
资讯 2024-06-24 阅读:26 评论:0
01 BTC生态寒武纪大爆发01 BTC Ecotic Warfare Explosion从2022年的Nostr的惊艳亮相,到2023年ORDINALS 序数协议和BRC-20的悄然崛起, BTC 多年来首次跨越了数字黄金的定位,悄悄的扩...

01 BTC生态寒武纪大爆发

01 BTC Ecotic Warfare Explosion

从2022年的Nostr的惊艳亮相,到2023年ORDINALS 序数协议和BRC-20的悄然崛起, BTC 多年来首次跨越了数字黄金的定位,悄悄的扩张到以往 Ethereum 的生态势力范围,ORDINALS的出现象征着BTC 生态已进入了寒武纪大爆发前夜

From the splendor of Nostr in 2022 to the silent rise of the ORDINALS serial protocol and BRC-20 in 2023, BTC has crossed digital gold for the first time in many years, quietly expanding to the former Etheeum ecological sphere, and the emergence of ORDINALS symbolizes the BTC ecology entering the night before the outbreak of the Cold War.



As the king of the global consensus on encryption, Bitcoin has always enjoyed a reputation for digital gold, and its market value accounts for more than half of the market for encrypted money. Although Bitcoin has always played the role of a "point-to-point electronic cash system," most of the diversity of the world’s encrypting ecology is based on smart contracts, and its applications are limited by the lack of smart contract functionality compared to the positioning of the Etherkom’s “world computer.”

然而比特币的创新却从未停止,2022年底,比特币核心贡献者 Casey Rodarmor 创建了 Ordinals 协议,引入了序数(Ordinals)和铭文(Inscriptions)的概念,催生了比特币网络的第一波MEME热潮,Ordinals和铭文带热比特币NFT,接着$ORDI代币引发BRC-20大爆发,短短二个月,多年平稳而单调的比特币生态变得多姿多彩,从2021年以来,BTC矿工手续费首次超过出块奖励,不知不觉之间,BTC生态发生了根本性的变革。

However, the innovation in Bitcoin never stopped. At the end of 2022, Basey Rodarmor, the central contributor to Bitcoin, created the Ordinals agreement, introduced the concepts of Ordinals and Inscriptions, which gave rise to the first wave of MEME heat in the Bitcoin network, Ordinals and Hotbitcoin NFT, followed by a massive BRC-20 explosion in the currency of $ORDI for just two months, with several years of smooth and monolithic Bitco ecology becoming more colourful, and since 2021, BTC mining fees for the first time exceeded the incentive, without knowing that BTC ecology had undergone a fundamental change.

02 序数(Ordinals)的前世今生

02 Ordinals

Ordinals 分为两个部分:Ordinals(序数) 协议和 Inscription(铭文)。

Ordinals are divided into two parts: Ordinals (sequential numbers) protocol and Inscription.

了解Ordinals 序数之前,我们需要先了解比特币的最小单位“聪”( Satoshis, 简称Sat ),一枚比特币相当于一亿聪(1 BTC=100,000,000 Sats )。

Before we know the number of Ordinals, we need to know the smallest unit of Bitcoin, the “Hear” (Satoshis, Sat), where a bitcoin corresponds to 100 million hearing (1 BTC = 100,000,000,000 Sats).

Ordinals 序数协议实际是一种编号系统,Ordinal NFT 使用 inscriptions(铭文)来工作,Ordinal 协议为每个聪 Satoshi 分配一个序号(“序数”的来历),在分配了这个序号之后,每个 satoshi 就可以通过比特币交易来写入铭文数据,铭文可以是文本、音频、图像、代码和几乎任何数据形式。一旦这个区块被确认,一个Ordinals NFT也就永久地被铭刻到了比特币区块链上了,每个聪原本是可替换的,一旦接受Ordinals 编号就转变成了不可替换代币。

The Ordinals serial protocol is actually a numbering system. The Ordinal NFT works with inscriptions. The Ordinal protocol assigns a serial number to every deaf Satoshi (the “sequence of” serial numbers). After this serial number has been assigned, each satoshi can write the oblique data through a bitcoin transaction, which can be text, audio, image, code and almost any form of data. Once this block is confirmed, an Ordinals NFT is permanently engraved into a bitcoin block chain, and each hearing would have been replaced, and once the Ordinals number has been accepted, it would have transformed into a non-replacement currency.

03. 序数(Ordinals)生态双轮之1 BTC NFT

03. Series (Ordinals) 1 BTC NFT ecological double rotation

下面是 Ordinals NFT 历史的浓缩版本:

Below is an enrichment version of the history of Ordinals NFT:

2009 年 1 月 3 日——中本聪创建了比特币网络

3 January 2009 - Central Benzun created the Bitcoin Network

— BTC 网络由比特币组成(上限为 2100 万)

- The BTC network consists of Bitcoin (up to 21 million)

— 每个比特币由 100,000,000 个 聪组成 (satoshis/sats)

- Each bitcoin consists of 100,000,000 deaf (satoshis/sats)

— 2012年,NFT 的早期概念-彩色币原型在比特币上出现,为NFT的出现奠定了基础。

• In 2012, the early concept of NFT — the colour currency prototype — appeared on bitcoin, laying the foundation for the emergence of NFT.

— 2014 年 ,Bitcoin Core (比特币节点客户端)在一个名为 OP_RETURN 的函数中启用了极短(80 字节)的消息,为BTC NFT进一步实验打开了大门。

In 2014, Bitcoin Core (the Bitcoin node client) enabled a very short message (80 bytes) in a function called OP_RETURN, opening the door to further experiments by BTC NFT.

2009-2021 年:加密货币作为一个价值万亿美元的资产类别增长

2009-2021: Increase in encrypted currency as an asset class valued at trillion dollars

—出现了 10000 多种新的加密货币

- Here we go. 10000. There's a lot of new encrypted money.

—以太坊开启了 DeFi 行业

- Ether's opening up the DeFi industry.

—2017 年 6 月,以太坊出现了 CryptoPunks

CryptoPunks, June 2017.

—2021 年成为以太坊 NFT 热潮之年

2021 became the year of the booming NFT.


接下来,两次比特币升级 使 Ordinals 在 2023 年出现成为可能:

Next, two bitcoin upgrades made it possible for Ordinals to appear in 2023:

2017 年 Segwit - 隔离见证升级允许BTC 块存储更多见证数据,扩展了原来比特币1MB 的区块限制。

2017 Segwit - Isolation Upgrade allows BTC blocks to store more witness data, extending the original block limit of 1MB in Bitcoin.

2021 年 Taproot 升级激活 - 此次升级取消了比特币区块的数据限制,让见证数据可以占满比特币整个区块大小,更容易在比特币交易中存储任意数据。

2021 Taproot upgrade activated - This upgrade removed data restrictions on bitcoin blocks, allowing witness data to reach the full size of bitcoins and make it easier to store any data in bitcoin transactions.

2022年12月,Casey Rodarmor—Ordinals 的创造者灵光一闪,发明了Ordinals序数理论

December 2022, created by Casey Rodarmor-Ordinals, invented the Ordinals serial theory.

2023 年 1 月 21 日——Ordinals 在比特币主网上启动,铭文将直接铭刻在聪 sats 上,每个铭文都通过序数理论进行跟踪和转移,这赋予了 sats 独一无二的ID(使其不可替代)

January 21st, 2023 - Ordinals started on the main Bitcoin web site. The inscriptions were directly engraved on the deaf sats, each of which was tracked and transferred through sequence theory, giving sats a unique ID (which makes it irreplaceable)


2023年 比特币 NFT 狂潮开始了

2023 Bitcoin NFT The tide started

Ordinals 的推出改变了游戏规则,并引发了迄今为止比特币持有者之间最大的辩论……

The introduction of Ordinals changed the rules of the game and triggered the biggest debate so far among Bitcoin holders...

BTC NFT的独特优点是铭文完全在Bitcoin链上,无需引用链下内容,不像以太坊 NFT 通过链下的 IPFS 或者 AWS 中去索引,是真正的去中心化NFT。

The unique advantage of BTC NFT is that the inscription is entirely on the Bitcoin chain, without the need to quote the contents of the chain, unlike the indexing of the NTT via the IPFS or AWS under the chain, is a true decentralisation of NFT.

以 BTC 上的 CryptoPunk 为例,每个 NFT 的聪、区块、铭文等信息可以通过 ordinals 查看,如下图所示:

For example, CryptoPunk on BTC, information on each NFT's hearing, blocks, inscriptions, etc. can be viewed through ordinals, as shown in the following graphs:



04. 序数(Ordinals)生态双轮之2: BRC-20

04. serial (Ordinals) two-round ecological cycle 2: BRC-20

既然能够通过 Ordinals 发行 BTC NFT,是否也能通过 Ordinals 铸造代币呢?

Is it possible to distribute BTC NFT through Ordinals or to forge a token through Ordinals?

2023 年 3 月 8 日,DOMO (推特@domedata)提出利用 JSON 数据格式的 Ordinals 铭文,来实现代币合约部署、铸币以及转账。

On March 8, 2023, DOMO (@domedata) proposed the use of an Ordinals motto in JSON data format for the deployment, casting and transfer of currency contracts.

实验性的比特币同质化代币协议 BRC-20 横空出世,并同时发行了 BRC-20 第一个代币- $ORDI,总量为 2100 万个(致敬 BTC),每个人都可以免费铸造(只需要手续费),方式为先到先得。

The experimental Bitcoin homogenization token agreement BRC-20 was launched, and BRC-20's first token - $ORDI was issued in a total of 21 million (with a tribute to BTC) and can be forged free of charge by everyone (with fees only) in a first-come, first-served manner.



看名字我们就能猜到,BRC-20 非常类似以太坊 ERC-20 标准,它的核心功能包括:部署代币,铸造代币和转移代币。这三种功能实际上对应的BRC-20标准中不同的JSON铭文。

We can guess by name that the BRC-20 is very similar to the ERC-20 standard, which has core functions: deploying tokens, casting and transferring tokens. These three functions actually correspond to different JSON inscriptions in the BRC-20 standard.



与传统的代币标准通常由EVM链上的智能合约管理不同,BRC-20 本质上是存储在比特币网络上的JSON脚本文件。这意味着它们可以被视为附加到比特币交易上的元数据,通过Ordinals协议在比特币上创建可替代代币。尽管是基于比特币,但BRC-20代币并没有采用比特币的UTXO模型,而是类似以太坊的账户模型。

Unlike traditional token standards, which are typically managed by smart contracts in the EVM chain, BRC-20 is essentially a JSON script file stored on the Bitcoin network. This means that they can be considered as metadata attached to the Bitcoin transaction, creating a replacement in Bitcoin through the Ordinals agreement. Although based on Bitcoin, BRC-20 do not use the Bitcoin UTXO model, but rather an account model similar to that in Taipan.


Ordinals 的交易中 BRC-20 代币的交易占据了极大比例,超过 90%。 BRC-20 交易量的活跃对整个 BTC 网络都产生了不小的影响,5 月 7 日,BRC-20 手续费占比达到BTC矿工费历史新高,惊人的 61%。更高的费用对矿工收入和整体网络安全都是有益的,但是对于需要日常使用 BTC 网络的用户来说无疑会带来更大负担。

BRC-20 transactions account for a significant proportion of BRC-20 transactions, more than 90%. BRC-20 transactions have had a significant impact on the BTC network as a whole. On May 7, BRC-20 fees represented an unprecedentedly high 61% of BTC miners’ fees.




The difference between BRC-20 and ERC-20


BRC-20 and ERC-20 are token standards, but they are realized differently. BRC-20 is based on serial numbers and oblique techniques, using the security and stability of the Bitcoin network. However, the application of BRC-20 is relatively narrow due to a lack of smart contract functionality and flexibility.


Security is another significant advantage of BRC-20 tokens, and the security of the Bitcoin network has been tested for a long time and ensures BRC-20's safety and anti-false features, as there is no risk of an intelligent contract gap.


Since there are no contractual controllers or any potential back door for BRC-20 and there are quantitative limits to each casting, BRC-20 has achieved, for the first time, project-free mastery, entirely based on community consensus for initiation and casting, allowing all participants, such as the general public, project agents, investors, etc., to stand on the same starting line.

另外,一张 BRC-20 代币至少内置包含 546 聪,所以不可能归零,从这一点上看,比ERC-20无成本代币更有价值,因此,我们可以对 BRC-20代币持有包容的心态,观察其发展的可能带来的创新。

In addition, a BRC-20 token contains at least 546 deaf internals, so zero is not possible, which is more valuable than an ERC-20 no-cost token, so we can have an inclusive attitude towards BRC-20 and observe the innovations that its development may bring.

05. BTC 生态大发展

05. BTC Ecoeconomy Development

Ordinals 与 BRC-20 是BTC生态寒武纪大爆发的起点,从用户、交易所、开发者、矿工、行业共识、安全应用等多方面点燃了BTC生态复兴与繁荣的火种。

Ordinals and BRC-20 were the starting point for the BTC eco-cooling outbreak, which ignited the BTC's ecological renaissance and prosperity from a variety of sources, including users, exchanges, developers, miners, industry consensus, and safety applications.



Any new attempt would give rise to controversy and fresh thinking, and we can see, through Ordinals and BRC-20, that there are many possibilities for the new BTC narrative, so that in the coming months there will be considerable development in the ecological project.

新标准、Ordinals NFT 市场 与 BRC-20 交易所

New Standard, Ordinals NFT Market and BRC-20 Exchange


A number of exchanges and wallets have been added to the BTC-based discussions on alternative money standards. These include replacing JSON’s data structure to reduce space consumption. Ordinals agreements, or more, require better tools for indexing and managing these currencies.

Ordinals 需要用户友好的新市场。专门的 BTC NFT 市场即将到来,有可能会像以太坊的 OpenSea; 更好用的BRC-20 DEX、流动性协议、质押协议等新的基础设施都会出现,其他CEX市场也将逐步敞开大门。

Ordinals need a new, user-friendly market. The special BTC NFT market is about to arrive, with the possibility of a better-functioning BRC-20 DEX, a liquidity agreement, a pledge agreement, and other CEX markets becoming more open.


New collection, new brand

目前CryptoPunk 和 BAYC 的 NFT 已经转移到 Ordinals,但最好的 BTC-First NFT 收藏尚未决出胜负,我们将会看到更多创新的作品集、新的品牌、新的数字艺术诞生在BTC Oridinals上。

The NFT of CryptoPunk and BAYC have now been transferred to Ordinals, but the best BTC-First NFT collection has not yet been won, and we will see more innovative collections, new brands, new digital art born on BTC Oridinals.


Attracts more investors to the game


The current introduction of currencies such as BRC-20 is more likely to be facilitated by secondary markets, and investment agencies are less involved. The main reason is that the current emergence of standards such as BRC-20 is far too controversial.


BTC 2nd floor expansion or second spring

BTC二层网络将涌入众多新开发者,比如闪电网络、Liquid、RSK、Stacks等项目,BTC L2 是解决目前网络拥堵的最好方式之一,BTC生态仍处于繁荣的早期阶段。

The BTC second-tier network will bring in a large number of new developers, such as the Lightning Network, Liquid, RSK, Stacks, etc. BTC L2 is one of the best ways to address the current network congestion, and BTC ecology is still in its early stages of prosperity.

06. 拥抱BTC NFT生态

06. Embrace BTC NFT Ecology

NFT 作为可以代表独一无二的数字资产或实物资产的加密代币,它在区块链上具有唯一性和不可替代性;Ordinals 协议的推出彻底改变了以太坊NFT 一家独大的局面,Ordinals 协议不需要任何中心化或信任方参与,也不需要依赖任何 Layer 2 或侧链解决方案 ,它完全遵循比特币网络本身的规则和安全性,是更坚固和更加去中心化的NFT。

NFT is unique and irreplaceable on the block chain as an encrypted token that represents a unique digital or physical asset; the introduction of the Ordinals agreement completely changed the unique situation of the Etherm NFT, which does not require any centralization or trusting party or reliance on any Layer 2 or side-chain solution, fully following the rules and security of the Bitcoin network itself, and is a stronger and more central NFT.

从某种程度上讲,Oridianls 协议本身就是一种革新BTC NFT 协议,与以太坊相反,BTC的同质化代币标准BRC-20是建立在 Oridianls 协议基础之上的。

To some extent, the Oridiants agreement itself is an innovative BTC NFT agreement, and, contrary to Etheria, the BTC standard for homogenous currency BRC-20 is based on the Oridiants agreement.

目前 BTC NFT正在迅速的发展和成长,常见的Ordinals NFT如下所示。

BTC NFT is currently developing and growing rapidly, as shown below are the common Ordinals NFTs.


从 Slik Road,到BTC 购买特斯拉, 再到BTC ATM,比特币一直沿着「更被广泛接受的货币」这一路径在发展。Ordinals 协议的出现,让比特币变得更自由。谁会知道下一个被「铭刻」的 Satoshi 会有什么额外的价值呢?市场的自由流动,会给出这些被「铭刻」的比特币新的价值。终有一日,我们会得到这个问题的答案。这些问题,都在向我们展示BTC NFT 相比于以太坊 NFT 独有的魅力。

From Slik Road, to BTC's purchase of Tesla, to BTC ATM, Bitcoin has been developing along the path of "a more widely accepted currency." The Ordinals agreement has emerged, making Bitcoin freer. Who knows what the next engraved Satoshi will add? The free flow of markets will give these engraved bitcoins a new value. One day, we will get answers to this question. These questions are showing us the unique charms of BTC NFT as compared to what is expected of the nearer NFT.

一直以来,YieldDAO一直关注着序数和BRC-20的最新信息,我们认为Ordinals 协议为比特币带来了更大的生态圈,同时也开启了NFT的「新时代」,我们正在积极计划将DragonCapsule MetaIP扩展到Bitcoin生态。

YieldDAO has been following up on serial numbers and the latest information on BRC-20, and we believe that the Ordinals agreement has brought a larger ring to Bitcoin and has also opened the “new era” of NFT, and we are actively planning to extend DragonCapsule MetaIP to Bitcoin Ecology.


目前YieldDAO计划将DragonCapsule编号#9201~#10000,共799枚暗黑骷髅龙和一枚世纪彩蛋从以太坊跨链迁移到 Bitcoin 生态上发行,这将让龙胶囊成为首个同时跨越以太坊和比特币生态的IP品牌NFT合集。

Currently, YieldDAO plans to move DragonCapsule #9201~ #10,000, a total of 799 dark skull dragons and a century-old egg from Etheria across the chain to Bitcoin Ecology, which will make the dragon capsule the first NFT collection to cross Ether and Bitcoin Ecology simultaneously.

YieldDAO和龙胶囊已经成为一个不断进步,友好,有益和互动的社区。目前计划在6月初启动龙胶囊在 BitCoin上跨链扩展的进程,同步开启龙胶囊BRC-20序数模因发行的治理投票,拥抱BTC生态是龙胶囊具有重要意义的里程碑决定,也将是龙胶囊MetaIP发展的一段有趣的旅程。

YieldDAO and the dragon capsule have become a progressive, friendly, beneficial and interactive community. Plans are under way to start the process of expanding the dragon capsules across the chain on BitCoin in early June, to launch simultaneously the governance vote on the release of the dragon capsule BRC-20 sequenced modules, and to embrace the BTC ecology is a landmark decision on the importance of the dragon capsule and an interesting journey to develop the dragon capsule MetaIP.



Disclaimer: The market is at risk and the choice needs to be careful! This is for reference purposes only and does not provide a basis for the sale.


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