
资讯 2024-06-25 阅读:47 评论:0
近期的虚拟货币市场犹如“过山车”,价格暴涨暴跌,引发舆论关注。5月19日,比特币曾一度跌破30000美元,其他虚拟货币价格也出现大幅度波动。5月20日,比特币价格出现反弹,突破42000美元。The recent virtual...


The recent virtual currency market, like the “cruise”, was a cause for public concern when prices jumped and fell. On May 19, Bitcoin fell by $30,000, and other virtual currency prices fluctuated significantly. On May 20, Bitcoin prices rebounded, reaching $42,000.



"Rideer" or "ice age"?


At the beginning of May, the “currency ring” went all the way up. Virtual currency prices, such as the “chicken” and the “dog price”, rose 300 times a month, reaching a maximum price of US$ 0.000038; the “dog price” was once a new high of US$ 0.74, 158 times higher than it was at the beginning of the year.


Market sentiment has risen in the wake of the spectacular rise in virtual currency and the successive “carrying” of Tesla CEOmasque. Virtual currencies like “dog coins” are currently low prices, low entry thresholds for new investors, and, in an uplifting market environment, some investors want to be rich by buying large amounts of low-priced virtual currencies.


自5月中旬以来,虚拟货币市场出现多轮暴跌。马斯克也多次唱衰虚拟货币,并暗示特斯拉或已卖出比特币。5月19日,比特币价格较本月初最高点缩水超30%,狗狗币价格日内跌幅一度扩大至20%。有网民称,从买买到拜拜(from buy to bye),“币圈”凛冬突然来临。

On May 19, the price of Bitcoin was more than 30% higher than its peak at the beginning of this month, and the price of the dog price increased to 20% per day. According to Internet users, the “currency ring” suddenly came to winter, from purchase to goodbye.



Netizens have analysed the current virtual money market as similar to the surge and collapse that occurred in 2017-2018. When bitcoin prices rose, they triggered a boom in virtual money markets, investors poured in, “shelves” emerged and squeezed the Bitcoin market, which then fell, and virtual money markets then entered a two-year “ice period” in which most investors were likely to lose a significant part of their lives.


Investments are hot and messy


Why is virtual money so “crazy” when it is essentially a virtual commodity that is not supported by real values, is not a real currency, and there is a higher risk of investment?


Inflamed speculators, inflaming propaganda, and serving as intermediaries... Speculation flourishes, pushing the virtual money market to heat up. Marketing information about the currency is common on Internet platforms, aided by a number of media outlets and “loafers,” whereby a number of investors “get into the pit.” But such publicity messages deliberately magnify the so-called high return on the virtual currency, while often deliberately ignoring the high risk of investment.


In addition, most virtual money-trading platforms are not regulated by law, such as fictional transactions, price-fixing, “breakout” circuits, fraud and extortion, etc., especially in our country, where a number of “underground” exchange servers are often located outside the country and investor property is less protected.


In fact, the risk of being a virtual currency is not only present in financial markets, but is also associated with a range of criminal offences.


For example, fraudsters falsely claim that they are prepared to buy large amounts of virtual money, ask professional “breathers” to do business, and promise a share of the transaction’s costs. In order to be convinced of “breathing hands” against “substitutes,” successful transactions in the previous period fully encumber each other.

▲Plus Token虚拟币钱包宣布停止提现,并写道:对不起,我们跑路了。图片来源:央视新闻

故意夸大虚拟币、炮制“空气币”概念,进行非法融资、吸收公众存款,最终“爆雷”跑路。例如,虚拟币钱包Plus Token用分红和奖励催促会员发展下线,通过拉人头,导致200万人卷入传销组织,涉案金额超400亿元。还有传销组织,自称“国币”、用“天河二号”运算,以提供虚拟数字货币增值服务为幌子,进行非法集资、传销、诈骗活动。

The virtual currency wallet Plus Token, for example, uses a bonus and incentives to push its members off the line, leading to the involvement of 2 million people in distribution organizations, amounting to over $40 billion. There are also distribution organizations, calling themselves the “national currency” and using the “Tianha II” calculations to carry out illegal fund-raising, distribution, and fraud activities under the guise of providing virtual digital value-added services.


“Black money” for criminal offences can be laundered by using virtual currency. Media reports indicate that the largest American oil pipeline operator who has been subjected to hacker blackmail in the past was forced to pay ransom in virtual currency.


High-risk regulation



Virtual currency markets are immature, volatile, speculative, capricious, and highly risky when compared to traditional investment instruments, and lack clear rules to regulate transactions. How to guard against virtual currency speculation and transactional risks is a constant concern for regulators, as is the trend towards strict regulation.


On 18 May, the Chinese Internet Finance Association, the Chinese Banking Association and the Chinese Payments Clearing Association issued a joint announcement demanding that member institutions should not engage in virtual currency exchange and other related financial operations. As a risk warning, the announcement sounded a wake-up call to the virtual currency market.


It is clear from the bulletin that virtual currency is a specific virtual commodity that is not issued by monetary authorities, has no monetary attributes, such as legality and compulsoryity, is not a real currency and should not and cannot be used as a currency in the market.


The bulletin suggests that virtual currencies are not supported by real values, that prices are highly susceptible to manipulation, and that there are multiple risks associated with speculative activities, such as false asset risk, risk of business failure, risk of investment speculation, etc.


Internet platform enterprises are not allowed to provide services such as web-sites, business presentations, marketing campaigns, fee-based streams for virtual currency-related operations.


As early as 2013, five ministries, including the People's Bank of China, issued a circular on protection against the risk of Bitcoin. In September 2017, seven departments, including the People's Bank of China, jointly issued a bulletin on protection against the risk of financing the issuance of money in currencies, directing all regions to focus on banning 173 platforms.


Faced with the vagaries of virtual money markets and the criminal offences that result from them, there is a need for a concerted effort to put a “strangulation spell” on virtual money. While countries are further stringently regulated, consumers need to be more risk-aware and not be involved in virtual currency transactions, and not to believe in the “favourable myth” of virtual currency.


(Original title: "The Myth of Currency Circles"? Wake up!




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