
资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:31 评论:0
中国十大区块链项目评选,暨年度潜力项目榜单正式发布 全球经济阶段回调的大背景下,踏实做事的区块链项目有哪些? 中国十大区块链项目评选,暨年度潜力项目榜单正式发布 日前,T2Lab实验室、天虎科技发布了新一期的市场研究报告,...





, T2Lab Laboratories, Tianhu Science and Technology had released a new market study, in which they had officially published China's Ten Regions Block Chain Project and the Annual Potential List, taking into account the feedback of the market and the voting results of opinion leaders. The agency expected the block chain technology market to grow to $2.3 billion by 2021. At the same time, it was expected that the global block chain solution market would reach $10 billion by 2020.


In the broader context of the current global economic recovery, where active block-chain projects are being highlighted in the larger context, what are the sector-chain technical services companies that deserve our attention? This focus is on the technical maturity of the project, the capacity of block-chain technologies to design solutions in specific business scenarios, and the selection of the checklist is of some relevance to industry and sector-chain investors.

TOP 1 火币



even though there are rumours of a large number of products in which the tender has come out, such as exchange brushes, overpriced bills, etc., the tender is ranked first in this evaluation. The main reason is that it is highly visible in terms of product matrix coverage, technical strength, and its ability to integrate with offline business scene technology.

交易所只是一方面,火币中国定位为“区块链+产业服务一站式平台”,下辖了火币研究院、中国火币大学、火币 Labs(实验室)、火币英才、火币律林五大事业部,为产业提供咨询、培训、技术、孵化、人才、法律服务。海南省科技厅邀请火币入驻海南,也显示出火币良好的政商关系。海南自贸区(港)的政策条件下,火币有很大概率在技术实践上获得更多更大的突破,帮助区块链走进更多的企业,打造切实可行的技术实践方案。

On the one hand, the Exchange, which is located in China as a “one-stop platform for block chains and industrial services”, provides advice, training, technology, incubation, talent, and legal services to the industry. Under the policy conditions in the Hainan Free Trade Zone, there is a high probability that it will achieve more and greater breakthroughs in technical practice, helping the chain enter more businesses and develop practical technical practices.




VENA is a Singapore-registered foundation project, but its technical headquarters is located in China. VENA describes an open agreement based on a block chain in which users can define a series of decentralized distributions of related assets, in accordance with the rules of the agreement contract, to help bring down the chain of assets. At the same time, rules on financial activities, such as lending and transactions, are part of the VENA platform trading market.


We know that crypto-currency is becoming an increasingly popular payment solution to meet digital economy requirements. But the security of money, and how it connects to digital money, has been an area that has been difficult to break.


VENA has achieved good results in financing lending, user finance, etc.



美国独立评级机构,魏斯评级公司(Weiss Ratings)曾经给了小蚁项目A-的评级,这使得NEO成为全球唯一的达到A级的加密数字货币。而比特币和以太坊等,均没有达到。一时间非议很多,认为这是一次公关事件。不过,小蚁在全球的知名度颇高是客观事实,研究报告中披露,小蚁有很强的技术实力。

United States independent rating agency Weiss Ratings had given the rating to Project A, making NEO the only encrypted currency in the world to reach level A. Bitcoin and Etheria, etc., were not reached. Time was too short for a public relations event.

从2014年正式立项,2015年6月于Github实时开源, NEO作为一个非盈利的社区化的区块链项目,利用区块链技术和数字身份进行资产数字化,利用智能合约对数字资产进行自动化管理,实现数字资产+数字身份+智能合约的结合,这也是对外打出的智能经济的招牌。

From its official launch in 2014, in June 2015 in Github, NEO, a non-profit community-based block chain project, uses block chain technology and digital identity to digitize assets, automates the management of digital assets using smart contracts, and combine digital assets with digital identities with smart contracts, which are also the hallmarks of an outward-generated smart economy.

TOP 4 比特大陆

TOP 4bitcontinent

最近北京比特大陆科技有限公司正式向外界发表了首款28nm云端芯片BM1880。一同发布的还有基于云端人工智能芯片BM1682 的算丰智能服务器 SA3、嵌入式AI迷你机 SE3、3D 人脸识别智能终端以及基于BM1880 的开发板、AI模块、算力棒等产品。这些新产品和芯片共同构成了一套AI解决方案。

Recently Beijing Continental Technology Ltd. has officially published the first 28nm cloud chip BM1880. These new products and chips together constitute an AI solution.

比特大陆在港上市,资金实力让其可以构建起自己的护城河体系,开展技术研发和创新。比特大陆的销售收入分成四大部分,分别是矿机销售、矿池经营、矿场服务和自营挖矿。这四块业务也很争气,特别是矿机销售一项就贡献了超过 9.4 亿美金收入,与其它三项合计,比特大陆今年上半年的销售收入为 10.3 亿美金,其净利润达到7.42亿。

Bit continent is on the market, with financial resources that allow it to build up its own moat system, develop technology and innovate. Bit continent has a four-largest share of sales revenue: mine machine sales, pond operations, mine service, and self-mining. These four businesses are also competitive. In particular, mining machine sales have contributed more than $940 million, and combined with the other three, Bitland has a net profit of $742 million in the first half of the year, amounting to $1.03 billion.

TOP 5 比原链

TOP5 cross-reference

比原链团队近期拿到了COSMOS发起的全球区块链黑客马拉松的第二名,这也是中国团队的最好成绩。这说明团队的技术实力得到了公信力机构的认可。比原链也在进一步拓展美国、日本以及韩国等市场。与此同时,比原链已经通过美国证监会Howey Test认证,也将进一步推进在全球范围的合法合规运营。

is the second best achievement of the Chinese team in the global block chain that COSMOS launched recently, as well as in the case of the Chinese team. This suggests that the team’s technical strength is recognized by credible institutions.

The Blockchainer区块链人公司旨在成为区块链行业的首席市场合伙人,服务于全球区块链业态,遵循客观、科学、创新的角度,提供区块链在世界各国理论与实践发展状况、政府监管与扶助政策、社区开发程度、新锐公司发展方向与水平等方面,发布未来方向数据和报告并营造生态社区的前沿创新型组织。作为国际经济数字联盟理事单位之一的成员,The Blockchainer 有义务也有能力促进全球区块链的生态发展,提升中国区块链在全球的影响力做出贡献。

The Blockchainer Block Chains Inc. aims to become the chief market partner in the block chain industry, serving the global block chain industry, following an objective, scientific and innovative perspective, by providing the chain with future direction data and reports and cutting-edge innovative organizations that create ecological communities, in terms of the state of theoretical and practical development in countries around the world, government regulation and support policies, the level of community development, and the direction and level of new firms. As a member of the Governing Body of the International Economic Digital Union, The Blockchainer has the obligation and capacity to contribute to the ecological development of the global block chain and to enhancing the global impact of China’s sector chains.

TOP 6 支付宝

TOP 6 pays for


is true. On June 25, the world’s first block-based electronic wallet cross-border remittance service was launched in Hong Kong.


Because of traditional impressions, we have always thought that payment treasures are a pay-as-you-go business. But the reality is that payment treasures are already on a lot of projects in the area of block chains.

TOP 7 公信宝

TOP 7 >............................................................


public treasures are aimed at point-to-point data exchanges, another key technology that is as likely to rewrite human history as block-chain technology. Thus, public treasures span two major business scenarios, offering businesses solutions that are completely different from previous centralized data transactions (e.g., data brokers, data black markets), giving them block-based chain-based technologies that allow both parties to direct point-to-point data transactions and exchanges, with technological advantages such as non-resistance of data, protection of privacy and data copyright, and containment of counterfeiting.

众安科技、中国联通等知名企业已经与公信宝达成了合作,而公信宝团队也是收获了腾讯的投资,在团队履历上,公信宝有很强的技术实力,目前已通过实名注册的用户数已突破百万, 在GXChain上开发应用, 可以让用户使用G-ID一键注册应用, 免去复杂的注册流程, 降低获客成本,公信宝产品已经有了面向B端、C端的具体产品形态。

Prominent companies, such as CBS and China Connect, have worked with the public treasures, and the public treasures team has benefited from investment. On the team history, the public treasures have strong technical skills. They have now reached millions of registered users through real names. They have developed applications on GX Chain that allow users to register applications using the G-ID key, free of complex registration processes, reduce the cost of access, and the public treasure products have specific product patterns on the B and C ends.

TOP 8 复杂美

TOP 8 Complicated Beautiful


imToken 2.0 国际版将内置DEX(基于智能合约的原子币币兑换 Atomic Token Swap)功能,国际版用户可以在手机上使用Kyber Network 协议,轻松简单的即时兑换其他代币。通过与Kyber Network 合作,imToken 2.0 国际版用户不需要复杂的操作,根据Kyber 提供的实时汇率,即可实时兑换成其他token。


currency kryptonium as a digital currency analysis application and a digital asset investment eco-platform for the next generation, with a comprehensive content that meets the user's one-stop content acquisition needs.


More importantly, three functional modules, “Selection of Currency, Early Warning, Quantification,” have been introduced in a currency innovation, currency selection and early warning indicators, as well as new and soon-to-be-be-principal users, and quantitative modules have been made available to professional investors to inform decision-making. In addition, data such as the K-line index, transaction volumes, etc. of the currency are reflected in their application, with a clear understanding of the money market investments.


The test team observed a week of quantifiable returns of 5 per cent, which provided a strong indication of the strength of the financial team in the kryptonite.


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