
资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:47 评论:0
限行的,参考限行通知,外地车进入保定市行政辖区内,按规定限行。In the event of a restriction, reference is made to a notice of a restriction on the entr...


In the event of a restriction, reference is made to a notice of a restriction on the entry of a non-resident vehicle into the administrative territory of the municipality.


1. As a result of a study by the municipality, the end-of-line number will be rotated in conjunction with the Beijing and Tianjin municipalities after 7 January 2018, and will be rotated every 13 weeks.


2. The restricted area, which is within the urban area, is the second-door, third-door, second-door, and second-door north (including the above-mentioned roads). The restrictions on the use of yellow-licensed vans continue to be applied in the main urban area, and the ban on tractors, agricultural vehicles and fuel tricycles continues to be enforced.


In the event of a restriction, reference is made to a notice of a restriction on the entry of a non-resident vehicle into the administrative territory of the municipality.


1. As a result of a study by the municipality, the end-of-line number will be rotated in conjunction with the Beijing and Tianjin municipalities after 7 January 2018, and will be rotated every 13 weeks.


2. The restricted areas are within the urban areas of the second, third and second routes.


The travel limit, which is the same as that of the local vehicle, is from 1900 to 1900 hours per day during the period 3 January 2022 to 1 January 2023 (excluding official holidays, Saturdays and Sundays).


In order to facilitate round-the-clock travel, end-of-line rotation rules are consistent with Kyoto and Zin.


1. The guaranteed city has open-ended peaks of off-site vehicles in the morning and evening.


2. Field vehicles have not reached that level, as they say they are bound to travel without an early or late peaking deadline.



3. A blue-licensed vehicle can only travel in accordance with the guaranteed limit, and it is advisable for yellow-licensed vehicles to obtain a permit before entering the city.


4. Pao Ding, formerly known as Upper Valley, Baozhou, Bao Dynasty, Intung Chi, also known as Boot City, is located in the central zone of Hebei Province and in the eastern part of Taifung Province, the central city of Kyung Jin-su District, which is part of China's free trade pilot zone (Hebei)


Predicting morning and evening peaks is not limited to foreign trucks. Prescription is only limited. The big trucks are transporters. They control the faculties of the city and the countryside as a link. If they do not, how do the inhabitants of the city live?


During the day, large trucks are not allowed to enter the city because of the overcrowding in which people have to work.


Line Restricted

根据保定各县区最新限行通知,外地车进入保定市行政辖区内,按规定限行。限行区域市区一一东二环、三丰路、西二环、 j 匕二环(含以上道路)以内区域。限行时段工作日7时20时,节假日不限行,特殊时段及重污染天气1级红色预警期间限行措施另行通知。限号规则工作日周一至周五分别限行1和6,2和7,3和8,4和9,5和0,以车辆号牌最后一位阿拉伯数字为限行依据。限行期间,将对违反限号规定的车辆进行电子抓拍,公安交管部门依法进行处罚。处罚标准为扣3分罚100元。

On the basis of the latest restraining notice for each district, a non-resident vehicle is allowed to enter the administrative territory of the municipality of the municipality of the municipality of the city of the city of the city of the district. The limit is limited to one east ring, three main roads, two west rings, and j dagger rings (including the above road). The limit is set at 7.20 hours for working days, with no limit on holidays, and special periods and restrictions during red warning periods of the first class of heavily polluted weather are notified. The limit is limited to one and six, two and seven, three and eight, four and five and zero, respectively, on Monday and Friday of the working day, with a limit of one Arab number of the vehicle's licence plate.


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