
资讯 2024-06-24 阅读:25 评论:0


In February 2015, Tedar was officially released as the world’s first virtual digital currency that can be linked to the legal currency in circulation, and every Thai currency can be converted to the dollar by 1:1, a set that can be described as stabilizing the value of the Tedar currency, so that it is also called stable currency. The advantage of the Tedar is that it is stable, supportive, transparent, and that it is based on a block chain, with an advanced technology that provides a better service to the platform.



The USDT charge is that a user uses real money to buy USDT when investing in a virtual currency. USDT is an encrypted currency introduced by the United States company Tether, the Chinese name of which can be purchased by wire from the United States dollar to Tether’s bank account, or by exchange in exchange for Thai currency. The reverse action is sufficient when the dollar is redeemed.

USDT与稳定价值货币美元挂钩且保存在外汇储备账户,获得法定货币支持的虚拟货币。Tether公司网站宣称严格遵守1:1的准备金保证,即每发行1枚USDT代币,其银行帐户都会有1美元的资金保障。该种方式可以有效的防止加密货币出现价格大幅波动。 泰达币具有的特点包括稳定、透明的、区块链技术、安全等,其中Tether的区块链技术在满足国际合规标准和法规的同时,提供了世界级的安全保障。同时Tether是目前最广泛的数字法定货币。

USDT is pegged to a stable value dollar and kept in a foreign-exchange reserve account, with a virtual currency supported by the legal currency. Tether’s website claims strict compliance with the 1:1 reserve guarantee that its bank account will have a $1 guarantee for every USDT token issued.


It is worth mentioning that virtual currencies are not allowed to be traded in the country and are not protected by the law, since they are not issued by monetary authorities, have legal and compulsory monetary attributes, are not real currencies and do not have the legal status of equivalent currencies, not least because the prices of virtual currencies can be monitored through the relevant websites.

1. 规避整体下跌风险

1. Avoiding the risk of overall decline


In currency transactions, there are three common cases, with the LTC/BTC transaction as an example: BTC and LTC are on the rise after BTC buys LTC, and you get two benefits; BTC and LTC are on the rise and fall when BTC buys LTC, and your gain depends on the increase and drop in both currencies, which is larger. Only one increase is greater than the fall in the other, and you earn.


But with the USDT, when the currency falls, it can be replaced with the USDT immediately, thus ensuring that your assets do not shrink.

2.反向操作 数字货币提现

2. Reverse operations Digital currency withdrawals


The full value is simple, and USDT claims that investors can transfer the dollar to the bank account of Tether through SWIFT, or exchange it for the Bitfinex exchange. If you are profitable and want to cash out, you can exchange the currency in your hand to the USDT, and then to the US dollar through Tether or other platforms. Here you can see that if you complete the USDT certification, you can deal directly in other currency trading platforms that do not require certification, without having to re-accredit other platforms.


But the current process is not that easy. You can return the USDT in your hand to Tether through Tether. Tether destroys the USDT received and distributes the dollar equivalent to the user. It needs to be recalled that whether it is through wire transfers to the bank account provided by Tether to buy the USDT or to convert the USDT back to the United States dollar, it is necessary to complete the account validation.


You can also convert USDT to US dollars through trading platforms such as Kraken. At Kraken, you can exchange USDT for US$ by selecting USDT/USD trading pairs.


In summary, the answer to the question of what is meant by the USDT charger, and the popular explanation of the USDT charge, is that the tadco is based on a platform that supports the conversion of real currency into tadco, and that the tadco is able to be pegged to the dollar, and its stability is still strong. And, because it has a stable foreign-exchange reserve, it has a very high level of support.


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