作者 | 阿法兔 ML1255
Afa Rabbit ML1255
We use micro-mails #xff0c every day; we use our data to get advertising revenue. Free services xff0c; and we need to pay personal data in exchange xff0c; whether there is a new paradigm xff0c; users and providers are co-founders xff0c; co-benefits xff1f;
阿法兔 ML1255
Perhaps after reading this paper #xff0c; some inspiration can be obtained.
on Web3.0
Web 3.0的概念是什么?第一次由谁提出
Web 3.0 what's the concept of #xff1f; who proposed it for the first time
Why are we focusing on Web3.0?
Web3.0 Why all of a sudden is on fire >xff1f;
from Web1.0 to Web3.0
The US-Soviet Cold War.
into Web1.0
Features of Web1.0
Question of Web1.0
Web 2.0 what #xff1f;
Web 2.0 featuresxff1a; network as platform
What's the difference between Web1.0 and Web 2.0?
Web2.0 What's the problem? #xff1f;
以太坊中的Web 3.0 定义
definition of Web 3.0 in Tai Hom
The advantage of Web3
The difference between Web2.0 and Web3.0
♪ Web3.0 Tech ♪/em ♪
Web3 specifics and current entrepreneurship projects
I'm an I.D.
for communication
for storage
Features of Web3.0 >/em
Web3.0 > /em >
at what stage xff1f; which applications xff1f;
comments against Web3 xff1f;
Regulatory status
♪ The future ♪ ♪ the future ♪ ♪ the future ♪ ♪ the future ♪ ♪ the future to the future ♪ ♪ the future to the future ♪ ♪ the future to the future to the future ♪
about Web3.0
Web 3.0的概念是什么?第一次由谁提出?
What's the concept of
Web3.0,又称Web3(下文我们都用Web3来代替Web3.0),是以太坊联合创始人、Polkadot创建者Gavin Wood在2014年提出的。
Web3.0, also known as Web3( Web3 to replace Web3.0) xff0c; and Gavin Wood, founder of Polkadot, was proposed in 2014.
Polkadot 是协议的一种:是将多个专用区块链连接到一个统一网络中的下一代区块链协议,协议就是基于共识的一组约定。如怎么样建立连接、怎么样互相识别等。
Polkadot is one of the protocols xff1a; it is a protocol linking multiple dedicated blocks to the next generation of blocks in a unified network xff0c; the protocol is a consensus-based set of agreements. How to connect, how to identify each other, etc.
从概念理解上,Web3代表互联网的下一个时代,互联网形态向着更民主的范式转变,Web3源于人们对当今互联网价值的态度的转变: 互联网巨头控制着互联网和所有人的数据,Web3代表着,很多人出现了想创造一个真正“集体所有”互联网的想法。
From a conceptual perspective xff0c; Web3 representing the next era of the Internet xff0c; xff0c; strong's paradigm shift towards a more democratic paradigm xff0c; Web3 stems from a shift in attitudes towards the value of the Internet today : Internet giants control the Internet and data for all xff0c; Web3 representing xff0c; and many people have come up with the idea of creating a truly “collective” Internet.
Why are we focusing on Web3.0?
Every change in the shape of the Internet xff0c; will have a great impact on the world xff0c;
从社交上,与20年前相比, "社交 "这个词有了新的含义:那些赶着Web2.0时代,尚且年轻的社交创业公司,Facebook、谷歌、Instagram和Twitter逐渐成为了巨头。
从政治上,拿Facebook举例 ,互联网寡头的存在煽动而非客观的算法推荐已成为常态,甚至影响了美国大选。
takes a Facebook example & #xff0c from politics; ; Internet oligarchic sedition rather than objective algorithm recommendations become the norm & #xff0c; and even influences United States elections.
Changes in Internet Patterns xff0c; The emergence of a new paradigm xff0c; A number of times has had an impact on the world and it is necessary to focus on the future of the Internet.
The year 2020, in particular this year xff08; end of 2021 xff09; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c
上图为A16Z的Crpto Portofolio图:来源 A16Z
from Web1.0 to Web3.0
xff0c; right at the height of the US-Soviet Cold War. xff0c; US has a central computer to control nuclear weapons. U.S. government fears xff0c; an attack could paralyse the computer system xff0c; it prevents them from reacting. thusxff0c; U.S. government has set up a decentralised system xff0c; many computers are spread across the country. xff0c; defense systems will continue to operate xff0c; ensure that the two countries can destroy each other.
后来,1989年,Tim Berners Lee写下了名为Information Management: A Proposal的论文,将 "网络 "描绘成一个通过超文本链接相互连接的信息系统网络(2019年,互联网30岁生日之际,Tim Berners Lee也表示,他对互联网近年来的发展方向感到不满。)
Later xff0c; 1989 xff0c; Tim Berners Lee wrote a paper entitled
Tim Berners Lee,2016年获得图灵奖,
then entered the Web1.0 era
Mosaic和Microsoft Internet Explorer的浏览器把Web带给了主流受众,大家开始冲浪了,网页设计较为原始,我们用拨号连接和电话线上网,通常下载一张照片就需要很长的时间。
Mosaic and Microsoft Internet Explorer browsers brought Web to the mainstream audience & #xff0c;
Features of Web1.0
开源:所有人都可以在Web1.0基础上自由构建,这就产生了在车库里的谷歌,为今天这些互联网巨头的企业成果创造了可能。如果Web是私有的,是不可能的。但是Web 1.0是只读的。这意味着,每千名浏览Web的用户中,只有少数人具备发布内容的技术技能:只有古代的程序员,可以把网页内容展示给大家,小白用户可以看,但是很难发布内容。
Open Source & #xff1a; Everyone can be freely constructed on the basis of Web1.0, which creates Google & #xff0c in the garage; creates possibilities for business outcomes for these Internet giants today. It is not possible if Web is private xff0c; but Web 1.0 is read-only. means xff0c; xff0c per 1,000 users browsing on Web; only a few have technical skills for publishing xff1a; only ancient programmer #xff0c; it can show web content to everyone xff0c; white users can see #xff0c; but it is difficult to publish content .
> Question of Web1.0
上列文字,主要根据谷歌的产品设计师Tony Aubé 在WAQ2019上演讲的文字版整理,摘自技术琐话-2020-08-26翻译
Text above xff0c; preponderantly based on Google's product designer Tony Aubé's speech at WAQ2019 xff0c; taken from techno-description 2020-08-26
Web 2.0( Networks we are currently using xff09; Birth xff0c; Mainly to overcome Web1.0 restrictions xff0c; xff0c compared to Web1.0; Web 2.0 whose main advantage is that users can interact with the network. Web 2.0 starts xff0c; Whether white users or technology xff0c; everyone can post content online.
有趣的是,就像2021年,我们在这里热火朝天地讨论Web3.0一样;十余年前的2009年,Tim O'Reilly和John Battelle讨论了Web 2.0五年来的发展。
xff0c; like 2021 xff0c; we're here to discuss Web3.0 xff1b; 2009 xff0c; Tim O39; Reilly and John Battelle to discuss Web 2.0 years ago.
What was the specific context at the time
Autumn 2001 xff0c; the collapse of the Internet bubble xff0c; marks a turning point xff1a;
subversion and instability #xff0c; usually marks a technology that is ready to rise to the historical stage xff0c; during this period xff0c; foams and powerless ones that will be washed out xff0c; and true success is the existence of power. strong> between chaos, subversion and foam xff0c; people begin to understand the difference between the two.
Web 2.0 "的概念始于O'Reilly一次会议上的头脑风暴:网络先锋和O'Reilly副总裁Dale Dougherty指出,尽管互联网泡沫破了,但是网络不会 "崩溃",而会更加重要,很多优秀的新应用和网站一定会层出不穷。更重要的是,那些在互联网泡沫破灭中幸存下来的公司,似乎都有一些共同点。互联网络公司的大规模倒闭是否标志着网络的某种转折点?"Web 2.0 "的提出也许是有意义的?Web 2.0大会就这样诞生了。
Web 2.0 & #34; The concept begins with O #39; Brainstorms at Reilly's meeting: Network Pioneer and O #39; Dale Dougherty notes & #xff0c;
当然,哪怕是在Web2.0提出之后,尽管在谷歌的引用次数超过950万。但是人们对于Web 2.0的含义仍然存在着巨大的分歧(和今天大家对Web3.0的态度很相似),有人说Web2.0是毫无意义的营销概念,而另一些人则接受它,认为它是全新的智慧。
of course xff0c; even after Web 2.0 was introduced xff0c; although Google was quoted more than 9.5 million times.
Features of Web 2.0xff1a; network as platform
像许多重要的概念一样,Web 2.0没有一个明确边界,而是有一个有力核心,可以把Web 2.0想象成一套原则和实践。
Like many important concepts, xff0c; Web 2.0 does not have a clear boundary xff0c; rather, it has a strong core xff0c; can imagine Web 2.0 as a set of principles and practices .
在2004年10月举行的首届Web 2.0会议上,列出了一套初步原则。第一条是 "网络作为平台"。在当时,Web1.0时代的当红炸子鸡网景公司和微软Battle后倒闭。更重要的是,最初的两个Web 1.0时代典范,DoubleClick和Akamai,其实都是将网络作为平台的先驱。
at the first Web 2.0 meeting in October 2004 & #xff0c;
尽管大家往往不认为它是 "网络服务",但事实上,广告服务是第一个广泛部署的网络服务,也是第一个广泛部署的 "mashup"。具体地说,当时的每个广告横幅,都是作为两个网站之间的无缝合作来提供的,向另一台计算机上的读者分发一个综合页面。Akamai也把网络当作平台,在堆栈的更深层次上,建立一个透明的缓存和内容分发网络,缓解带宽拥堵。
, although it is often not thought to be & #34; web services 34; xff0c; but in fact xff0c; advertising services are the first widely deployed web service xff0c; and also the first widely deployed & #34; mashup" . Specifically xff0c; xff0c; xff0c, each of the advertising banners at the time; xff0c, provided as a seamless collaboration between the two websites; and a comprehensive page distributed to readers on another computer. Akamai also uses the network as a platform xff0c; xff0c at a deeper level in the stacks; a transparent storage and distribution network xff0c; xff0c; mitigation of bandwidth congestion.
就是这些时代先驱者提供了先行的案例,后进者面对同一问题的解决方案才可以更进一步,对新平台的性质有了更深的理解。DoubleClick和Akamai都是Web 2.0的先驱,但我们也可以看到,通过接受更多的Web 2.0设计模式,有可能实现更多的可能性。
is the pioneers of these times who have provided the case xff0c; the latecomers have to deal with the same problem to go further xff0c; there is a deeper understanding of the nature of the new platform
What's the difference between Web1.0 and Web 2.0?
We use a table to show xff1a;
xff0c > ; Web2.0 xff0c > ; creates preconditions for people to discuss and explore Web3.0.
What's wrong with Web 2.0 xff1f;
早期互联网,带有强烈的探索性质,曾经的技术先驱们对互联网进行了探索、封存、和商品化。随着时间的推移,尽管互联网一直保持着所谓的 "自由",却有了很多负面影响。
Early Internet & #xff0c; strongly exploratory & #xff0c; former technology pioneers have explored, sealed, and commercialized the Internet. Over time & #xff0c; despite the fact that the Internet has maintained so-called & #34; freedom & #34; & #xff0c; have had many negative effects.
Take a scenario for example xff1a; xff0c in our lives; xff0c if we want to buy a train or plane ticket xff0c;
Simultaneous human faces created by artificial intelligence xff0c; more social problems can be caused by deep forgery and identity theft. The economic damage caused by false news in 2019 exceeds $70 billion xff0c; the future will only get worse. The spread of false negative news stories is six times the rate of real news stories xff0c;
strong> brings an opportunity for Web3.0 xff0c;
正如Web2的诞生一样,Web3的到来,寄予着人们想要解决目前互联网存在的问题的希望。Web3也被称为语义网(Semantic Web ),因为通过促进对用户元数据的解释,Web3可以提供一个更加个性化的界面。承诺将隐私和数字身份还给用户,同时由于NFTs和dApps,实现了新的互动水平。区块链技术在Web3中汇集了Web1和Web2的精华。
As with the birth of Web2 xff0c; the arrival of Web3 xff0c; and the hope of people wanting to solve their current Internet problems. Web3 is also known as Semantic Network xff08; Semantic Web & #xff09; xff0c;
what's semantic? <#xff1f;
Briefly xff0c; semantic web is a smart network xff0c; it can understand not only words and concepts xff0c; it can also understand the logical relationship between them xff0c; it can make communication more efficient and valuable.
A use scene & #xff1a; a semantic network capable of judging by semantics & #xff0c; accessible communication between people and computers. It is like a giant brain & #xff0c; highly intelligent xff0c; coordination is very strong.
For example, on browsing news, xff0c; semantic networks can label each news article xff0c; detailed descriptions of author, guide and title xff1b; if you enter xff0c into the search engine, you can easily find old-fashioned xff0c; instead of his articles xff0c; strong's semantic web is a more personal network xff0c; you can give it a high degree of trust xff0c; it helps you filter out what you don't like xff0c; making the network more like your own network.
以太坊中的Web 3.0 定义
Defines Web 3.0 in the courthouse
to give you a clearer understanding of Web3.0xff0c; let's give you an example for the talisman.
按照以太坊的定义:Web2 指的是我们如今众所周知的互联网版本。具体指的是,通过个人数据和信息交换来提供服务互联网公司。在以太坊的范畴内,Web3指的是在区块链上运行的去中心应用程序。所有用户都可以参与构建/使用这些App,个人数据却不需要被出卖。
By definition xff1a; Web2 is the version of the Internet that we know well today. This refers specifically to xff0c; Internet companies that provide services through the exchange of personal data and information. in the context of xff0c; Web3 refers to go-to-centre applications running on the block chain. All users can participate in the construction/use of these Appxff0c; personal data need not be sold.
The advantage of Web3
Due to the decentralisation properties of the Tai Pa & #xff0c; many Web3 engineers have chosen to develop dapp( dapp is D+ p, d is the initial letter of the English word decentralisation & #xff0c; the word translated Chinese is decentralised & #xff0c; i.e. dapp is used as a central application. & #xff09; xff0c; everyone on the web has the right to use Web3 services. There are no mechanisms that prevent users from using Web3 xff0c; payments are mainly made through the Taiku #xff08; ETH #xff09; in-in-house native currency.
because Etheria has Turinity & #xff0c; at Etheria & #xff0c; all needs can be met by code and programming.
what's Turing Integrity@xff1f;
#xff0c; simple & #xff1a; if it's a perfect language , no excuse , saying that this function cannot be completed , give another popular example & #xff0c; or compare it to xff0c; #xff0c; #xff0c; only engine xff0c; no steering wheel. So it's only straight #xff0c; cannot turn #xff0c; so it's not possible to go anywhere. But if there's a steering plate #xff0c; it can go anywhere.
Turing is complete here xff0c; mainly it refers to whether the block chain can run a code xff0c; this code is written in advanced language xff0c; functions 34; Turingtan34;
Web3.0 Tech > /strang >
Web3 Tech Office
为了更清晰地对Web3的技术层面进行解释,我们来看一下Web3 Foundation对Web3技术栈的解释:
as shown in the figure above <#xff1a;
An extended user interface xff08;34; 34; xff09; xff0c; a program used by users to interact directly with block chains xff0c; without the need to know how to program and achieve details xff1a; in the cases of Status, Metamask or MyCrypto.
L3:人类可读语言和库的层,在这一层,开发人员和程序员们可以适当抽象,并进行程序开发。这一层包括可扩展协议的API和语言 -:有各种语言可以用来开发应用程序,如Solidity和Vyper(Ethereum),Plutus(Cardano),和Rust(Substrate)。
strong>L3: layer of human readable languages and libraries, level xff0c; developers and programmers may have appropriate abstract xff0c; and program development. This layer includes API and language of extended protocols - xff1a; there are various languages that can be used to develop applications xff0c; e.g., solidity and Vyper( Ethereum) xff0c; Plutosxff08; Cardano) xff0c; xffff0c; and Rust#xff08; Substrate#xff09;
In addition xff0c; various frameworks xff0c; easier application of programming to interact with block chains xff0c; e.g. ethers.js, web3.js and oo7.js.
strong>L2: this layer enhances L1 level capabilities : perform enhancements, encrypt messages, distribution calculations, etc.
状态通道(State channels):区块链通过让节点在链外相互通信,通过在主链上 "打开 "和 "关闭 "通道,只写初始和最终结果,而不是在链上记录每个状态转换,从而提高可扩展性的一种方式。例子包括比特币的Lightning Network 和以太坊的Raiden Network
state channel xff08; State channels) : block chain communicates with each other outside the chain by allowing nodes xff0c; & 34; & #34; and #34; close & #34; channel xff0c; write only the initial and final results xff0c; instead of recording each state on the chain xff0c; one way to increase scalability. Examples include Lighting Network in Bitcoin and Raiden Netwok in Taipan.
Plasma协议:Plasma是通过创建区块链的 "树 "来提高可扩展性的另一种方式,主链是树的根,而 "子 "区块链尽可能少地与更高级别的链互动。例子包括Loom的PlasmaChain和OmigeGO Plasma。
Encrypted storage,就是加密存储 。使用密码学对数据进行数学加密和解密,包括静态(即存储在特定的计算机上)和动态(即从一台计算机传输到另一台)。例如:静态指的是存储加密,动态指得是传输加密(HTTPS就是一种传输加密)
Plasma & #xff1a; Plasma & #34; another way to increase scalability & #xff0c; main chain is root & #xff0c; and & #34; sub-block chains interact as little as possible with higher chains. Examples include Plasma Chain and Omigigo Plasma in Loom.
Encrypted store #xff0c; encryption storage .
Heavy computation,就是重型计算 :可以理解为如果需要进行大量的计算,例如在数组中推送大量的对象?提供一种方法,允许计算分散在许多计算机中,并证明计算是正确进行的。这方面的例子包括以太坊的Golem和TrueBit。
strong>Heavy Communication & #xff0c; i.e. heavy calculation
Distributed secret management 分布式秘密管理 : 允许信息只被授权方访问,包括复杂的场景,如 "解密此信息需要所有六个签名者使用他们的密钥 "或 "7个签名者中的任何5个必须同意"等等。
Distributed secret management : Allow information to be accessed only by authorized parties xff0c; including complex scenarios xff0c; e.g. & #34; decrypting this information requires all six signatories to use their keys & #34; or & #34; any five of the seven signatories must agree 34; etc.
Oracles: 将链外数据(如天气结果或股票价格)注入区块链的一种方式,一般供智能合约使用。
strang>Oracles: will use extra-chain data xff08; e.g. weather results or stock prices xff09; a way to inject block chains xff0c; generally for smart contracts.
< strong>L1: This level provides the capacity to distribute and interact data
0/low confidence interactive agreement: agreements describing how different nodes interact and trust calculations and information from each node. Most encrypted currencies xff0c; e.g. Bitcoin and ZCash, definitions of zero/low confidence interactive agreement - xff0c; they describe the rules to be followed for node participation in the agreement.
Video Data Public/Sub-Information Transfer xff1a; describes data xff08; e.g. status update xff09; how nodes are communicated and how they are made aware of their existence. Examples include Whisper and Matrix.
< strong>L0: Data distribution and interactive capabilities are provided at this level
Most encrypted currencies xff0c; e.g. Bitcoin and ZCash, definition of zero/low confidence engagement xff0c; description of the rules to be followed for node participation in the agreement.
点对点(p2p)互联网覆盖协议 (Peer-to-peer (p2p) ):一个允许节点以分散的方式进行通信的网络套件。
point pair xff08; p2p) Internet cover protocol & #xff08; Peer-to-peer (p2p) & #xff09; xff1a; a network package allowing nodes to communicate in a decentralized manner.
平台中立的计算描述语言(Platform-neutral computation description language) :一种在不同物理平台(架构、操作系统等)上执行相同程序的方式。例子包括EVM(以太坊)、UTXOs(比特币)和Wasm。
the neutral computing description of the platform ( Platform-neutral communication description language) & #xff1a; a different physical platform & #xff08; architecture, operating systems, etc. & #xff09; how the same process is carried out. Examples include EVM( #xff09; UTXOs #xff08; Bitcoin #xff09; and Wasm.
xff0c, as shown in the figure above;
Identity >/strong
For any category of decentralised communications, commerce or collaboration xff0c; a reliable identification system is required xff1a; the most basic method is to link an identity to an address or a public/private key pair on an open and secure chain of blocks such as Bitcoin or Taiku. These addresses can select additional information xff08; images xff09; xff0c; this is what we call NFT or token.
#xff0c; however, there are two main challenges #xff1a;
1xff09; these address strings are long
2xff09; identity although secure xff0c; but exists on block chains xff0c;
projects such as ENS and Handshake xff0c; addressing identification problems xff0c through their own databases xffc; linking BTC or ETH addresses to human readable names xff0c; building a decentralised DNS. xff0c; developers of lightning network ecosystems xff0c; working to link identities to nodes based on safer sector chains such as Bitco. xff0c in projects such as Sphinx; this can be done by end users without knowledge of lightning grids.
Although it is not yet clear how the identity will be authenticated xff0c;
这种去中心化的身份服务的另一个可能的社会后果是:允许人类对 "自我 "的概念进行更多的实验。要知道,人类目前对 "我们是谁 "的传统映射依赖于姓氏和身份证,但这些都是在互联网出现之前的相当随意的标识,就像我们作为人是不断变化的,现在我们的选择性身份也可以是这样的,许多人会选择用不同的假名来进行不同的知识和经济追求。
Another possible social consequence of this decentralised identity service is xff1a; humans are allowed to experiment more with the concepts of & #34; self & #34; know xff0c; humans are currently doing & #34; who are we & #34; traditional mapping is dependent on family names and identity cards xff0c; but these are rather random markings prior to the advent of the Internet xff0c; just as we are changing xff0c; now our selective identity can also be xff0c; many will choose to use different aliases for different intellectual and economic pursuits.
strong > calculates
The ability to compute or execute any type of smart contract is also agreed. The main candidates for computers in the Web3 world are the Taiyo & #xff0c; because of the large-scale developers' network effect. But & #xff0c; the main problems with its expansion still exist & #xff0c; leading to a wave of second-tier & #xff08; rollups & #xff0c; Loopring and others & #xff09; and a new competitive smart contract platform. Platforms like Stacks are conducting new technological experiments & #xff0c; anchoring relatively safer sector chains like Bitco.
这种去中心化智能合约的使用案例:第一个主要的产品市场契合点是建立一个开放的的金融系统(通常被称为DeFi)。或许下一波浪潮将围绕着创建其他各种开放的、无许可的企业和人类组织,更常见的是被称为DAO或分布式自治组织。这种DAO可能看起来像更开放的公司结构,有选举产生的经理、董事会和报告(例如,见Yearn Finance最近在Github上的季度报告)。
The case of the use of decentralised smart contracts xff1a; the first major product market convergence point is the establishment of an open financial system xff08; commonly known as DeFi) and perhaps the next wave will revolve around the creation of other open, unlicensed businesses and human organizations
Another more radical method of decentralizing calculations comes from the project to rebuild the entire calculator xff1a; xff0c so far; projects like Urbit xff1a;
1) Personal Serverxff0c; Hostable locally or on cloud xff1b;
2)一个完全重写的操作系统,旨在从根本上简化目前的代码臃肿,创始人极其有争议:是个超级Nerd,以及似乎是从《Magic: The Gathering.》中借来的命名惯例,该项目已经引发了它的困惑和争议,但社区的目标和决心(它现在已经有将近20年的历史)是相当令人印象深刻的。
Web 3原语(primitives)之间会有相当多的重叠。例如,Urbit正试图建立一个全新的计算机和网络通信协议类型。其他项目只是专注于p2p通信方面,以促进消息和社交媒体等核心应用。
目前最知名的可能是Mastodon(使用Activity Pub协议),它拥有超过200万用户,最近似乎吸引了一大片比特币Twitter。Mastodon有一个用户友好的界面,但并不像许多其他协议那样是去中心化的。它使用一个联合模型,不同的网络参与者要么是服务器,要么是客户端,但不能同时是。因此,服务器可以运行它喜欢的任何版本的Mastodon,但连接到该服务器的客户仍然受控制它的人的支配。对于大多数用户来说,手动迁移是不容易的。
The most well-known is probably Mastodon( using the Activity Pub Protocol & #xff09; xff0c; it has more than 2 million users xff0c; it recently seems to have attracted a large bitcoin Twitter. Mastodon has a user-friendly interface xff0c; but it is not centralized as many other agreements do. It uses a joint model xff0c; different network participants are either servers xff0c; or the client xff0c; but not simultaneously. xff0c; the server can run any version of the Mastodon #xff0c that it likes; but clients connected to the server are still under its control. xff0c; manual migration is not easy for most users.
另一个竞争模式是Scuttlebutt,使用了一个p2p流言协议(p2p gossip protocol ),在这里,网络中的每台计算机既是客户端又是服务器,因此可以将信息转达给其他可信的节点,而不需要呼唤任何中心化实体。这种架构看起来非常棒,但可扩展性方面仍有问题,还处于早期。
Another competition model is Scuttlebutt, a p2p gossip protocol & #xff08; p2p Gossip protocol & #xff09; & #xff0c; here xff0c; each computer in the network is both a client and a server xff0c; thus the information can be conveyed to other credible nodes xff0c; and no centralised entity is required. This structure appears to be excellent xff0c; there are still problems with scalability #xff0c; and it is still at an early stage.
At the same time xff0c; projects like Maskbook are using the Trojan horse approach xff1a; no new social network xff0c has been created from scratch; instead, users are asked to enhance their experiences on existing social networks xff08; e.g. Twitter and Facebook xff09; expand xff0c by simply downloading a browser; users are able to encrypt information xff0c; and link posts to other web3 applications xff0c; e.g. Uniswap or SuperRare #xff0c; to encrypt currency or NFT transactions in posts.
Many of these communications may eventually occur on the lightning network above Bitcoin.
我们需要存储Web3所有数据,而Arweave、Filecoin/IPFS, Sia, Storj,四个项目都是专注这一块的。Filecoin、Sia和Storj就像存储行业的AirBnB,目标是建立网络,激励来自世界各地的硬盘所有者(从业余爱好者到专业人士),让他们在尽可能多的正常运行时间内使用其多余的存储容量。他们使用类似于AWS、GCP或Azure等传统云存储供应商的限时支付模式。
Their biggest difference is #xff1a.
1 xff09; not easy to review
2) xff08; theoretically xff09; lower cost
but doubtful about long-term cost-effectiveness . Project shows that xff0c; Filecoin currently offers storage options more than five times cheaper than AWS. But xff0c; as the project begins to gain more adoption xff0c; I find it hard to believe that it will not become a competition xff0c; companies like Amazons and Google have larger spoils to build more and better data centres xff0c; even subsidizing the cost of their products xff0c; but time will eventually prove these things.
Arweave走了一条完全不同的道路:它承诺是 "永久存储",也就是一次付费,永久访问。项目旨在通过 "访问证明"(PoA)的新机制设计来实现这一目标,利用随机X工作证明和存储证明的元素,激励网络中的每个节点尽可能多地存储整个集体数据库。预付款项实际上是一种捐赠,可以无限地覆盖存储成本(或只要硬盘空间的成本继续下降)。Arweave已经与互联网档案馆等组织合作,备份他们的所有数据,并且还在存储其他区块链的副本,如Solana。
Arwea has taken a completely different road xff1a; it is committed to & #34; permanent storage 34; xff0c; i.e. one-time payment xff0c; permanent access. The project is designed to achieve this xff0c; it uses random X work certificates and storage certificates xff0c; it encourages each node in the network to store the entire collective database as much as possible. The advance payment is actually a donation xff0c; it can cover storage costs indefinitely xff08; or as long as the cost of hard disk space continues to fall xff09; Arweave has cooperated with organizations such as the Internet Archives xff0c; backups all their data xff0c; and is also storing copies of other block chains xff0c; e.g. Solana.
strong> if permanent storage works xff0c; then you can imagine xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; very high value for developers who want to permanently store their guidelines and data for their applications.
xff0c; xff0c; how far we are from establishing a truly decentralized Internet xff1f; xff0c; in encryption currency/value; strong> for communication, identity, storage and calculation xff0c; we seem to be approaching xff0c; but we are not ready for adoption in the mainstream.
目前越来越多的狂热者开始关注这些应用,风投和资本涌入,但是这里最大的风险仍然存在:目前正处于Web3泡沫的开始,主要是为5-10年后的主流采用逐渐奠定基础。由于现在互联网的存在,所有的技术趋势都在加速发展(这在很大程度上要归功于我们现有的互联网),所以也可能看到未来1-3年内出现Big Player.
More and more fanatics are now focusing on these applications xff0c; wind and capital inflows xff0c; but the greatest risks remain xff1a;
Features of Web3.0
Web3的特性有利于Web3出现的前提条件是:这个更加 "智能 "的互联网,用户在其中可以进行更接近自然语言的搜索。
The characteristics of
As rules and web content become more relevant xff0c; user-searched information will become more direct.
导航频率 Navigation frequency 网络访问量 Number of network visits 搜索类型 Search Type 实施活动 Implementation activities 在线购买情况 Online purchases 2.网站会分析数据和用户行为。 2. The
Personalization of the networkxff08; individual users vary from xff09;
Development of technology at
包括语言、智能程序、人工智能辅助和语义学。RDF: tools such as RDF Schema and OWL allow adding meaning to pages and is one of the essential technologies of the Semantic Web.
, smart programs, artificial intelligence aids and semantics.
Artificial intelligence & #xff1a; component & #xff0c in 3.0 technologies; new knowledge can be derived from different sources of knowledge. Rules and relationships between artificial intelligence input concepts and objects & #xff0c; and new theorem & #xff0c; knowledge base has grown.
Com: the website is ambitious xff0c; wants to be the largest free global database in the world.
5 提供按需定制的网络个性化服务
6 平台和社交网络之间具备互操作性
7 地理定位:可以知道用户在哪里
7 Geolocation <#xff1a; knows where the user is
8 智能搜索:搜索时将不再出现成千上万的条目,网络将了解每个人,根据他们的搜索需求直接显示相关内容
8 Smart search: will no longer have thousands of entries xff0c; the network will know everyone xff0c; the content will be displayed directly according to their search needs
What are the limitations of Web3? #xff1f;
At present xff0c; Web3 still has some limitations xff1a;
is, first of all, expansionary and urgent. is xff0c, specifically, because Web3 is decentralized xff0c; transactions there are relatively slow. xff0c, in particular, changes in the status of payments, etc. xff0c; due to the large number of nodes xff0c; needs to be handled by miners and disseminated throughout the network.
第二是用户体验问题:目前我们与Web3 App互动,还需要更多的教育过程和世界,特别是新的采用需要额外的步骤,这可能是目前广泛采用的障碍之一。
second is the user experience problem xff1a; now we interact with Web3 App xff0c; more educational processes and the world xff0c; in particular, new adoptions require additional steps xff0c; this may be one of the obstacles currently widely used.
the difference between decentralized and decentralized networks
At what stage of Web3 xff1f;
What applications do you have for ?xff1f;
Because Web3 compares to DeFi( Decentralized Finance & #xff09; conceptual domain update xff0c; specific examples are relatively few. But xff0c; for example xff0c; just as finance has various applications xff0c; e.g. loans and loans xff0c; the Internet is also made up of services and components.
Internet architecture and services
The structure of the Internet is not what most people think it is xff1a; our Internet is either working xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xffc; or offline. But ISP(, like T-Mobile and AT&T; Internet service provider xff09; xff0c because of monopoly xff0c; promise to fast connection xff0c; and then charge.
例如,业主可以投资一个Andrena热点,然后,所有租户都可以加入Andrena无线网络,租户根据数据和网络使用情况向房东付费。其他区块链网络,如Handshake以及Unstoppable Domains等公司,旨在使现有的域名系统(DNS)民主化,该系统将IP地址映射到等可读的地址。DNS由ICANN等组织控制,并拥有单方面的控制权。
e.g. xff0c; owner can invest in an Andrena hotspot xff0c; xff0c; then xff0c; all tenants can join Andrena Wireless Network xff0c; tenant pays to landlords based on data and network usage. Other block chain networks xff0c; companies such as Handshake and Unstoppable Domäins xff0c; aims to make the existing domain name system xff08; DNSxff09; Democratization xff0c; system mapping IP addresses to readable addresses. DNS is controlled by organizations such as ICANN for xff0c; and has unilateral control .
/em> data storage, distribution and monetization
For individuals like us, xff0c; data is hard to make. But it is easy to make a profit if many individual data sets are in the hands of large groups xff0c; xff0c; Robinhood earns nearly $300 million by selling customer order flow data in the first half of 2020. Everyone knows the concept xff0c; that's why Snapchat lost xff0c a year; the investors understand that the company has millions of Z-generation users xff0c; the potential value of these data is very high.
Ocean Protocol、Streamr和Numerai等组织正在构建协议,以实现开放的数据市场,任何人都可以分享他们的数据或将其货币化(出售以获得利润)。数据是我们去讨论如何在互联网上存储和转移价值的基本组成部分。数据商品化尚未实现,因为数据是孤立的、敏感的或专有的。
Organizations such as
strong>Ocean Protocol, Streamr and Numerai are building protocols xff0c; achieving an open data market xff0c; anyone can share their data or monetize them xff08; selling for profit xff09; data are essential components of how we discuss the storage and transfer of values on the Internet. Data commodification has not yet taken place xff0c; because data are isolated, sensitive or proprietary.
Web3 provides a tool for the market xff0c; sensitive data can be shared xff0c; proprietary data can be accurately priced and sold. Translating data into tangible data assets xff08; e.g. token xff09; releasing value xff0c; and developing a stronger data ecosystem.
Another key part of the data is stored across servers xff0c; this is mainly controlled by a few large companies.
We used a lot of services xff0c; you probably didn't realize it. WIFI, position service xff08; GPS) Bluetooth connection, information service xff08; iOS, Android) video and audio stream xff08; YouTube, Twitch, Spotify) etc.
These applications are controlled by giants xff0c; more importantly xff0c; services and infrastructure used by these applications are centralized xff0c; or xff08; e.g. Google, AWS, Microsoft xff09; Control. New protocols and companies xff0c; e.g. Heliumxff08; Open Wireless Network xff09; Foamxff08; Open Location Service x09; Livepeerxff08; Video Transcodes and Stream Media xff09; Orchid #xff08; Distribution and Private VPN #xff09; etc. #xff0c; all create distributed and community-operated services.
这些社区运营的服务成本更低,因为它们能够省去了中间商步骤。传统意义来说,Youtube等流媒体巨头为内容创作者的所有视频提供 "免费 "数据存储。Youtube协助用户进行视频转码,以确保观众能以统一的格式观看视频。无缝地提供所有这些服务,会将内容制作者死死绑定在每个平台。
services run by these communities are less expensive xff0c; they save brokering steps. Traditionally & #xff0c; youtube and other media giants provide & #34; free #34; data storage for all videos of content creators. Youtube assists users with video conversions xff0c; ensures that viewers can view videos in a uniform format. All these services are provided seamlessly xff0c; content producers are tied to each platform.
agreements under scenario 3 xff0c; the power of a single company can be weakened by dividing all services provided to users by a company. Audius( music stream & #xff09; OurZora, Mirror( publishing platform xff09; all creating platforms xff0c; users owning what they produce xff0c; and having a say in the governance of these platforms.
strong> in the future xff0c; content creators will be able to publicly store their data xff0c; separate from consumption data. Although these services are not convenient today xff0c; but in the future xff0c; they may be built into the basic platform that we use on a daily basis.
what are the objections to Web3? #xff1f;
但是,也有反对Web3的声音,例如康奈尔大学法律和科技教授James Grimmelmann表示:Web3是伪概念,这是一种已经宣布但无法交付的产品。
But xff0c; there are also voices against Web3xff0c; for example, James Grimmelmann, Professor of Law and Technology at Cornell University, said xff1a; Web3 is a false concept xff0c; it is a product that has been declared but cannot be delivered.
Grimmelmann believes that xff1a; 34;
北京时间12月8日晚23时,美国众议院金融服务委员会主席马克辛·沃特斯(Maxine Waters)主持了一场主题为“加密资产和金融的未来:了解美国金融创新的挑战和好处”的听证会。
On 8 December, at 23 p.m. Beijing time; Maxine Waters & #xff09, Chairman of the Financial Services Committee of the United States House of Representatives; chaired a hearing on the theme “The future of encrypted assets and finance & #xff1a; understanding the challenges and benefits of financial innovation in the United States”.
Members of the House of Representatives seek to have a better understanding of encrypted assets through hearings xff0c; and to debate the correct regulatory rules.
/em> > due to long-term tracking of BIS and FSB, and U.S. encryption asset regulation xff0c; this part would have read xff0c; but the writing is too long xff0c; next time it can be done separately.
Web3: 一个开放协议的世界
One of the current scenarios for Web3 is xff0c; , based on open source agreements xff0c; and enterprises as interfaces xff0c; provide easy access and additional functionality. Web3 is an Internet-based network open to all users xff0c; is based on open protocols and decentralized network of blocks. Users and protocols are connected by blending applications xff0c; facilitating interactions with bottom technologies.
br/> data will be used to drive decision-making xff0c; but will not be used to sell and deal with consumers. Data rights will be protected xff0c; not some enterprises will seek profits #xff0c; use data without resorting to other means.
Web3 World & #xff0c; with more emphasis on sovereign individuals & #xff0c; rather than wealthy elites and rent-seekers. Restructured systems and protocols will focus on democratization to the centre.
several reflections on Web2 and the transition to Web3
It is often easy to be disaffected and angry with an oligarch, or anyone who manipulates the Internet for their own benefit. While it is understandable xff0c; this is not necessarily the right attitude.
Early xff0c; the Internet requires the efforts of pioneer and commercial enterprises xff0c; the development of tools xff0c; making the Internet accessible xff0c; and the rewards due to pioneer enterprises and individuals. As long as the current design of the Internet remains unchanged xff0c; data, time and money will continue to be handed over to the big tech oligopoly xff0c; in exchange for Internet products that we must use. xff0c; to address such situations xff0c; and countless attempts, changes in consumer behaviour and technological innovations are needed.
We are approaching an increasingly technologically controlled world. The key is how to design systems for collective readjustment of incentives & #xff1f;
阿法兔 ML1255
*本文感谢我的老师 Michael Ian Shamos,Carnegie Mellon University,
*感谢我的老师北美区块链基金主席Wenyan Qin,在我学习过程中给了诸多帮助。
* This paper thanks my teacher, Michael Ian Shamos, Carnegie Mellon University,
, who directed me to design my first trading system xff1b;
br/* thanked my teacher xff0c; Microsoft China RD basin xff0c; gave me long-term guidance xff1b in Blockchain and Claude;
br/* thanked my teacher, Wenyan xff0c, Chairman of the North American Block Chain Fund, for his assistance in my learning.
*谢谢庄Sir 、卫Sir、 Tison、老汪、Greg、Yerik对问题的耐心解答
Thank you, Sir, Sir, Tison, Wang, Greg, Yerik for your patience with the questions.
14. Web3 three revolutions - technocratic rhetoric - 2020-08-26
If you have any ideas about Web3 or block chain technology xff0c; welcome to the community and author communication ~ ~ Respond to xff1a; group chat
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