11月14日,由经济观察报主办的“向新而行:转换?觅机——致敬创建者 2019创新峰会”在北京举行。腾讯云分布式数据库TDSQL负责人、中国计算机学会CCF区块链专委委员潘安群在接受采访时表示,当下区块链技术在很多应用场景中仍需解决“效率”、“隐私”两大问题,这也是包括腾讯在内的众多公司目前主攻的方向。
On 14 November, the Economic Watch hosted the “Towards a new path: transformation? Search for opportunities – founder of the 2019 Innovation Summit” in Beijing. Ban Angun, head of the TDSQL distributed database and member of the CCF section chain committee of the Chinese Computer Society, stated in an interview that lower block chain technology still needed to address the two main issues of “efficiency” and “privateity” in many applications, and that this was the direction of the current attack by a number of companies, including evangelization.
At the Innovation Summit, the Pan-Ann Group gave a presentation on the theme “Challenges and new opportunities for ownership of basic software.” He said that, despite the challenges of overseas mega-monopoly and high cost of basic software, represented by databases, there was a good time for such fundamentals as databases, driven by new scenarios such as cloud computing, in the larger context of the country’s emphasis on IT ownership.
Referring to the area of block chain technology and applications, the Pan-Ann group indicated that the block chain had been called “up and down” in recent years, and that 2018 was a low point, and that the industry's attitude was now more calm than ever before, and that many companies and researchers were continuing to develop research and development in the area of block chain technology and infrastructure.
“In terms of the development of block chain applications, there are two main priorities, one of which is to address the issue of efficiency in the application of this technology”, said the Pan-Am Group: “The second point is the protection of privacy.”
In the view of the Bannese group, the de-centralized structure of the block chain requires multi-party trust and consensus, but it creates inefficiencies compared with the centralized structure. In terms of privacy protection, the need for better mechanisms to protect personal and institutional data is now particularly evident in the areas of government, medical care, and finance.
At the same time as attention is being paid to the block chain, the TDSQL, a teeming cloud-distributed database run by the Pan-Amun Group, has also yielded good results in the areas of technology and applications.
The distributed database TDSQL is known to be the first to be used by microbanks, which began to be set up in 2014, and after studying the internal and external distributed relationships database, TDSQL is considered to be the best available source of self-control and banking needs. In 2015, TDSQL was on the air, a cloud-oriented version was launched in 2016, and by 2018 TDSQL had served more than 500 public and 44 exclusive cloud customers.
Panan Qun describes the database as a basic area for computers and the Internet, and the current distributed database TDSQL focuses mainly on the use of the financial sector and government. “Because the financial sector has the highest demand for the database, we have always wanted to export our own capabilities to help external institutions, while also helping to move away from dependence on foreign databases.”
In the current year, TSQL has successfully spearheaded the transformation of the traditional banking core system from centralized to distributed database storage, breaking the long-standing reliance on foreign databases in this area and facilitating the entry of the banking core system into the national production database age.
In 2019, Xingyun launched the Autonomously Controlable Financial Operations Support Platform, which combines the dedicated cloud platform TCE, which supports millions of non-existent aircraft, the distributed database TDSQL, which serves over 38 billion accounts, and the capabilities of micro-service platforms, such as TSF, Big Data and Artificial Smart Platform TBDS&Ti, which provide financial institutions with an autonomous, manageable and secure financial cloud platform.
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