
资讯 2024-06-19 阅读:98 评论:0
  比特币世界又开始地震。The world of Bitcoin began another earthquake.   在价格暴涨一个月后,1月6日,中国人民银行及其上海总部分别在北京和上海约谈了三家比特币交易所——火币网、币行和比特币...


The world of Bitcoin began another earthquake.


One month after the price hike, on 6 January, the People's Bank of China and its Shanghai headquarters interviewed three Bitcoin exchanges in Beijing and Shanghai, respectively, to allow them to conduct self-censorship of recent anomalies and clean up accordingly. Members of the Bitcoin exchange interviewed said that they would actively cooperate with the central bank in conducting self-censorship and would establish industry alliances to strengthen self-regulation.


According to news sources, the three Bitcoin exchanges interviewed by the Central Bank are currently ranked among the top three in the country. And, as previously reported in the United States Wall Street Journal, the coins and the OKCoin line – which now constitute about 92% of the world’s total Bitcoin transactions.


The top managers who participated in the interviews told the news that today’s interview with the Central Bank was mainly about self-censorship, and that the network would cooperate actively. In addition, the industry was developing a self-regulatory organization.


And another interrogating exchange said to the news: “The central bank, the Beijing City Financial Work Bureau, sometimes, will talk to us about why bitcoin has so much up and whether it is feasible to apply block-chain technology, which I think is a virtuous communication.”


A Bitcoin entrepreneur told the news that he believed that 2017 was the year of global regulation of Internet finance and that Bitcoin would sooner or later introduce regulations that would also contribute to the steady development of the industry.


“The exchange should be the focus of regulation, and I feel that the central bank is more concerned about the damage caused to ordinary users in case of instability.”


As early as December 2013, the Central Bank and five other ministries issued the Notice on Protection against the Risk of Bitcoin, which makes it clear that, although Bitcoin is referred to as a “currency”, it is not a currency in the real sense because it is not issued by a monetary authority and has no legal and compulsory monetary attributes. By its very nature, Bitcoin should be a specific virtual commodity that does not have the same legal status as a currency, and cannot and should not be used as a currency in the market.


How “exceptional” did the central bank head office in Shanghai characterize the large increase in the price of this round of bitcoins as “extravasive?”


On 5 January, according to data from the national Bitcoin trading platform, at 1.10 a.m., the price of the bitcoin reached a record high of $8,000, three years ago, and rose sharply within a few hours, reaching a maximum price of $8895. From the beginning of 2016, the RMB 2351 continued to rise to the beginning of 2017, with an increase of more than 260 per cent in a year.


But by the end of the evening, bitcoin prices fell again “spill” to less than $6,000, a drop of almost 30%. The Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.


By about 7 p.m. this afternoon, after the central bank released the interview information, the price of Bitcoin jumped from about $6,500 to a minimum of $5555 and then returned to about $6,000 at 8 p.m.

  比特币价格趋势 来源:火币网


It is worth noting that since the Bitcoin market operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, there is no “cut-off” and there is no “drop-out” system, it has always been highly volatile. Prior to this surge, Bitcoin’s historical maximum price of $8,000 appeared on 19 November 2013 and, a month ago, Bitcoin’s price hovered at around $1,000, which quadrupled in a short period of time.


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