usdt-trc20是什么意思 USDT有哪些种类?

资讯 2024-06-18 阅读:45 评论:0
USDT是中心化的公司Tether发行的,目前市场上存在着3种不同类型的USDT。今天,白话区块链为大家简单介绍下这3种不同类型的USDT。USDT is issued by a central company, Tether,...


USDT is issued by a central company, Tether, and there are currently three different types of USDT in the market. Today, the white block chain provides a brief introduction to these three different types of USDT.


three different types of USDT

第一种是基于比特币的USDT - 基于Omni协议发行。这种USDT存储在比特币地址上,所以每次转账 - 链上转账时,都需要支付少量的比特币作为矿工费。

The first type of is a bitcoin-based USDT - issued under an Omni agreement. such USDT is stored at a bitcoin address, so that each transfer - on the chain - requires a small amount of bitcoin as a miner's fee.

除了转账需要比特币作为矿工费之外,每发起一笔USDT转账,都会对应地生成一笔数量极小的比特币转账。所以,每发起一笔基于比特币的USDT转账,钱包地址中至少要有0.0002个比特币才能保证转账成功。同时,收款方在收到一笔 USDT转账时,也会收到一笔最小金额的比特币转账。

In addition to the amount of bitcoin required for the transfer as a miner’s fee, each USDT transfer is matched by a very small bitcoin transfer. Thus, every dollar transfer based on bitcoin is initiated with a wallet address of at least 0.0002 bitcoins to ensure that the transfer is successful.

第二种是基于以太坊的USDT(基于ERC-20协议发行)。这种USDT存储在以太坊地址上,相对应的,每次转账 - 链上转账时,需要消耗Gas,也就是ETH。

The second type of is based on the Etherms USDT (issued on the basis of the ERC-20 agreement).


Currently, USDT in the market is concentrated in Bitcoin and Etheria.

第三种USDT是基于TRON网络(波场)发行的USDT。基于TRON网络的TRC-20 USDT,存储在TRON的地址当中,充值、提现都是通过TRON网络进行,而且转账免费。

The third USDT is based on the TRON network (band), which distributes the USDT. TRC-20 USDT, which is based on the TRON network, is stored at Tron's address and is charged, withdrawn and transferred free of charge through the TRON network.


Which of the three USDTs is the fastest transfer? Because of the number of thousands of TPS, the speediest transfer is now.

哪种USDT转账最安全?有人表示波场的DPoS 27名超级节点没有其它两个网络来得安全,最安全的也就只有比特币网络了。

Which USDT transfers are the safest? Some say that the two other two networks are safe for the two DPOS 27 supernodes in the waves, and only the Bitcoin network is the safest.

到底选哪个USDT好?大笔转账推荐基于比特币的USDT,折中选择基于以太坊的ERC-20 USDT,小额转账可以选择基于波场的USDT,速度更快一点。

Which USDT is better? Large transfers are recommended on a bitcoin-based USDT, discounted on an ETC-20 USDT, and small transfers can choose a wavefield-based USDT faster.



is based onbitcoin USDT and on Etheria USDT, which are incompatible and cannot be transferred to each other.


So, how do you know what kind of USDT you belong to?


In fact,


As for the third type of TRON-based USDT, a portion of the trading platform is now supported at the beginning of the “T” address.

新建项目 - 1.jpg


Examples of three USDT addresses



summing up


There are three types of USDT stabilizers that Tether issues, one based on Bitcoin, the other on Etheria and the other on Tron.


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