
资讯 2024-07-08 阅读:50 评论:0
文|哈希派 LucyChengLucy Cheng. “以太坊转向PoS时,ETC将成为最大的PoW以太矿链!”——随着以太坊2.0迁移临近,关于ETC是否会继...

文|哈希派 LucyCheng

Lucy Cheng.


& & ldquo; When Etheria moves to PoS, EtC will become the largest Pow ether chain!” — — and the issue of whether EtC will inherit ETH computing and prices has been raised frequently again as it moves closer to Ether 2.0.

图片截自:以太坊开发者Virgil Griffith的推特

Image from : Ether's developer Virgil Griffith tweets

图片截自:网友Dan Williams的推特

Image from : online friend Dan Williams tweets


Some argue that this is an opportunity for ETC to go beyond ETH; others argue that there is a & & & & & & & & & & & & & & the end-of-life chariot is a joke... But it may be worth looking at whether the ETC will catch up with ETH, perhaps with the success of & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; but it's a joke....................................................................................................................................?................................................


Source: Coinmarketcap, Bitinfocharts (note: United States dollars)



Similar to BTC and BCH, there is also a relationship of arithmetic transition between the same-source ETH and ETC mineral chains. Last month, using Atlantis’ hard-fork upgrades, the Tahrir classics rose in a straight line from August 19, with an increase of more than 35% in the month.


ETH and ETC Web-wide computing history (photos from bitinfocharts.com)


However, this shift is not clear. Since the inception of the ETC, the gap between the two mineral chains has remained multiple and has gradually increased, with the outbreak growth in 2017 in Taiku; to date, the power gap between the ETH and the ETC has widened to nearly 20 times. It can also be seen that the volatility in the calculus of card mining is consistent with the trend of increasing or falling ETH mining chains, even in the case of diminishing or less than other card mining coins, the power of the calculation has been switched to ETC or other GPU chains, and most of them still tend to stay behind or simply close off the site.


Left chart: Comparison of the full net power of each CMB over time; Right chart: Arithmetic ratio of the main CMB. Source: wk588, bitinfocharts


As a network of blocks that account for the bulk of the GPU mining effort, they have a leading edge in market value, trade depth, and market influence; and are better suited for long-term mining than other card-digging minerals. For bulk miners, although easy to do “ which benefits are higher & rdquo; but the operation of small coins is unstable and short-lived; when short-term premiums are wiped out, the bulk of the silos will have to find another scavenger.


以以太坊经典为例,今年年初就曾发生51%攻击。据Gas Tracker数据显示,北京时间1月7日0时某私有矿池(地址开头0x3ccc8f74)算力突然从300GH/s飙涨至5TH/s以上,占据该时间段ETC网络56%的算力;并因此产生总价值超百万美元的ETC双花交易(数据源自:Coinbase)。虽然这次攻击并没有对ETC价格以及网络本身产生多少影响,但恰恰印证了大量切换算力对转入币种的危害。而这或许也是近月来ETC和ETH挖矿收益相当,两条矿链间算力却依旧差距颇大的原因之一。

According to Gas Tracker, at 00000 hours on 7 January Beijing time (at the beginning of the address 0x3cc8f74), the power of a private pond suddenly jumped from 300 GH/s to more than 5 TH/s, accounting for 56% of the ETC network in that time period; and the resulting over-million dollar double-colour transaction (data derived from Coinbase). Although the attack did not have much impact on the ETC price and the network itself, it was one of the reasons why a large amount of cut was found to be harmful to the transfer of currency.


Changes in proceeds from ETC and ETH mining since November 2018 (data derived from wk588)


To a certain extent, the continuation of the ETHs is the insistence of most of the taunto miners. So, even if the takting is officially opened next January with the takku, there will be no significant and productive evacuation over a certain period of time, unless the distribution of incentives for the mining phase of the PoW/PoS hybrid mechanism in EIP7011 is adopted.

根据EIP7011的说法,该阶段会将PoW区块奖励降低至0.6 ETH;而按照理论计算,在不考虑难度炸弹引爆以及以太坊出块速度保持当前水平的情况下,ETH价格至少得增长62个百分点至278美元或者全网算力下降42%至100TH/s以下,以太坊矿工才能勉强维持收益与电费平衡。但从以往的开发进度以及操作来看,在Beacon链未能稳定运行之前,以太坊不会贸然大幅降低PoW挖矿奖励;况且该阶段PoW机制依旧是ETH链的主导,只有少部分区块会通过PoS机制产生。

According to EIP7011, this phase would reduce PoW block incentives to 0.6 ETH; while theoretically the price of ETH would have to increase by at least 62 percentage points to $278 or below 42% to 100 TH/s, without taking into account the difficulty of detonation of the bomb and the rate at which it would remain at its current level, so that only a small number of districts would be created through the PoS mechanism.

ETH启用PoS + ETC减产,会是以太坊经典的机会吗?

ETH to enable PoS + ETC reduction will be a classic opportunity for the Tai family?


By 2021 (a complete switch to the PoS mechanism), apart from the ETH’s official launch of Staking, the number of difficult bombs should be unknown. The next forecast for detonation in March is for a bomb that has been repeatedly postponed. If it is officially launched, the speed at PoW will increase from 13 seconds to 38 seconds in the next four months.

图片截自:Ethhub创始人Eric Conner的推特

Image by Eric Conner, founder of Ethhub.


For miners with better equipment and power cost advantages, it may be possible to survive for some time; but most miners who are unable to enter or even dig out the ETH will be out soon. As in 2017 and two difficult bomb explosions in 2018, most of the calculus will be able to flee the ETH network. But, differently, the next year when ETH officially opens Staking and gradually moves to Pos, the Ether miners will no longer have the option of waiting for time, counting back on ETH.


left chart: The Day of Incentives in the Taiwan Block; right chart: The Yearly Arithmetic Changes in the Taepan (pics from: etherscan, bitinfocharts)


In the current situation, however, it is less likely that the miners will choose to be involved in the Staking. The PoS agreement, without discussing the pre-existing fixed cost input of the miners, has great uncertainty in itself; and the mere pledge of ETH to BETH in the Staking process would discourage a number of ordinary users, since this means that the users will not be able to use and trade those ETHs that are locked in the Beacon chain until the ETH is successfully switched to the PoS mechanism. As far as the choice to return to the traditional market is concerned, it may not be realistic. The early fish pool workers and Xiao Xiao Xiao, in an interview with the Daily Planet, said that if NVIDIA's card can carry new values in depth learning and video-recording, the miners will need resources to find buyers; B is too concentrated, the miners are simply unable to access them, assuming that a large company has such a need, it is likely that 100,000 card machines will be needed immediately; that is less than directly mined.


In this way, the ability to convert and search for the new head currency of the visible-card mining industry is the option that would be more appropriate to the situation of the Ether miners. The ETC, which is more stable and market-deeper to some extent, would be the best option without the emergence of the new-card-digging star currency.


market value of top 20 card mining currency comparison (data from Coinmarketcap, wk588)


Although it is not as good as the Monroe, which also supports card mining, it has more upper-line exchanges, a higher ranking of day-to-day transactions, and a higher net value. In the presence of profit-driven miners, the depth of the trade is a matter of particular consideration for large miners, in addition to the returns and prices; otherwise, the currency that is dug up has no counterpart in the exchange and is dug for nothing. On the other hand, for miners who buy AMD cards (efficiently expensive but difficult to transform) and ant E3 machines (focusing on Ethash algorithms), there is a very limited exchange of currency; and the ETC, which is the same as the ETH and difficult bombs that have been removed, is their preferred option.


Note : ECIP-1017 states that, under the ETC model, a 20% reduction in block incentives per 5 million blocks (picture cut from github.com/othereumproject)


What is even more interesting is that the launch of the ETH hard bomb in March next year and the reduction of the ETC mining incentive will add up. According to ECIP-1017, the ETC network will be reduced by 20% for every 5 million blocks that have been excavated; and it will again face a reduction in production around March next year.


with taejo's classic historical price (photo from Coinmarkketcap)


Unlike Bitcoin and Leitco’s four-year block incentives, historical data show a similar & & & & & & & & & & ; prices of & & & & & & & & & Qu; prices reached a historic high of $46.17 in the month of the reduction. Of course, it happened to hit the cattle market for 17 years, and the prices of ETC prices were more or less affected. And if the & & & & & & & & & & & & ; the dramatic developments, ETC prices would move out of the upward trend; and, at the same time, in the larger context of the start of the difficult bomb and the sharp decline in revenues from ETH mining, the ETC mine chain would have the potential to absorb some of the ETH.


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