- 24H最高:¥7.21
- 24H最低:¥2946.38亿
- 历史最高:1128.91亿
- 历史最低:36.31%
- 24H成交额:¥7.17
- 24H成交量:409.89亿
- 最大市值:1128.91亿
- 流通市值:0.55%
- 最大发行量:¥9.49
- 当前发行量:¥8114.98亿
- 流通总量:1128.91亿
- 流通率:4.54%
- 24H换手:¥4.12
- 24H波幅:¥8114.98亿
- 市值占比:100.00%
- 发行日期:2014-11-26
strong>USDT-TRC20 wallets cannot be forwarded directly to micro-mails.
USDT is a stable currency, and TRC20 is a proxy standard on the Tron network. While USDT can be issued on different block chains, including TRC20, the microfiche currently supports only the withdrawal of the renminbi, and bank cards need to be tied. So, if you want USDT to be forwarded to a micro-mail, you need to convert USDT to a renminbi, and then to cash it. This process involves extracting digital assets from imtoken or other wallets supporting TRC20, converting them into legal currencies (e.g., the renminbi) and completing the extraction to a micro-mail through a tied bank card.
In addition, the process may involve several steps and validations, including, but not limited to, exchange exchange operations, bank card binding and possible security certification. Thus, while it is technically possible to bring USDT to micro-mail through a range of operations, the process is relatively complex and subject to multiple conditions and limitations.
Providing USDT to micromail is safe. When you sell USDT, buyers can transfer it through payment of treasures, bank cards or micromails. If you have not reached VIP-1, you will not be able to hang up and sell USDT using system set sales valuations.
Tedar is an encrypted currency pegged to the United States dollar. Each of them is symbolically linked to a government-supported statutory currency.
Such an approach would be effective in preventing large fluctuations in the price of encrypted currencies, since the value of a tadar is almost equal to one dollar.
排名 | 币种 | 最新价格¥ | 24H额¥ | 24H涨幅 | 流通市值¥ | 换手率 | 美元价格 | 操作 |
1 |
¥4.11 | ¥8.07亿 | +0.33% | 20.61亿 | 9.52% | $0.57 | 查看 |
2 |
¥1217.68 | ¥3.56亿 | +0.05% | 1844.53万 | 1.58% | $169.31 | 查看 |
3 |
¥11.51 | ¥42.1亿 | +8.33% | 25.21亿 | 14.51% | $1.6 | 查看 |
4 |
¥58.83 | ¥8.01亿 | -2.45% | 4.65亿 | 2.92% | $8.18 | 查看 |
5 |
¥0.000080 | ¥58.5亿 | -3.42% | 420.69万亿 | 17.45% | $0.000011 | 查看 |
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