、银链科技等25家单位发起的金融区块链合作联盟(深圳)(简称金链盟)正式成立。


On this issue, the message has demonstrated its determination.


First, the message suggests that . We have every opportunity and need to develop an autonomous bottom platform for block chains.

  • 区块链可以降低企业的搜寻成本、决策成本以及执行成本。
  • 区块链技术有助于削减中介化成本。例如,个人网络消费支付、企业办理年检认证手续、进行各类审核登记等等,都可以通过区块链技术自动完成。
  • 区块链技术有助于降低制度性交易成本。如认证性成本等。


It then made a number of recommendations:

  • 对于创业者:腾讯的建议是,从底层技术开发做起。
  • 对于拥有应用场景的机构:腾讯的建议是,以开放心态积极与区块链创业者合作。
  • 对于政府:腾讯的期待是,对区块链技术的监管政策和鼓励措施都不应过度,一方面应该“让子弹再飞一会儿”,有一定基础之后,再制定监管政策和行业标准,另一方面也要防止一哄而上,拔苗助长。


Thus, in the case of block chains, the arraignment is proactive, on the ground and more determined. It is not intended to test water in the area of block chains, it is intended to take the lead in this arms race.


These are the contents of chapters 1-3 of the White Paper on the Tweeting Block Chain Programme, which talk so much, actually telling us two things:


First: The block chain is a world arms race in which China is expected to take the lead, and we have the opportunity and the need to make an autonomous bottom platform of the block chain. The idea is that America will not be allowed to sell the central chip during this period, and that the autonomy of the core technology is essential, unless all construction is turned into an airhouse.


Second: Makes a determination to make a chain of blocks. This will be a weak, centralized union or hybrid chain with cost reduction at its core, which will serve business clients, including financial institutions. Supply chain finance will only be an entry point, a spin-off ring, and a signal will be sent to the next big game.


So, what exactly would you do? This is the core of chapter IV of this White Paper: The Tweeting Block Chain Solution. I'll give you a detailed reading in Interpretation: Tweeting Block Chain II. Please look forward to it.

To Be Continued...


> > public number: octopus block chain
: octopus


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