Ten virtual global items ,
1, BTC 比特币(BitCoin)的概念最初由中本聪在2008年提出,根据中本聪的思路设计发布的开源软件以及建构其上的P2P网络。比特币是一种P2P形式的数字货币。点对点的传输意味着一个去中心化的支付系统。 2, ETH 以太坊(英语:Ethereum)是一个开源的有智能合约功能的公共区块链平台。通过其专用加密货币以太币(Ether,又称“以太币”)提供去中心化的虚拟机(称为“以太虚拟机”Ethereum 3、USDT 泰达币 Tether 3,
USDT是Tether公司推出的基于稳定价值货币美元(USD)的代币Tether USDT is Tether 4、USDC USD Coin USD USD
5、BNB Binance Coin Binance是由币安发行的代币,简称BNB,是基于以太坊Ethereum的去中心化的区块链数字资产。发行总量恒定为2亿个,每个季度根据币安平台当季交易量对BNB进行销毁,销毁记录将会第一时间公布,用户可通过区块链浏览器查询,确保公开透明,直至销毁到总量为1亿个BNB币为止。 Binance is a currency-issued digital asset, BNB, based on the decentralised version of . The total number of issuances is consistently set at 200 million, the destruction of BNB on the basis of the currency platform's current season volume will be announced at the first possible time, and users can search through the block-chain browser to ensure transparency until the total amount of 100 million BNB coins is destroyed. 6、BUSD Binance USD Binance USD Binance USD 7、XRP 瑞波币 Ripple 7, Ripple Ripple是世界上第一个开放的支付网络,通过这个支付网络可以转账任意一种货币,简便易行快捷,交易确认在几秒以内完成,交易费用几乎是零,没有所谓的跨行异地以及跨国支付费用。 Ripple is the first open payment network in the world through which any currency can be transferred, easily and quickly, transactions can be confirmed to be completed in a few seconds, transaction costs are almost zero, there is no so-called cross-border and cross-border payments. 8、ADA 艾达币 Cardano 8, Aidano 加密货币ADA是卡尔达诺(Cardano)协议的所属货币,卡尔达诺可用于发送和接收数字资金。这种数字现金代表着货币的未来,并使通过加密技术确保安全的快速直接转账成为可能。 The encrypted currency ADA is the currency of the Cardano agreement, which can be used to send and receive digital funds. This cash represents the future of the currency and makes it possible to secure a secure and direct transfer via encryption technology.
9、SOL Solana SOL是Solana区块链的本地令牌。Solana使用委托权益证明共识算法来激励令牌持有者验证交易。作为Solana安全设计的一部分,所有费用都将在SOL中支付并被烧掉,从而减少总供应量。这种通货紧缩的SOL机制激励了更多的代币持有者参股,从而提高了网络安全性。 SOL is the local token of the Solana block chain. Solana uses the trust interest certificate consensus algorithm to motivate the holder to validate the transaction. As part of the Solana security design, all costs will be paid and burned in SOL, thereby reducing the total supply. 10、DOGE 狗狗币 Dogecoin 10,
Dogecoin,有人称作”狗狗币/狗币”,诞生于2013年12月8日,基于Scrypt算法,是国际上用户数仅次于比特币的第二大虚拟货币 Dogecoin, known as Dogecoin, was born on 8 December 2013 on the basis of the Scrypt algorithm, the second largest virtual currency in the world after Bitcoin 本站声明:网站内容来源于网络,如有侵权,请联系我们,我们将及时删除。 The site states that the content of the website is from the Internet and if there is a violation, please contact us and we will delete it in a timely manner. Title of article: What are the ten largest virtual currencies in the world? 文章链接:https://www.btchangqing.cn/500990.html Articles link: title="what's the ten largest virtual currencies in the world's ten virtual currencies" https://www.btchangeqing.cn/500990.html 更新时间:2023年03月27日 Update: 27/03/2023
Virtual Machine)来处理点对点合约。
USD (hereinafter USDT), a proxy introduced by Tether based on a stable value currency of the United States dollar (USD), 1USDT = US$1. Users can use USDT for 1:1 conversion at any time.
Coin (USDC) is a fully mortgageable and dollar-based stable currency that provides detailed financial and operational transparency and operates within the framework of the US currency circulation law, and works with multiple banking institutions and audit teams. This is the first stable currency opening project in Centre.
(BUSD) is a stable asset in United States dollars, issued by the Paxos Trust and held under the supervision of the New York State Department of Financial Services. BUSD is sold directly at the Paxos.com price of 1:1 and will be traded in Binance.
. When the dog coin system went online, the flow developed in an explosive fashion, thanks to the help of reddit (the Doge content on the site is horridly crowded), but over a period of two weeks, the doggie coin had a dedicated blog, forum and, as of 9 June 2015, had a market value of 100 million.
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