
资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:22 评论:0


For many new entrants to the currency circle, it is important to understand the meaning of professional terms such as silos, contracts, and leverage before going into the field.



1. 现货交易:通过各类数字货币交易所APP购买虚拟货币,待其价格上涨后再卖出赚取差价。

1. On-the-spot transactions: purchase of virtual currency through various digital currency exchanges, APPs, until price increases are followed by sales to earn a price difference.


2. 合约交易:根据对市场走势的预判,选择做多或做空以获取收益。例如:
- 您投入2万元全仓操作,狗狗币现价为3.5元人民币,若您做多2万个狗狗币,当狗狗币涨至6元时,您净赚5万元;若价格跌至1.5元,则净亏4万元,导致保证金不足而爆仓。
- 反之,如果您做空2万个狗狗币,当价格跌至1.5元时净赚4万元,但若涨至6元,则面临净亏5万元及爆仓的风险。

Contract transactions: For example:
- you invest 20,000 yuan in full warehouse operations at a current price of RMB 3.5. If you make 20,000 more puppies, you earn $50,000 net when the puppies rise to $6. If the price drops to $1.5, the net loss is $40,000, resulting in a shortfall in the security deposit.
- Conversely, if you make 20,000 yuan, you earn 40,000 yuan net when the price drops to RMB 1.5, you are exposed to a net loss of $50,000 and the risk of an explosion.
- Conversely, if you make 20,000 yuan, you will earn 40,000 yuan net when the price falls to RMB 6, you will be exposed to a net loss of $50,000 net and the risk of an explosion.


3. 杠杆交易:在合约交易基础上,通过放大资金倍数来追求更高收益,但同时也伴随着更大的风险。简言之,杠杆交易意味着您可以从交易所借款(做多)或借币(做空),例如10倍杠杆即意味着您的本金能当做10倍使用。

3. Leverage transactions: On the basis of a contractual transaction, higher returns are sought by multiplying the multiples of money, but also with greater risk. Simply put, a leveraged transaction means that you can borrow (more) or borrow (empty) from an exchange, for example, a 10-fold leverage means that your principal can be used as 10 times.

(A) 做多(借钱)情境示例:

(A) Make an example of the situation of multiple (lending):

- 当狗狗币价格上涨时,您有2万元并开立2倍杠杆,即实际持有4万元,买入11428个狗狗币。若价格上涨100%至7元,您卖出后扣除本金盈利39996元;反之,若价格下跌70%至1元,您将触发强平线,被迫卖币还债,遭遇爆仓。

(B) 做空(借币)情境示例:

(B) An example of an empty (loan) situation:

- 当狗狗币价格下跌时,您投入2万元本金并借出2万个狗狗币,随后卖出,如价格由3.5元跌至3元,您可盈利1万元;然而,若价格上涨,如涨至5元,则触及强平线,您将不得不高价购回狗狗币以偿还交易所,从而导致爆仓。


Finally, the article reminds you of the need to be careful to enter the currency circle, especially if newcomers are not to attempt easy contract and leverage transactions. Because in contracts and leverage transactions, your assets may quickly be zero and even have to pay off the exchange’s debt. So, beware of such high-risk games.


Finally, it is stressed that do not rush into circles blindly following others' footsteps, and perhaps you are just a “celebrator” of the market.


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