【环球网报道 记者 王欢】据《日本经济新闻》6月14日报道,虚拟货币比特币正在迅速升值。6月13日在中国的比特币交易所“比特币中国(BTCC)”,比特币兑人民币汇率达到1比特币兑4790.5元左右,逼近4800元大关。这是自2014年2月以来时隔2年零4个月的最高值。
According to Japan Economic News on June 14, virtual currency bitcoin is rising rapidly. On June 13, at the Bitcoin Exchange in China, Bitcoin China (BTCC), the Bitcoin exchange rate was about 4790.5 yuan to the renminbi, approaching the 4,800 yuan mark.
At the British Bitcoin Exchange “BITSTAMP” the Bitcoin exchange rate reached US$ 690-700 against the United States dollar, the highest since February 2014. The yen exchange rate also surged sharply, at the Japanese Bitcoin Exchange “bitFlyer” and more than 74,000 yen.
The speculation that mining will decrease from July and that the devaluation of the renminbi, which accounts for the largest share of the currency type traded in Bitcoin, is expected to have an impact on the appreciation of the currency. In late May, after the People’s Bank of China set the median value of the renminbi against the dollar at a five-year low, investors began buying and selling bitcoin in bulk.
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