Because of the closed nature of the first level of the market xff0c; the common currency population is suffering from a lack of access xff0c; therefore, it is not well understood.
Many people are currently unable to participate in investments in the primary market xff0c; many large investment agencies monopolize ordinary people at very low prices xff0c; because many start-up investment companies invest in very many xff0c; and they also have a long cycle xff0c; the investment companies put many projects on the market xff0c; their own funds xff0c; private fund-raising through the community.
Level I markets xff0c; realization is slow xff0c; it may take months xff0c; secondary markets are fast xff0c; buy and sell at any time. So xff0c; the greatest advantage of secondary markets is liquidity.
At this level xff0c; secondary markets are really free xff0c; you can hold them for long or short periods of time. But overall xff0c; secondary markets may not yield as much as primary markets.
In addition to input xff0c; strong xff0c; low xff0c for warehousing; xff0c, usually in the context of the collapse of the cattle market; xff0c, in the long life of the bear market; allowing you a better mindset xff0c; and also giving the project side more time to develop and sink.
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Scumbags focus on Chia Poca Eco DeFi? Ok Smart Chains of Currency Envelope 2 and popular panels such as NFT & #xff0c; quality offshore market projects & #xff0c; latest ido news-sharing & #xff0c; no fees & #xff0c; aims to provide a high-quality front-line information communityv #43; hrr 8866cc
*Note xff1a; this article does not make investment advice xff0c; investments are risky xff0c; entering is prudent xff01;
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