
资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:24 评论:0
4月10日晚间BTC操作建议:On the evening of April 10th, BTC operational advice: 1、价格反弹61800轻仓做空,止损6210...


On the evening of April 10th, BTC operational advice:


1. Price rebound of 61,800 light silos empty, damage of 62100, target 61000


Two, step back around 59700 and do more. Cut off 59400. Target 60500.

4月10日ETH晚间策略 :

April 10th evening ETH policy:


1. More single entrances in the vicinity of price fall of 2130, closure of 2100 and end of view of 2180


2. The price rebound near 2220 was empty at a loss of 2250 and a surplus of 2170


Today's Quick Message:


It is now 17:50 p.m. Beijing time on 10 April, and according to data from EuiOKEx, the current spot offer for BTC/USDT is $60872, with a 24-hour increase of 4.53 per cent.


OLEOKEx trade big data: BTC contracts with 1.53 employees, with a total stock of $3.202 million.


Performance analysis: In the solar map, the mood has now moved away from the original concussion zone to the top of it and has succeeded in breaking the 60,000 threshold, reaching at a maximum of 61,400 points; the current mood is in the blin belt, which fluctuates below the orbit, is bound by it, does not continue to run, but chooses to do so on the 60500 line; the shock has two aims, one is to test the strength of the 60,000 below, and the other is to create more time for many people to be able to save themselves. Four hours look at the blin belt to open up, the price to break through the Blin rail pressure, the mean line to spread upwards, multiple head formations, and the MACD gold fork to keep putting up its weight, while the moods are still dominant!



1. Price rebound of 61,800 light silos empty, damage of 62100, target 61000


Two, step back around 59700 and do more. Cut off 59400. Target 60500.


ETH analysis: As can be seen from the sun map, despite signs that the MA5 average support was being tested down and down yesterday, there was still a greater resistance to return to the MA5 mean line and the line was closed to the MA5 same. Technical indicators suggest that the Bullin route is still still open and remains open at the same time, and that the overall multi-directional trend in the MA averages is also evident. The multi-headed energy of the MACDs is still dominant. The fastline DIFs are also running up through the slow line, and the KDJ three lines are now more of a tendency to glue up and up to create a gold fork.


At the four-hour level, after the opening of the line at 12 p.m., attempts were made to continue the upward trend with the Taikus and, to a lesser extent, the upward break-through of the Brenn rail pressure is still running in the super-buying area above the Brenn rail. Technical indicators are that the Brenn belt passage is opened again, the upper space is opened again, and the average of the MA5 and MA10 cycles continues to go up and up. Map MACD indicators are running up and up and up and up, and the fast line DIF is up and up and up and up and up and up, and it's up and up and up, and it's up and up, and it's up and up, and it's up and up, it's up and up and up and up, and it's up, it's up, it's up and up!

ETH晚间策略:( 免费实时指导咨询币圈卫姐姐本人)

ETH evening strategy: free real-time guidance to Queensguard herself


1. More single entrances in the vicinity of price fall of 2130, closure of 2100 and end of view of 2180


2. The price rebound near 2220 was empty at a loss of 2250 and a surplus of 2170


More real-time strategies can focus on Wei's own sister! The currency is risky and investments need to be careful! return to search for more



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