Here is a brief summary of what is a grid trade, which is an investment instrument that earns price differentials through currency shocks.
What about the grid, which was mentioned earlier, as an investment tool for reaping gains through market shocks?
Simply put, market shocks are the market's position at a time when the price of the currency has not changed significantly, as the price of the currency has remained in one compartment for a long time, and investors are unable to judge its future, so that most people have conservative investment strategies in the market at a time when the market is at a time when the market is running, either to look ahead or to invest money in liquid mining or in Staking.
The emergence of grid transactions, which give users a new investment option when they cross the board, can be distinguished as neutral, multi-purpose and empty in response to different market changes, in addition to currency choices, and these three differences are described in more detail below.
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Neutrality means that when markets enter the roundabout, there is no clear direction for the overall market movement and investors are uncertain about the strategies to be used for the next market change.
Investment strategies used when investors expect markets to rise.
Investment strategies used when investors expect markets to fall.
When grid transactions are created, each grid will have a corresponding price, and when the market price touches the grid price, the system will automatically execute the purchase or sale, and each transaction will allow the system to re-correct the value of new grids purchased and sold until the bond is insufficient.
Bad grids and equivalent grids
As students, we've all learned the concepts of differentialness and equivalence.
等差:1,3,5,7,9 相临两数的差皆相同
Equivalence: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 with the same two-digit difference.
等比:1,3,9,27 相临两数相差的倍数皆相同
Equivalence: 1,3,9,27 with the same double-digit difference.
From the above concepts, it is possible to see the difference between parity and equivalence between the 10,000 and 5,000 blocks as follows:
Even in the same price range, the prices cut out by the grids and the grids are not the same. Instead of using the grids, it is recommended that the main grids be used, especially when neutral strategies are used, and market prices are pulled in small areas, when the use of the grid funds tends to be more efficient than the grids.
But it is more appropriate to wait for the grid when it is used, because the adjacent grid has the same profits as the grid, so that when the market is sharply up or down, it is better for the grid to profit from each transaction, because each transaction is subject to the same fees, and if it is used, it is more profitable for the user to use the grid than it is for the user to use a smaller number of transactions and thus, in the long-term investment strategy, it is more appropriate for the grid to use.

There are two types of terminations for ordinary grid transactions that have been cancelled or expired, that have been cancelled only after the traders have manually shut down the pen grid transactions and that, as for the reasons that they have expired, there are a number of reasons for such terminations, the two most common cases that have resulted in the mandatory termination of transactions by the system, namely, insufficient bonds and better position of the warehouse, respectively.
Each time a purchase is sold, the system charges users 1% of the transaction fee, and if the deposit balance in the warehouse is insufficient, it is forced to terminate the transaction. However, if you choose a warehouse-by-ware mode, the fee can still be adjusted even after the transaction has been created, so that the fee can be increased or reduced if it is insufficient. If you choose a full warehouse model, the functionality is not adjusted.
There are many reasons for influencing strong parities, and detailed formulas for calculating strong parities are very complex.
For investors in general, grid transactions can actually be used without full control over the calculation of strong parity prices. When a transaction is created, it helps the user calculate the current strong parity, and the user simply needs to make a determination as to whether an additional bond is needed based on the demonstrated strong parity.
After describing the currency contract grid transactions, this is supplemented by a trading tool that is well suited to be used when the market rises, namely, the flyer list, which is well suited to be used by investors when they want to eat a full upscaling.
This is what you read about the digital money contract grid transactions? More details about the digital money grid trading laws, more details about the script house and other relevant articles!