
资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:28 评论:0


& nbsp; With the 2020 epidemic sweeping the world, uncertainty about the development of the world economy has increased. Governments and enterprises have explored new technologies to reduce economic and social operating costs, improve the efficiency of the real economy, and further seek new growth points for economic development.




The most important work in the financial sector is dealing with a variety of asset issuances and asset exchanges. The central characteristics of block chain technology are “ decentralised & & & & & & & & & ; detrust & & & & & & &. Block chains have some natural advantages compared to traditional finance. In terms of integrity systems and trust mechanisms, traditional finance must rely on strict transaction records to build credit in order to be able to finance or lend, while block chains can use technical means to ensure the security of transactions between the two sides.


In terms of the long-term settlement of transactions, traditional financial transactions continue to take longer, especially cross-border transactions, while block chains have a more pronounced advantage.


In terms of the cost of services, the traditional financial transactions system relies on the collection of transaction fees or interest on loans. In cross-border transactions, the cost of exchange rate changes is much lower.


Development of integration of traditional financial and block chains

在区块链项目的冲击和挑战下,传统金融也加快了自身变革的步伐,利用区块链来实现自身的优化升级。区块链技术不仅带来了银行服务效率的飞速提升,更可为商业银行大幅降低成本充分赋能,可使证券交易流程变得更加公开、透明和富有效率。可以说,传统金融与区块链的融合发展,对其核心业务 (包括存储、支付、借贷、投资、融资、保险等)都产生了重要影响。

In response to the shocks and challenges of block-chain projects, traditional finance has also accelerated its own transformation, using block-chains to optimize its own upgrading. Block-chain technology has not only led to a rapid increase in the efficiency of banking services, but has also enabled commercial banks to significantly reduce their full capacity for cost and to become more open, transparent, and efficient in their securities-trading processes.


Finally, financial projects and products driven by technological innovation in block chains will be challenging and impacting traditional financial institutions for some time to come, but it is undeniable that there will be a convergence of the two. In the future, learning from each other’s strengths, competitive development will certainly usher in a better future in science and technology finance.


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