元宇宙概念股有哪些 元宇宙概念股一览表

资讯 2024-06-21 阅读:455 评论:0
元宇宙概念股排行精选 元宇宙概念股一览表(2022/11/08),下文就随小蔡来简单的了解一下吧。The contours of the meta-cosmology unit are in the list of the...

元宇宙概念股排行精选 元宇宙概念股一览表(2022/11/08),下文就随小蔡来简单的了解一下吧。

The contours of the meta-cosmology unit are in the list of the meta-cosmological concept units (2022/11/08), so let's get to the bottom of this with Little Choi.


The contours of the Yuan cosmos concept are as follows:


César culture 002425: The dollar cosmopolitan leader. Designed as & ldquao; Animal Planet & & rdquao; the background environment for the game is fully modelled on the meta-cosmos model, with three dimensions: time, environment, ecology, and the introduction of NFT technology.


In view of the compound increase in the company's non-net profits over the last five years, the compound increase in non-net profits over the last five years was -13.73 per cent. The figure for non-net profits over the last five years was lower than RMB 9,947,300,000 in 2020 and higher than RMB 227 million in 2017.


Treasurestone technology 300031: The dollar cosmos flagship. New businesses in the VR, AR, MR fields are actively expanded in new technologies, combined with new models in the meta-cosm innovation business, to develop the applications of emerging technologies in the meta-cosmos landscape.


Treasure-Technology showed a 15.2 per cent increase in non-net profit compound growth over the last five years, from 216 million yuan in 2017 to 427 million yuan in 2020.


The perfect world 002624: the conglomerates of the universe. The game is the closest product to the meta-cosm, and the company’s MMORPG is well positioned to share the characteristics of the meta-cosmos. The company, looking at the future prospects of the meta-cosmos, is actively exploring the multiple possibilities of applying existing advantages to the meta-cosm sphere in conjunction with future technologies, and has integrated elements of the meta-cosm in the current research and development of the game.


In view of the increase in non-net profit compound in the last five years, the increase in non-net profit compound in the last five years was 48.07 per cent, and the deduction of non-net profit in the last five years was lower than $102 million in 2021 and higher than 1,447 million in 2018.

关键词: 元宇宙概念股是什么 元宇宙概念股排行精选 元宇宙概念股有哪些 元宇宙概念股一览表


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