
资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:55 评论:0
说起扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg),大家肯定都不陌生,Facebook 创始人,历史上最年轻的世界亿万富豪,社交网络时代的的缔造者。Speaking of Mark Zuckerberg,...

说起扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg),大家肯定都不陌生,Facebook 创始人,历史上最年轻的世界亿万富豪,社交网络时代的的缔造者。

Speaking of Mark Zuckerberg, everyone must be familiar, the founder of Facebook, the youngest billionaire in history, the founder of the social networking era.

然而今天要介绍的这个少年天才,未来或许要比小扎更厉害,1994 年出生,身价早就超过 1 亿美元,是的,他真的是 94 年的!

But the young genius that we're introducing today may be even more powerful in the future than Siu Zai, born in 1994, at a price of over $100 million a long time ago, yes, Vitalik Buterin,以太坊之父。

If Zuckerberg is the best representative after 80, then this guy must be one of the best after 90, and we're talking about: "Vitalik Buterin, the father of Tai Hwan."


Vitalik 和扎克伯格一样也是码农,他编程水平可能比小扎还厉害,毕竟扎克伯格是从 12 岁开始编程,而 Vitalik 则是 8 岁就开始编程了!而且高中时还获得了奥林匹克编程比赛的第三名。

Vitalik, like Zuckerberg, is probably a better programmer than Ziaoza. After all, Zuckerberg started programming at 12, and Vitalik started programming at 8. And he won third place in the Olympic programming competition in high school.

4 岁就玩电脑的 Vitalik

Vitalik at 4 years old.

Vitalik 1994 年出生在俄罗斯,他的父亲是一位计算机科学家。但是在 Vitalik 6 岁的时候,全家移民去了加拿大,所以 Vitalik 拥有着加拿大和俄罗斯双重国籍。

Vitalik was born in Russia in 1994 and his father was a computer scientist. But when Vitalik was 6 years old, his family emigrated to Canada, so Vitalik had both Canadian and Russian citizenship.

Vitalik 小学就显现出在计算上超出常人的天赋,他可以用超出同辈两倍多的速度直接心算一些复杂的数学计算。因此在小学三年级的时候,他就被分进了为天才少年特殊准备的班级……

Vitalik primary school showed itself to be more than a regular talent in calculations, 不过这不是我们要聊的重点,今天的重点是讲讲他玩魔兽的故事……


Speaking of games, speaking of extras, Vitalik started at about 10 years of age making his own game

Vitalik 10 岁左右制作了一款自己的 Space Invaders

Vitalik made his own Space Invaders around the age of 10.


Think of the editor, look at him. It's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's...


But if he continues to be obsessed with the game, maybe he's not as far apart as we are!

有一件事改变了这位网瘾少年:暴雪取消了魔兽世界里 Vitalik 最喜欢的职业「术士」的技能生命虹吸(Siphon Life spell)。他十分气愤,同时也意识到了这种中心化服务的痛点,这一切都是暴雪说了算!

One thing that changed this Internet-addicted teenager is that the snow is rid of the Siphon Life spell of Vitalik's favorite profession in the world of monsters. He's very angry and realizes the pain of this central service, and it's all in the hands of the snow!


With all due respect, he said goodbye to the world of beasts.


Losing the game, he started looking for the meaning of life...


在他 17 岁的时候,他第一次从父亲的口中了解到了比特币的存在。

When he was 17, he first learned of the existence of Bitcoin from his father.


But he didn't take Bitcoin seriously at first, and he didn't think it would develop in the long term, because it seemed to him that bitcoin was of no real value. And then three weeks later, he felt that things didn't seem that simple, because he heard people talking about bitcoin again at a Podcast, and he decided to study this new thing very carefully, and then went on the road, even harder than playing games.

2011 年 3 月开始,Vitalik 成为了一名比特币方面的撰稿人:他在互联网上结识了正在建立 Bitcoin Weekly 的 Kiba,Kiba 为 Vitalik 提供每篇文章 5 比特币的稿费,这也是他当时最主要的比特币获取来源。

Starting in March 2011, Vitalik became a bitcoin author: he met Kiba on the Internet, who was building Bitcoin Weekly, and Kiba, who provided Vitalik with the cost of a copy of five bitcoins per article, which was his main source of access at the time.

5 比特币在当时价值大概只有 $3.75,算下来每个小时的工作量只有大概$1.5 的报酬,但是 Vitalik 坚持了下来。

5 Bitcoin was only about $3.75 at the time, and calculated the amount of work per hour was only about $1.5, but Vitalik insisted.

也正是这段时间 Vitalik 积累了大量的关于比特币的第一手资料。由于他撰写的文章,他也结交了很多同样对比特币感兴趣的朋友,通过交流,Vitalik 也深入对比特币和区块链技术各个方面的理解。之后 Vitalik 和他人共同创办了 Bitcoin Magazine(比特币杂志),继续坚持着比特币撰稿人的身份。

As a result of his articles, Vitalik has made many friends who are also of interest to Bitcoin, and, through exchanges, Vitalik has developed an understanding of various aspects of the technology of the Bitcoin and block chain. After that, Vitalik and others co-founded Bitcoin Magazine, which continues to hold on to the identity of Bitcoin’s author.

在同一时间,Vitalik 在滑铁卢大学进行学习,同时每周花超过 30 小时时间在比特币上,几个月后,他发现无法兼顾比特币方面的研究、撰稿与学业,于是在参加了在 San Jose 举办的比特币大会后,Vitalik 决定中止学业,全身心的投入到比特币方面的工作上去。

At the same time, Vitalik studied at the University of Waterloo and spent more than 30 hours a week at Bitcoin. A few months later, he found it impossible to balance his research, writing and studies in bitcoin, and after attending the Bitcoin Congress in San Jose, Vitalik decided to suspend his studies and devote his whole body and body to the work in bitcoin.

扎克伯格 21 岁大二辍学,Vitalik 在 20 岁大一时也同样就从滑铁卢大学辍学了。

Zuckerberg dropped out of school at the age of 21, Vitalik also dropped out of Waterloo at the age of 20.

当时还满脸青春痘的 t 恤少年

At the time, he was a t-shirt boy with a face full of t-shirts.

而且他还接受了硅谷最「臭名昭著」的奖学金——泰尔奖学金(Thiel Fellowship)。泰尔奖学金每年从全球挑选 20 至 25 名不满 20 岁的少年,每名成员可以拿到 10 万美元的奖学金,前提是学员必须辍学一至两年。

And he also received the most notorious scholarship in Silicon Valley: the Thiel Fellowship. The 20 to 25 young people under the age of 20 are selected from around the world every year, each member receiving a $100,000 scholarship, provided that the student has to drop out of school for one to two years.


I think it's nice to drop out of school.

这项奖学金的创始人是彼得·泰尔(Peter Thiel),可能大家听这个名字会有一点耳熟,因为他不仅是 Paypal 的联合创始人,他更曾经花 50 万美元,得到了一个由哈佛大学大二学生建立的公司 10.2% 的股份,并怂恿这个学生辍学专心公司发展。这个人就是扎克伯格。

The founder of this scholarship, Peter Thiel, may be a little familiar to you because he was not only a co-founder of Paypal, he spent half a million dollars, he got a 10.2 percent share of a company founded by Harvard second year students, and he encouraged the student to drop out of school and focus on company development. This is Zuckerberg.

Vitalik 在辍学后去西班牙工作了几个月的时间,在 2014 年晚些时候他回到了加拿大多伦多,并发布了以太坊白皮书,之后通过以太币 ICO 众筹,筹得了 1800 万美元,奠定了以太坊(Ethereum)的发展基础。

Vitalik went to work in Spain for several months after dropping out of school, returned to Toronto, Canada, in late 2014, and released the Etherno White Paper, which was subsequently raised by ICO, and raised $18 million to lay the foundation for Etherum's development.

不得不承认,Vitalik 是完完全全的玩透了比特币,才推出的以太坊。

I have to admit, Vitalik was completely out of bitcoin to launch Ether.



If we look at bitcoin as a "global ledger," this ledger records all bitcoin bills. Correspondingly, it can be seen as a "global computer"

Vitalik 也曾把以太坊比作一个建立在世界网络上的超级智能手机,而建立上面的应用就像是这个智能手机的 APP,这就是其天才之处!

Vitalik used to compare Etherom to a super smartphone that was built on the world's network and built on it like an APP of this smart phone, which is its genius!


How revolutionary is this? Just remember that a chain of blocks like Taiwan is the first real public computing platform in human history that promises to achieve "communism" in data, calculations and storage.


The tae coin, which is the currency in circulation in the system, has evolved over three years into the second largest virtual monetary system after Bitcoin. The Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, Christina Lagarde, has publicly stated that the taeco, which is based on the taepan, has the potential to replace traditional currencies in the coming decades.


Christina Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund

而 Vitalik 最多时拥有 70 多万以太币,现在估计有 50 万个以太币,简单算算这就已经是 1.5 亿美元了。

And Vitalik had at most over 700,000 taels, and now it's an estimated 500,000 taels, which is already $150 million.

Vitalik 更让人敬佩的是其卓越的商业能力,毕竟这是成为科技领袖不可缺少的。

Vitalik is even more admirable for its outstanding business skills, which, after all, is essential to be a leader in science and technology.

2017 年初以摩根大通、芝加哥交易所集团、纽约梅隆银行、汤森路透、微软、英特尔、埃森哲等 20 多家全球顶尖金融机构和科技公司成立了企业以太坊联盟(Enterprise Ethereum Alliance),旨在合作开发标准和技术来使企业更加容易使用以太坊区块链代码,从而迈向分布式账本系统时代。截止目前,已经有超过 150 家世界顶尖公司和机构加入了联盟。

In early 2017, more than 20 top global financial institutions and technology companies, such as Morgan Chase, the Chicago Exchange Group, the Melon Bank of New York, Townsend, Microsoft, Intel, and Essentge, established the Enterprise Etherium Alliance, which aims to work together to develop standards and technologies to make it easier for companies to use Ether block chain codes, thus moving to the age of the Distributive Account System. To date, more than 150 top companies and institutions in the world have joined the Alliance.

而这一切的一切,作为以太坊的创办人的 Vitalik 功不可没。而现在,他只有 23 岁,一个大部分人应该是大学毕业刚刚进入职场的年纪。。。

And all of this, Vitalik, the founder of Ethio, has done well. And now he's only 23 years old, and most of him is supposed to be the age at which he's just graduated from college.

曾经国内外媒体一度流传 Vitalik Buterin 遭遇车祸身亡,导致以太币暴跌 30%... 上亿美元蒸发...

Vitalik Buterin was once reported to the national and international media as a victim of a car accident that caused a 30% drop in the Ether currency... evaporation of billions of dollars...

为了辟谣,Vitalik 在社交网络上发布了一张照片,用一串以太坊代码证明了他此时此刻还活着,因为这一串代码是即时运算生成的,不存在提前知道的情况。

In an effort to spread rumours, Vitalik published a photograph on the social network showing that he was still alive at the moment with a string of Ethiocodes, which were generated by instantaneous calculations and did not exist in advance.

这个 t 恤、黑眼圈和发际线真的是程序猿的标配啊

The t-shirt, the black eye and the hairline are really a match for the program apes.


The price of Ethel immediately rose again...

短短四年,他靠自己的努力成就了今天的以太坊 V 神。他的一举一动都被全世界关注,而他的以太坊,成为了世界上最火热的项目之一。

In just four years, he did what he did to today's Ether V God. His every move was watched by the world, and his Ether was one of the hottest projects in the world.


Of course, he's getting more and more like Ma Yun...

看到下面这张图,年轻的比尔盖茨团队和年轻的 Vitalik 团队,你会有深刻的感触:码农改变世界。

Seeing this picture below, the young Bill Gates team and the young Vitalik team, you'll have a profound touch:


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