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what are the ten largest global exchanges? 一、OKEx交易所:数字货市场、虚拟币”大户”最多的交易所 I. OKEx exchanges: the digital market, the largest virtual currency "larger" exchanges 市场占比:32% Market share: 32 per cent 用户占比:28% User ratio: 28 per cent OKEx做为币市大户最多的交易所,也是三大所中最早开通合约交易的,并且在发展中还在逐步向合同方位看齐。从前的2020年被称作合同年间,而OKEx交易所也乘势推出了众多合同玩法,OKex的合同以倍率高,平摊小出名,吸引了无数合同玩家大量涌进吗,市场粘度极高。长此以往,OKEx也就成为了币圈合约的方向标。 OKEx, the largest exchange in the currency market, was also the first to open a contract deal among the three major players, and is gradually moving toward a contract position. In 2020, it was known as the year of the contract, while the OKEx Exchange took the lead in introducing a number of contract-playing methods. 二、火币交易所:币市”散户”最多的交易所 The currency exchange: the most “settled” exchange in the city 市场占比:28% Market share: 28 per cent 用户占比:21% User ratio: 21 per cent 据有关数据分析,火币交易所目前基本可以说是币市数字货币散户最多的交易所。做为13年成立的老牌交易所,火币的忠实粉丝还是不少的。并且,平心而论,火币成功的抓住了大部分散户的要求,在”现货买币”、”现货市场”等方面大部分做到了深层最好。 According to relevant data analysis, the gun exchange is currently basically the currency market . As an old 13-year-old exchange, there are still a lot of fans of them. And, to be sure, the gun price has succeeded in capturing most of the diaspora's demands, and most of it is well advanced in the areas of “show money” and “show market”. 三、Coinbase(美国):国际化水平最高交易所 Coinbase (United States): Highest Internationalized Exchange 市场占比:20% Market share: 20 per cent 用户占比:15% User ratio: 15 per cent Coinbase是全球最大的数字货币交易所,截至2020年12月31日,Coinbase加密贷币成交量为1930亿美金,较2019年增长141.7%,复合增长率达258%,占总市场份额11.1%。2021年一季度财务数据,其中总营收约18亿美金,同比增加超844% Coinbase is the largest digital currency exchange in the world and, as at 31 December 2020, Coinbase had an encrypted loan of $193 billion, an increase of 141.7 per cent over 2019, with a composite growth rate of 258 per cent, representing 11.1 per cent of the total market share, and financial data for the first quarter of 2021, with a total revenue of approximately $1.8 billion, an increase of 844 per cent over the same period. 四、BitMEX(中国香港) IV. BitMEX (Hong Kong, China) 市场占比:15% Market share: 15 per cent 用户占比:10% User ratio: 10 per cent BitMEX买卖比特币以及其它数字货币合同,达到100倍杠杆。实行迅速、花费便宜、功能齐全、买卖灵巧。 BitMEX deals and other digital money contracts, amounting to 100 times leverage. 五、中币(ZB) V. Chinese currency (ZB) 市场占比:15% Market share: 15 per cent 用户占比:15% User ratio: 15 per cent ZB是一个全球化的数据货币交易所,目前已获得泰国和迪拜的交易所车牌,运营团队具有区块链领域4年经验,公司职员分布于中国、美国、泰国、韩国、加拿大、迪拜等地。货币较多,适用电脑和手机端,注册便捷,适用rmb。 ZB is a global data-currency exchange that now has an exchange license plate for Thailand and Dubai, operating with a team of with company staff in China, the United States, Thailand, South Korea, Canada, Dubai, etc. 六、Bitfinex VI. Bitfinex 市场占比:9% Market share: 9 per cent 用户占比:8% User ratio: 8 per cent Bitfinex是全球较大的比特币交易平台之一,适用以太币、比特币、以太币等数字货币的买卖,每日的成交量达30多亿元RMB,适用美元、元网上充值的信息货币交易所,也是失窃频次数最多的比特币交易中心之一。 Bitfinex is one of the world's larger trading platforms , applied to the information currency exchange in Tai currency, bit, with a daily turnover of more than 3 billion yuan (RMB) and the information currency exchange with the United States dollar and metanet charging values, and with the highest number of thefts
七、Gate.io VII. GATE.io 市场占比:6% Market share: 6 per cent 用户占比:6% User ratio: 6 per cent Gate.io是原比特儿国外数据货币交易所,总公司位于中国香港。自2017年gate.io平台买卖公布c2cRMB网上充值方法迄今交易量猛增,目前是中国顾客法币交易流行数字货币交易平台,适用定投基金、贷款、100倍杆杠合同。 Gate.io is the former Bitile Foreign Data and Currency Exchange, the head office of which is located in Hong Kong, China. 八、Coinbase VIII. Coinbase 市场占比:5% Market share: 5 per cent 用户占比:4% User ratio: 4 per cent Coinbase是英国第一家有着可靠车牌的比特币交易平台。2018年获得美政府准许(英国中国证监会SEC和英国金融行业监管局FINRA)的发布交易证劵货币总车牌!Coinbase是全世界最有知名度的数据货币交易所之一! Coinbase is the first British Bitcoin trading platform with reliable plates. In 2018, one of the world’s most well-known data-currency exchanges was the issuing of a trading licence plate license plate by the United States Government (the United Kingdom Chinese Censorship SEC and the UK Financial Industry Regulatory Agency FINRA). 九、MXC交易所 IX. MXC exchanges 市场占比:3% Market share: 3 per cent 用户占比:2% User ratio: 2 per cent MXC(宇治)交易市场是一个致力于区块链技术资产沟通交流和交换的数字货币交易平台。MXC为顾客给予币币、贷币、合同、理财投资等区块链技术资产商品流转服务项目,关键包括比特币(BTC)、以太坊(ETH)、等虚拟货币市场行情。 The MXC trading market is a digital money trading platform dedicated to 十、A网(AOFEX) X. Network A (AOFEX) 市场占比:3% Market share: 3 per cent 用户占比:2% User ratio: 2 per cent AOFEX位于伦敦,亚洲地区总公司位于马来西亚,是全世界安全性领先的数字货币服务平台,已获得英国MSB数据币币交易车牌及马来西亚MAS服务项目免去准许。AOFEX一直以来遵守”客户第一,诚信友善可靠,科技创新包容,合作当担”的价值观念。锲而不舍”变为极具知名度数据金融投资平台,为一千万投资者和合格投资者给予服务项目”的企业使命。 AOFEX, located in London and based in Malaysia, is the world's leading secure digital money service platform, and has obtained the United Kingdom's MSB data coin trading license plates and Malaysia's MAS services. AOFEX has consistently adhered to the value of "customers first, good faith, innovation inclusion, and cooperation". 郑重声明:本文版权归原作者所有,转载文章仅为传播更多信息之目的,如作者信息标记有误,请第一时间联系我们修改或删除,多谢。 For the record, the copyright is owned by the original author and the article is reproduced only for the purpose of disseminating more information. If the author's information is mislabelled, please contact us as the first time to modify or delete it. 欧易安卓下载: span style="collor:#000ff" 欧易IOS下载: 注册领取新手礼包!交易手续费返现:20%!? Registered for new handbags! Transaction fees returned: 20%! 本站声明:网站内容来源于网络,如有侵权,请联系我们,我们将及时删除。 The site states that the content of the website is from the Internet and if there is a violation, please contact us and we will delete it in a timely manner.
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