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减半机制简介 Introduction to the Halve Mechanism 比特币的减半机制是一种内置于比特币协议中的规则,它规定了比特币的挖矿奖励会随着时间的推移而逐渐减少。具体来说,每当比特币网络产生约210,000个区块时,挖矿奖励就会减半。这一周期大约每4年发生一次。 The Bitcoin mechanism for halving is a rule embedded in the Bitcoin agreement, which provides that bitcoin incentives for mining will gradually decrease over time. Specifically, when the Bitcoin network produces about 210,000 blocks, the incentive for mining will be halved. 减半历程 Halve the journey. 从比特币诞生至今,已经发生了三次减半事件。2009年,比特币的挖矿奖励从最初的50个减少到25个;2012年,再次减半至12.5个;2016年,进一步减半到6.25个。而第四次减半预计将在2024年发生,届时挖矿奖励将降至3.125个。 Three halves have occurred since Bitcoin was born. In 2009, Bitcoin's mining incentives were reduced from an initial 50 to 25; in 2012, they were further halved to 12.5; and in 2016, they were further halved to 6.25. 减半的影响 Impact of halving 减半机制对比特币的供应量和价值产生了深远的影响。首先,随着挖矿奖励的减少,比特币的总供应量将逐渐趋于稳定。这增强了比特币的稀缺性,进而可能推动其价格上涨。 First, as incentives for mining are reduced, the total supply of bitcoins will gradually stabilize. This increases the scarcity of bitcoins, which in turn may drive their price increases. 其次,减半也增加了挖矿的难度和成本。这可能导致一些小型矿工退出市场,从而进一步减少比特币的供应量。同时,挖矿成本的增加也可能导致矿工出售更多的比特币以维持运营,这可能对短期内的比特币价格产生一定的压力。 Second, cutting by half also increases the difficulty and cost of mining. This may result in some small-scale miners leaving the market, thereby further reducing the supply of bitcoin. 然而,从历史数据来看,尽管每次减半后短期内比特币价格可能出现波动,但长期来看,比特币的价格仍呈现出上涨趋势。这表明市场对比特币的需求仍然强劲,且减半机制为其提供了稳定的供应支持。 However, historical data suggest that, despite the possibility of short-term price fluctuations in bitcoin after halving each time, the price of bitcoin is still on the rise in the long run. This suggests that market demand for bitcoin remains strong, and that the halving mechanism provides stable supply support. 历年比特币减半的时间表 Timetable for halving Bitcoin in calendar years 第一次比特币减半 The first bitcoin was halved. 比特币的第一次减半发生在2009年1月3日,也是比特币网络刚刚运行不久。当时,挖矿奖励从每个区块50个比特币减少到了25个比特币。 The first halving of Bitcoin took place on 3 January 2009, and the Bitcoin network was just running. At that time, the mining incentive was reduced from 50 bitcoins per block to 25 bitcoins. 第二次比特币减半 Half the second bitcoin. 比特币多久减半一次?历年比特币减半的时间表 How often is Bitcoin halved? Timetable for halving Bitcoin in calendar years. 第二次比特币减半发生在2012年11月28日,距离第一次减半大约经过了3年。这次减半后,每个区块的挖矿奖励从25个比特币减少到了12.5个比特币。 The second halving of Bitcoin took place on 28 November 2012, approximately three years after the first halving. After halving this time, the incentive to mine each block was reduced from 25 bitcoins to 12.5 bitcoins. 第三次比特币减半 Halve the third bitcoin. 第三次比特币减半发生在2016年7月9日,距离第二次减半大约过了3年。这次减半后,每个区块的挖矿奖励从12.5个比特币减少到了6.25个比特币。 The third halving of Bitcoins took place on 9 July 2016, approximately three years before the second reduction. After halving this time, the mining incentive for each block was reduced from 12.5 bitcoins to 6.25 bitcoins. 第四次比特币减半 Halve the fourth bitcoin. 第四次比特币减半将在2020年发生,距离第三次减半大约过了4年。根据比特币的设计,这一次减半将会使每个区块的挖矿奖励从6.25个比特币减少到3.125个比特币。 The fourth half of Bitcoin will take place in 2020, approximately four years from the third half. This time, according to Bitcoin, it will reduce the incentive to dig from 6.25 bitcoins to 3.125 bitcoins per block.
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