
资讯 2024-06-21 阅读:35 评论:0
股市五线谱 stock market ˃ 在股价的走势图上,均线和K线构成股价走势图的主体,而K线是挂在均线上,就像一个个叶片挂在藤条上一样。所以,分析股价的走势必须把K线和均线结合起来研究。那么怎样把均线分析和K线分析结合起来呢?...


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On the trend map of the share price, the mean line and the K line form the subject of the stock price trend, while the K line is attached to the average line, like a leaf on the vine. So, the trend of analysing the share price has to be combined with the K line and the average line. So, how do you combine the same line analysis and the K line analysis? How do you make the synthesis? In order to make this clear, we should start with a brief description of the K-line graphic. The K-line pattern actually consists of a single K-line, a K-line combination and a K-line graphic. We will start today with a brief description of the K-line and the K-line combination.


The K line consists of open, closed, maximum and lowest prices. The structure of the


The K-line combination is a K-line graphic consisting of two or more K-lines, including 2-day, 3-day, more than 4-day combinations, etc. The combination of K-lines has many graphics, dozens or even hundreds, and it is recommended that you focus on nine K-lines.


First, the Great Sun and the Great Clan are flags on both sides of the rise, reflecting the direction of the market to do more or to do more or to do more, generally during the period of the trend or where the air refuels. The Great Sun, especially in the light of the downward trend, is rising all day, and is a lot higher, indicating that the buyer has a lot of power; the Great Sun appears in the bottom region after the description of the market; the Great Sun appears in the upward trend and continues to rise after the adjustment has occurred; the Great Sun, if it appears at the top or end of the development of the trend, looks at the precipitous behaviour; if it appears in the downward trend, it appears in the downward trend, it appears to be an all-out pattern, and it is also a lot of entic behaviour.


Second, the four cross stars are cross stars, long cross stars, T-lines, inverted T-lines, the thinest four mean lines, which can be said to be thinner, but tend to be the last straw over the camels. Cross stars, long cross stars, known as transvestites, the spoilers of trends, are characterized by similar forces on both sides of the seller and the buyer. If they appear at the end of the downward trend, the seller’s power, the buyer’s increased power, may turn into bottom cross stars; if they appear at the end of the downward trend, the decline in the downward trend, the buyer’s strength may be reduced; if they appear at the end of the downward trend, the price of the bottom of the downward trend, they may fall; if they appear at the end of the downward trend, the bottom of the downward trend, they may fall.


Third, propellers and hammers. The propellers and hammers play a similar role to cross stars, and the propellers indicate that the K-line is short-lived, with long upper and lower lines; that the hammerline is characterized by shorter upper and lower lines. The end of the upward trend is a downward trend; the end of the downward trend is a upward trend.


Fourth, the shooting star, the neck line, the hammer line, and the hammerhead line. All four Klines are similar in size, similar in size, but with different roles, depending on their status. The shooting star and the neck line are high at the end of the upward trend and are seen as a sign of a fall in the rear market. This is just as much a day as a man, even if you are in a position of importance, when you look at the tail of the shooting star up to the sky, where the neck line is crawling up and falling down. The hammerhead line and the hammerhead line are low and at the end of the downward trend, it is a signal of the bottom, and the rear market is rising. This is just like the children of the poor, and you see that line as an effort and an acid. So I agree with people in a difficult situation, trying to survive and develop.


Fifth, swallowing patterns are also called head breakers, blankets, hugs, swallowing patterns, motherlines, etc. This combination of K-lines is characterized by two K-lines, the second K-line completely swallows the first K-line, which appears in a downward trend. Looking at the upswing pattern, there is a shorter vagina on the first day, which continues to fall, the next day it appears to fall, but it does not fall, the reverse takes up a long sun, the first one completely swallows it, which is a sign of upturning.


Sixthly, the pregnancy line is also called the pregnancy line. The pregnancy line is also called the mother-child line, a form of K-line that is opposite to the swallowing pattern. It is also made up of two K-lines, the first K-long, the second K-line short, as if the mother was holding a child, so it was called the pregnancy line. This pregnancy line pattern shows a hesitation in the course of the trend, indicating that new forces are being created, and if it appears in the upward trend, that the buying of the plate is starting to hesitate, that the selling of the plate is forming in the form of the pregnancy, and that it is likely to turn and fall.


Seventh, the flat-top peace-base form. This form is also called plier line, plier line, same height, same low line, etc., and is also an important K-line form for determining the top and bottom support and resistance. This combination of K-lines is characterized by the same or the same price, attached to a horizontal line. Some of the two lines are wiring, while others are wiring, some are wiring, some are wiring, some are wiring, some are wiring, and others are made up of non-neighboured K-lines, with the same high price, or the same low price, which is also a turning sign.


Eighth, the dawn and cloud cover. This line is made up of two lines, the second K-line, which pierces the end point of the first K-line. The second K-line, which appears on a downward trend, appears on the first day, shows a vaginal line, jumps down the next day as if it continues to fall, turns up upwards and closes the price above the end point of the first K-line, and eats most of the first-day K-line, which is a sign of a bottom-up. Conversely, the form of the cloud top is a sign of a rising trend, the first-day sunline comes out, the next day jumps upwards, as if it continues, and the result falls after the opening of the plate, and most of the first-day sunline exceeds its end point, which is a sign of a fall in the later market.


The ninth, third-strength pattern. Including the Red Three, the Black Three, and the White Three. The Red Three appear at the bottom, and the three small or medium-yang are higher than one, indicating that the buyer's strength is increasing. The Black Three appear at the end of the upward trend, and the three shades are lower than the one, a form of visualization.


The top nine K-lines are often encountered and the most important K-lines should be familiar. But it must be clear that the K-line pattern, especially the Japanese-K-line, reflects only short-term fluctuations in the market and does not reflect the market’s overall picture, nor the overall comparison of the market’s multi-space forces with the overall trend. So, in making K-line analysis, it is important to focus on the market’s overall trends and market trends.


& & ldquo; stock market spectra & rdquo; refers to the combination of K-lines and mean the combination of K-lines and K-lines as an organic dynamic. On stock trends, K-lines are like notes, moving average lines are like five lines, and K-lines jump on the moving average line, just like notes jump on the five-line spectrum. The same notes appear in high, medium or low-sonic areas, with different meanings and sungs. The same K-line appears in different locations of the moving mean line, with different market connotations. So it is important to understand that K-lines have a true understanding of K-line analysis in different locations in order to capture the pulse of the stock market.


From this map, we see that when the average line is empty, the visible upward pattern of the Kline is only a rebound in the process of decline, which continues to fall after it appears; when the average line is multi-headed, the Kline appears in the look-down pattern and continues to rise. So, the K Line must be placed on the average line, and the two must be analysed together.


In the sense of the market, there are two kinds of situations in which the relationship between the average and the K line is consistent: first, the market meaning of the K line is consistent with the trend of the average line, at which point the K line is in shape to help increase or drop and accelerate the market trend. Second, in some cases, the market meaning of the K line and the trend of the average line are contradictory. If the average line is running up, and the K line reflects a decline, there may be a temporary halt in the trend, but eventually it is in the direction of the medium- and long-term average.


Well, today's topic is & ldquao; & & rdquao; and the basic idea is to help everyone learn to read the & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; ; & & & ; ; & &,, & ;, & & &, & ; ; ; & &, & &,,, & &,, &, & & & & & & & & & & ;,,,,,, & & & &,,,,,, & & &,,,,, &, & &,, &,,,,


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