随着比特币出价逼近 6.2 万美元 BTC 价格下跌 4% 至周低点

资讯 2024-07-16 阅读:34 评论:0
币界网报道: 比特币未能利用其有史以来最好的月度收盘价,接近 60,000 美元的 BTC 价格支撑变得越来越重要。Bitcoin failed to use...

比特币未能利用其有史以来最好的月度收盘价,接近 60,000 美元的 BTC 价格支撑变得越来越重要。

Bitcoin failed to use its best monthly collection in history, and BTC prices, close to $60,000, became increasingly important.


4 月 1 日,随着华尔街开盘引发疲软,比特币 (BTC ) 试图重新测试 68,000 美元的支撑位。

On April 1st, as Wall Street opened and became weak, Bitcoin (BTC) tried to retest $68,000 in support positions.



Bitcoin traders focus on supporting positions in early weakness.

Cointelegraph Markets Pro和TradingView的数据显示,第二季度开局出现问题,BTC 价格跌幅超过 4.5%。

According to the data of Cointelegraph Markets Pro and TradingView, BTC prices fell by more than 4.5 per cent as a result of problems at the start of the second quarter.


Despite the lack of financial outflows from the Greyscale Bitcoin Trust Fund (GBTC), the return of institutional flows does not appear to have led to a further increase.

受欢迎的交易员 Daan Crypto Trades 在评论这一情况时表示,复活节假期可能是一个因素。

In commenting on the situation, the popular trader, Daan Crypto Trades, stated that Easter holidays could be a factor.

“除了一些 ETH 和其他数量不多的代币之外,Grayscale 没有发送任何东西,”他在 X 上告诉粉丝,同时还提供了来自加密情报公司 Arkham 的数据。

“With the exception of some ETH and a few other tokens, Grayscale did not send anything,” he told his fans on X and provided data from the encryption intelligence company Arkham.


"may be related to the market break before and after Easter. It is expected that the usual inflow/outflow will reappear from tomorrow."


Daan Crypto Trades 补充说,总体而言,GBTC 资金外流“似乎正在放缓”。第一季度最后一个交易日还剩 1.04 亿美元,远低于 3 月 18 日创纪录的 6.42 亿美元。

Daan Crypto Trades added that, overall, the financial outflow of the GBTC “seems to be slowing down.” A further $104 million remained on the last trading day of the first quarter, well below the record $642 million in March 18.

与此同时,比特币/美元目前处于 3 月 25 日以来的最低水平,这让交易者停下来思考。对于 Daan Crypto Trades 来说,跌破 4 小时时间范围内的 200 周期移动平均线(目前为 67,330 美元)并非不可能。

At the same time, Bitcoin/United States dollar is currently at its lowest level since March 25, which allows traders to stop thinking. For Daan Crypto Trades, it is not impossible to break the 200-cycle moving average (currently $67,330) within a four-hour time frame.


“价格在这里测试 4H/1D 趋势,在价格回到 7 万美元以上之前,更多的是在防御方面,”交易员同行 Skew在他自己的 X 分析中补充道。

"Pricing here is a test of 4H/1D trends, more in defence than before the price returns to over $70 million," fellow trader Skew added in his own X analysis.

与此同时,交易公司 QCP Capital 在向 Telegram 频道订阅者发送的最新“New York Color”更新中警告称,加密货币现货市场的“下行压力”有所增加。

At the same time, the trading company QCP Capital warned in the latest “New York Col” update sent to subscribers to the Telegram channel that there was an increase in the “downside pressure” on the encrypted currency spot market.

报告称:“在过去 24 小时内,我们看到人们对卖出看涨期权和买入看跌期权的 BTC 和 ETH 表现出浓厚的兴趣。”

The report states: “In the past 24 hours, we have seen a strong interest in BTC and ETH selling up and buying down.”

分析:“聪明钱”的目标是在 62,000 美元逢低买入

Analysis: The goal of Smart Money is to buy lows at $62,000.

通过检查全球最大交易平台币安的交易订单簿流动性,交易资源 Material Indicators 描绘了从现在到即将到来的区块补贴减半之间 BTC 价格走势的严峻前景。

By checking the liquidity of the trading orders book of the largest trading platform in the world, the transactional resources Material Industries paint a grim picture of the BTC price movement between now and the imminent reduction of block subsidies by half.

在一系列 X 帖子中,该公司与联合创始人基思·艾伦 (Keith Alan) 表示,竞标流动性将进一步提高至 60,000 美元。

In a series of X posts, the company and its co-founder, Keith Alan, indicated that the liquidity of the bid would be further increased to $60,000.

一篇帖子的部分内容写道: “尽管比特币历史上连续第七个月收盘呈绿色,但减半并不存在‘唯一上涨’。 ”

A part of the post reads: “Although Bitcoin's collection is green for the seventh consecutive month of its history, there is no ‘only increase’ in half.”

“Smart Money 已将出价降至 62,000 美元。”

“Smart Money has reduced the bid to $62,000.”



Alan continues to state that Bitcoin may cause problems for institutional buyers due to price fluctuations in relatively unknown areas.


Nevertheless, he pointed out that once the half had come to an end, there was a strong belief in the new heights of history.

他解释说:“至少有一个实体认为这种可能性很大,因为在价格短暂跌破 6.9 万美元之后,他们的 BTC 出价已一路攀升至 6.2 万美元。 ”

He explained that “at least one entity considered this possibility to be significant, as their BTC offer had risen to $62,000 after a short drop of $69,000.”

“除其他外,这表明即使是机构人士也不确定价格将落在哪里,因此他们很高兴在这个范围内进行 DCA 持仓,因为人们坚信,在之后将会出现一系列新的 ATH。减半。”

“This suggests, among other things, that even institutionalists are not sure where the price will be, and they are therefore happy with the DCA holdings in this context, because it is believed that a series of new ATHs will follow.”


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