Bitcoin is a digital currency that was proposed in 2008 by the anonymous “Middle-Hear” and officially released in 2009. It has been 15 years since. Unlike traditional digital currencies, Bitcoin is not dependent on central issuance or management, but rather is recorded through a decentralized network based on block chain technology. There are only 21 million bitcoins, making them a scarce asset. Bitcoin prices in 2023 were around 18W.
The generation of Bitcoin is achieved through a process called “mining.” Traditionally, Bitcoin digs require specialized hardware, known as mine machines, designed to solve efficiently the problem of the Bitcoin Hashi algorithm (SHA-256). In recent years, as technology develops, attempts have been made to use different types of hardware, such as graphic processors (GPUs) and specific integrated circuits (ASICs).
? 矿工(Miner):是指进行比特币挖矿的个人或组织。
? 矿池(Mining Pool):是一组矿工联合起来共同挖矿的组织,将计算能力集中以提高挖矿成功率,并按贡献分配奖励。
? 区块(Block):是比特币网络中的交易记录的一个部分,多个区块构成了区块链。
Block (Block): is part of the transaction record in the Bitcoin network, and multiple blocks form a block chain.
? 哈希算法(Hash Algorithm):是比特币挖矿所使用的SHA-256算法,用于将交易数据转换成固定长度的字符串。
? 挖矿难度(Difficulty):是一个参数,用于调整挖矿过程,以保持新区块的平均生成时间在约10分钟。
> (Difficulty): is a parameter used to adjust the mining process to maintain the average time of generation of new blocks in about 10 minutes.
4: Ways in which Bitcoin mining can take place
? 个人挖矿:个人拥有自己的挖矿设备,直接参与到比特币网络中。
? Personal mining: individuals own their own mining equipment and directly participate in the Bitcoin network.
? 矿池挖矿:加入一个矿池,与其他矿工一起共享计算能力,然后根据贡献获得相应的奖励。
• Mining in ponds: join a pond, share computing capabilities with other miners, and then receive incentives based on contributions.
? 云挖矿:通过租用云服务商提供的比特币挖矿机,并租赁矿机来参与挖矿活动。
供应减少: 减半将导致新比特币的产量减半,这意味着比特币的供应增长速度放缓。
稀缺性增加: 由于比特币总供应量有限,减半将进一步强调其稀缺性。这可能会在一定程度上影响市场心理和价格。
挖矿奖励下降: 对于矿工来说,减半将意味着他们获得的比特币奖励将减少一半。这可能会对矿业产业的盈利能力产生影响,特别是对那些成本较高的矿场。
价格影响: 历史上,比特币的减半通常被视为一个重要的市场事件,有时候会伴随着价格上升的趋势。然而,这种关联并非绝对,市场也受到其他因素的影响。
矿工的策略调整: 矿工可能会调整其运营策略以适应减半后的新奖励结构。一些可能会选择退出,而另一些可能会采取创新的方式来提高效率。
As it stands, the fourth half of Bitcoin will bring a brand-new market!
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