The encrypt currency industry has re-emerged.
Last week, Sun Woo-jung, founder of Tron's Dome, and his company were just accused by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of fraudulent transactions and violations of other securities laws.
On March 27, US Eastern Time, Binance, the world's largest encrypted currency exchange, and its founder, Zhao Chang Peng, were accused by the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) of violating regulatory measures.
Screenshot from: CFTC Network of Officials
当地时间3月27日,CFTC在官网宣布,已向美国伊利诺伊州北区联邦地区法院提起了一项民事执行诉讼,指控赵长鹏和三家运营币安平台的实体多次违反《商品交易法》(CEA)和CFTC规定。CFTC还指控币安前首席合规官(CCO)塞缪尔·林(Samuel Lim)协助和教唆币安的违规行为。
On March 27, local time, CFTC announced on its network that a civil enforcement action had been filed with the U.S. Federal District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, alleging multiple violations of the Commercial Transactions Act (CEA) and the CFTC by Zhao Chang Peng and three entities operating currency platforms. CFTC also accused the former Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) Samuel Lim of aiding and abetting currency violations.
According to the indictment, from July 2019 to the present, the currency supplied and executed derivatives trading for American residents. CFTC argued that the currency security compliance project had been ineffective and that, under the instructions of Zhao Chang Peng, it instructed its employees and customers to circumvent compliance controls in order to maximize corporate profits.
It was alleged that, despite the legal obligation to collect user identification information as a futures broker, for most of the time, it did not require customers to provide any authentication information prior to transactions on the platform and failed to implement basic compliance procedures aimed at preventing and detecting the financing of terrorism and money-laundering.
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According to Bloomberg, since at least 2021, the CFTC has been investigating whether currency security has failed to prevent the American people from trading encrypted money and its derivatives. According to the rules of the CFTC, if a platform allows the American people to trade in a derivative, it must register with the agency.
CFTC stated that it was seeking to recover the proceeds from the money and Zhao Changping, civil fines, the issuance of a permanent stoppage and registration ban, and a permanent restraining order for further violations of the provisions of the CEA and the CFTC.
CFTC主席Rostin Behnam称,“多年来,币安明知他们违反了CFTC的规定,但却仍在进行交易。(今天的执法行动)对加密货币领域的任何人都应该是一个警告,CFTC不会容忍故意逃避美国法律的行为。”
President Rostin Behnam of the CFTC said, “For many years, the currency knew that they had violated the provisions of the CFC, but the deal was still going on. (Today’s law enforcement operation) should be a warning to anyone in the area of encryption money, and the CFTC will not tolerate deliberate evasion of the laws of the United States.”
Zhao Chang Peng responded to the indictment: surprise and disappointment
In fact, just a few minutes before the release of the CTC press release, Zhao Chang Peng issued a tweet, with only a number of “4”. This tweet suggested that Zhao Chang Peng denied himself and the foreign media reports that the currency was accused by the CFC.
Screenshot from: Zhao Chang Peng Twitter
On 2 January, Zhao Chang Peng issued a tweet stating that if the figure of “4” were to be mentioned in the future, it would refer to “neglect FUDs (fear, uncertainty and suspicion), false news, attacks, etc.”.
On March 28, Yuan posted on the official blog Zhao Chang Peng's response to the CFTC's indictment.
Photo source: Keane Blog
In response, Zhao Chang Peng stated that despite having worked with the CFC for more than two years, the CFTC filed an unexpected and disappointing civil suit. “After a preliminary examination, the petition appears to be incomplete in its description of the facts, and we disagree with the many allegations in the petition. Although we can only give comprehensive answers in due course, we will discuss the following key issues.”
“To date, we have handled more than 55,000 LE requests and assisted the USL in freezing/seizure of more than $125 million in 2022 and $160 million so far in 2023. We intend to continue to respect and cooperate with regulators in the United States and around the world.”
Zhao Chang Peng has stated that currency netting does not in any case engage in profit trading or “manipulation” of the market. Currency is “trading” in many cases. “Our income is encrypted. We do need to convert them from time to time into legal or other encrypted currencies to cover expenses. We have branches that provide liquidity for less mobile pairs. These subsidiaries are under special surveillance and do not allow large profits.”
Bitcoin fell by $26,700 after a number of foreign agents reported that Zhao Chang Peng and Yuanan had been charged by the CFC. As of the time of the release, the small amount had risen to about $27,000.
On March 24, local time, there were problems with the currency’s spot deal and a suspension was announced, and Bitcoin recovered after a small fall; on March 22, local time, the SEC accused Sun Woo morning and his company of fraud and violation of other securities laws, while eight American celebrities were accused of illegal promotion of Sun Woo’s encrypted asset securities.
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Indeed, currency security is not the first to be investigated by US regulatory agencies. According to Bloomberg, in June 2022, SEC investigated whether the first issue of coins (ICO) in 2017 involved a breach of securities law.
Moreover, this is not the first time that the CFTC has “opened” an encrypted currency exchange. Reuters reports that last year, the CFTC also filed a lawsuit against BitMEX, one of the world's largest encrypted money derivatives exchange, demanding that it cease its operations with American commodity derivatives.
What's the name of Zhao Chang Ping?
"Strong" was the richest Chinese man in the year before and was a programmer at
Zhao Chang Peng, the founder of the currency, is a well-known figure in the currency circle.
In 1977, Zhao Chang Peng was born in a schoolteacher’s home in Jiangsu Lilongang, then followed his father to study in Canada, where he studied computer science at McGill University. After graduating, Zhao Chang Peng successfully entered the financial science and technology industry and became a software developer.
In 2013, Zhao Chang Peng learned of Bitcoin from a venturer, and in 2014, he sold his house in Shanghai to invest in Bitcoin, despite his family’s opposition. During this period, he met the founder of OkCoin, became the technical director of OkCoin and left a year later.
In June 2017, Zhao Changping officially created the currency and introduced the exclusive block chain currency, BNB, in July of the same year.
At the end of 2021, in the context of the huge rise in encrypted currencies such as Bitcoin, Zhao Chang Peng was rich with $94.1 billion (approximately $634.8 billion) and was among the world’s 10 richest. But the good news began in early 2022, when the encrypt currency fell under the influence of the world’s financial markets, and the wealth of Zhao Chang Peng was shrunk and lost China’s richest. 责任编辑:
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