
资讯 2024-07-09 阅读:52 评论:0
2024.01.10MAX 數位貨幣優惠開戶 數位貨幣 MaiCoin 交易所是台灣本土新創的加密貨幣交易所,可以使用新台幣購買加密貨幣的特點非常適合新手使用,本篇文章將針對 MaiCoin 交易所完整介紹,是否安全合法?The Mai...

MaiCoin 交易所是台灣本土新創的加密貨幣交易所,可以使用新台幣購買加密貨幣的特點非常適合新手使用,本篇文章將針對 MaiCoin 交易所完整介紹,是否安全合法?

The MaiCoin Exchange, a newly created and encrypted currency exchange in Taiwan, can be used to purchase encrypted currency with a new currency that is very suitable for new recruits, and is it safe and legal for this article to be fully introduced to the MaiCoin Exchange?

從開戶註冊教學、台幣、美元出金入金方法、到交易手續費的比較來做開箱介紹,其中也有統整 PTT詐騙 常見的套路供使用者參考!

There is also a common set of ways for users to consult about PTT fraud.

MaiCoin 是 2014 年創立的台灣數位資產交易集團,旗下擁有 MaiCoin 數位資產交易平台、MAX 數位資產交易所、香港對沖基金公司的 MaiCapital 與提供區塊鏈底層技術的 AMIS 等單位,是台灣首個提供透過新台幣代買代賣加密貨幣的交易平台。

MaiCoin, a Taiwan digital asset trading group founded in 2014, owns the MaiCoin digital asset trading platform, the MAX digital asset exchange, the MaiCapital of Hong Kong's hedge fund, and AMIS, which provides the bottom of the chain technology, is the first Taiwan trading platform to offer the sale of encrypted currency through the new Chinese currency.

簡單說,MaiCoin 旗下有兩間交易所:MaiCoin 與 MAX,MaiCoin 為 C2C 搓合(對接買賣雙方),MAX交易所 為聚合是交易所,將買賣需求集中處理,匯率、手續費都更好,因此推薦大家使用 MAX 交易所 來交易。

Simply put, there are two exchanges under the MaiCoin flag: MaiCoin with MAX, MaiCoin with C2C (back-to-back sales), MAX exchange , which is a conglomerate exchange that concentrates demand on sales, and that allows better rates and fees, and therefore recommends the use of the MAX exchange for trading.



MAX 交易所入金教學一篇搞懂!安全性與評價分析!

MaiCoin 能透過便利商店購買加密數位資產,讓不熟悉網路操作加密貨幣買賣的用戶也能以日常所及的管道買賣加密貨幣。

MaiCoin can buy encrypted digital assets through convenience stores, so that users who are not familiar with Internet-based encrypt currency sales can buy and sell encrypted currency in the daily channels available to them.

另外,MaiCoin 集團總部同時也是 MaiCoin 的實體門市,若有加密貨幣產品的購買需求、帳戶申請協助,門市皆有提供服務,門市也開設區塊鏈的趨勢講解課程,甚至提供新創企業工作空間和區塊鏈技術支援,目的是讓區塊鏈的技術和用戶在台灣更加擴展。

, the MaiCoin company headquarters is also MaiCoin's physical city, where services are available when there is demand for the purchase of encrypted currency products, account applications for help, and the market has a sectional chain resolution course, and even new business workspaces and chain technology support, with the aim of expanding district chains and users in Taiwan.

MaiCoin交易所介紹!MaiCoin 創辦人是誰?


It is believed that some investors will hesitate to invest in the virtual currency market, mainly because of uncertainty about the legitimacy of the virtual currency in Taiwan.

但作為台灣首家交易所,MaiCoin 的合法性是相當充足的。

But as Taiwan's first exchange, MaiCoin is quite legitimate.

在 2021 年 5 月金管會就公佈了「虛擬通貨平台及交易業務事業防制洗錢及打擊資恐辦法」草案,並於 7/1 正式實施,業者必須遵守法規中防洗錢、實名制…等要求。

In May 2021, the Gold Council published the draft "Physics platform and trade industry anti-money laundering and anti-money laundering methods" and officially implemented it in 7/1, which requires employers to comply with the laws and regulations to prevent money laundering, name making, etc.


This means that Taiwan’s virtual currency operators are no longer in the ambiguous zone of the law and are subject to government regulations, so ‘strong’’’s normal investment behavior is not illegal

而 MaiCoin 集團在 10/1 向金管會遞交了洗錢防制法遵循聲明書,這個遞件動作代表 MaiCoin 和 MAX 交易所,確實遵守法規相關規範,遞件的業者可在金管會的監管下合法經營,而 MaiCoin 集團也是最早向金管會遞交法遵聲明書的業者。

In 10/1, the MaiCoin Group handed over to the Gold Council a statement of compliance with the law on money laundering, which represented the MaiCoin and MAX exchanges, and which did comply with the rules and regulations, and that the delivery operators could operate legally under the supervision of the Gold Council, while the MaiCoin Group was also the first to deliver a statement of compliance to the Gold Council.

在交易方面,MaiCoin 集團是全台第一家在相當早期時便提供法幣信託保障的業者,用戶在其交易所的台幣全數委由銀行保管,因此不管 MaiCoin 集團發生了什麼事,用戶的台幣都是安全的。

In terms of transactions, the MaiCoin group is the first firm on the stage to provide a guarantee of a French currency trust at a fairly early stage, and the user is in the custody of the bank on its entire board of exchange, so that regardless of what happened to the MaiCoin group, the user’s currency is safe.

而在加密貨幣資產方面,MaiCoin 集團合作的加密貨幣錢包託管商,皆通過 SOC 2 type 2 安全性稽核,且均具備保險公司承保,故用戶的加密貨幣資產是擁有保險公司保障的。

In the case of encrypt currency assets, the MICOin consortium's encrypt currency wallets are contracted through the SOC 2 type 2 security audit and are insured by the insurance company, so that the user's encrypt currency assets are secured by the insurance company.

MaiCoin 交易所合法嗎?交易安全嗎?


Three local virtual currency exchanges in Taiwan have handed over a statement of compliance with the money laundering law, which can be consulted if you want to know about the other two exchanges:

ACE交易所 PTT 安全性與評價?一篇看懂 ACE 精選介紹教學文!

ACE Exchange PTT Safety & Evaluation? An ACE Introduction Paper!


MaiCoin 本身提供的服務為加密貨幣代買代賣所,用戶註冊帳戶後便可以法幣或是信用卡輕鬆購買加密貨幣,省去自行研究如何買賣加密貨幣的精力,且 MaiCoin 的服務是 24 小時全年無休,不必擔心休息時間無法交易的問題。

MaiCoin provides its own services as an encrypt currency buying agency. Users can easily buy the encrypt currency in French or credit card accounts, save their own energy in buying and selling the encrypt currency, and MaiCoin's service is 24 hours a year without fear of a break that cannot be traded.


MaiCoin currently provides encrypted currency for: .




Exchange platform currency: MAX, BNB


NFT Concept currency: LOOKS, APE


GameFi conceptual currency: SAND, MANA, GALA, GMT, ALICE, SLP, AXS


Stable currency: USDT, USDC, DAI

目前主要提供 32 種加密貨幣買賣,陸續新增中。

Currently, 32 kinds of encrypt currency are being offered, and are being added.


購買方式可透過全台所有金融機構 ATM、網路銀行匯款來進行購買,交易金額皆已包含手續費。

may be purchased through all financial institutions, ATM, online bank transfers, all of which include a transaction fee.

MaiCoin 提供的服務降低了入手加密貨幣的門檻,以往大眾對加密貨幣交易的印象都是需具備高難度的區塊鏈知識和雄厚的資本,MaiCoin 讓買賣加密貨幣就像一般的金融服務,使加密貨幣買賣不再遙不可及。

>MaiCoin provides services that lower the door to encrypted currency, which used to be perceived by the public as having a high degree of knowledge of the chain and a high level of capital needed for encrypting currency transactions.

MaiCoin MAX 是法幣對加密貨幣或加密貨幣對加密貨幣的交易所,透過用戶下買賣單的方式撮合買賣雙方以達成貨幣交易。

MaiCoin MAX is an exchange between French and encrypted currency or crypto currency for encrypted currency, offering both sides to trade in currency through the purchase of bills under a user.

maicoin加密貨幣交易所 Max

與代買代賣的 MaiCoin 不同之處在於:MAX交易所 只負責撮合訂單, 用戶是自己提出加密貨幣的交易申請,訂單成立與否也是依照市場上價格需求而定。

differs from MaiCoin, which sells on behalf of the buyer in the following ways: MAX Exchange, which is responsible only for arranging the order, using its own request for an encrypt currency transaction, and whether the order is created or not is based on market price demand.

比如用戶須買入比特幣,他可以選擇透過 MaiCoin 代買(能購入一定數量)或者是在 MAX 交易所下買賣單(購入數量視供給端而定,操作靈活自由),用戶可視自己的需求和習慣做選擇。

, for example, if a user has to buy in bitcoin, he can choose to buy through MaiCoin (which can buy a certain amount) or at the MAX exchange (where the number of purchases depends on the end of the supply, the freedom to operate) to choose according to his needs and habits.

簡單說,MaiCoin 旗下有兩間交易所:MaiCoin 平台與 MAX 交易所,MaiCoin 平台為 B2C,用戶買賣都是跟 MaiCoin 交易,好處是買賣操作簡單方便。

Simply put, there are two exchanges under the MaiCoin flag: the MaiCoin platform and the MAX exchange, and the MaiCoin platform is B2C, with customers trading with MaiCoin, the good thing being that it is easy to buy and sell.

MAX 交易所為所有用戶在交易所上掛單買賣,由於交易會更即時且用戶會出不同價,匯率會更好一些。

The MAX Exchange buys and sells on the exchange for all users, which is better because the transaction will be more immediate and the user will pay different prices.

使用 Maker-Taker (掛單者-吃單者) 定價模式來計算交易手續費
0.05% 使用 優惠連結註冊 再打 4 折
缺點 交易價格由官方制定
開戶優惠手續費 4 折

關於 MAX 的詳細介紹,可參考此篇文:


MAX 交易所入金教學一篇搞懂!安全性與評價分析!

不管是 MAX 還是 MaiCoin,目前都僅支持數字貨幣現貨的交易,相較幣圈其他投資品如 幣安寶、網格交易、天地單、股權通證、IEO 等只能算是很小的一部分。

Whether it is MAX or MaiCoin, which currently supports only the trading of cash in digital currency, other investments in the currency circle, such as money security, grid trading, trade lists, equity certificates, IEO, etc., are only a small part.

通常使用 MAX 或 Maicoin 僅僅是為了台幣出入金,買到數字資產後再轉到其他交易所進行多元化的投資。

It usually uses MAX or Maicoin only to buy digital assets for currency entry and exit, and then to transfer them to other exchanges for diversified investments.

立即領取幣安帳戶,享終身20%反佣、703U 空投、每月抽1,000U,使用BNB再折25%,全網最優

生活在台灣,投資加密貨幣建議先將台幣換成 USDT 再轉到其他交易所投資如幣安或派網享受更多服務與工具,而你賺再多終究是要換回法幣 TWD 出金的,因此在踏入幣圈時一定要辦一間提供法幣出入金的交易所。

Living in Taiwan, investing in encrypted currency suggests that the currency be exchanged for USDT and then transferred to other exchanges for more services and tools, such as currency security or distribution networks, and that you earn more in return for the French currency TWD, so that when you enter the currency, you must have an exchange that provides French money in and out of the currency.

以此服務為前提,MaiCoin 與 MAX 的安全性與流動性是相當適合進行開戶的。

Based on this service, the security and mobility of MaiCoin and MAX are quite suitable for opening an account.

MaiCoin 使用 SSL 加密技術來保護用戶個資,且 MaiCoin 及 MAX 皆採用 MaiCoin 品牌專利 AMIS WS 門檻式簽章與多重監控,讓用戶在線上登入帳戶或者進行交易時皆安全無虞,及時確保用戶資產安全。

MaiCoin uses SSL encryption techniques to protect users, and MaiCoin and MAX have used MaiCoin brand exclusive AMIS WS signature and multiple surveillance to keep users safe online and secure while doing business.

值得一提的是,MAX交易所 與遠東銀行合作,為用戶資產提供信託保管,為目前唯一有信託保障的加密貨幣交易所。

it is worth mentioning that the MAX Exchange, in cooperation with the Far East Bank, provides a trust deposit for the user's assets, which is currently the only secure encrypted currency exchange.

MaiCoin 和 MAX 提供的購買貨幣支付方式非常多元,可透過網銀匯款、ATM 轉帳、與萊爾富現金繳費三種方式入金,能夠以法幣直接購買加密貨幣,省去許多加密貨幣間交易轉換的成本。

MaiCoin and MAX provide various ways of paying for the purchase of currency, which can be invested in three ways through online money transfers, ATM transfers, cash payments with Leafle, direct purchases of encrypted currency in French, and savings on the cost of many inter-encryption currency transactions.

MaiCoin 操作介面簡單,透過 App 一鍵即可下單成交,適合想要快速成交加密貨幣買賣的用戶;而 MAX 交易時採用自動化的 API 密鑰,用戶可以 24 小時查詢市場行情、下單交易、檢視帳戶餘額及交易狀況,適合能長時間觀察市場脈動、自主下單的用戶。

MaiCoin has a simple operating interface that allows single deals to be made through the App button for customers who want to quickly turn into encrypted currency for sale; while the MAX transaction uses automated API keys that allow users to check market events, transactions, check account balances and transactions over a 24-hour period to observe market dynamics and self-deposit customers.

MaiCoin 提供小額資產投資,一般對加密貨幣買賣的印象都是需要投注大量金錢的高風險投資,但 MaiCoin 僅須百元即可開始加密貨幣交易,為想購買加密貨幣但又怕漲跌損失無法承擔的用戶提供了很好的加密貨幣買賣管道。

MaiCoin provides small investment capital, generally under the impression that the sale of encrypt currency is a high-risk investment that requires a substantial investment of money, but MaiCoin only needs $100 to start the encrypting currency transaction, providing a good secure currency buying and selling pipeline for customers who want to buy the encrypt currency but are afraid of falling and losing it unaffordable.


MaiCoin 的用戶分為等級一和等級二,等級一為僅可接受和發送加密貨幣,等級二為可發送接收及買賣加密貨幣,我們建議用戶可以註冊到等級二,因為等級二能操作的服務更多,註冊手續不複雜,也不需額外手續費。

The users of MaiCoin are classified as Level I and Level II, Level I is only acceptable and available for the delivery of encrypted currency, and Level II is available for the receipt and sale of encrypted currency. We suggest that users can register to Level II, because the Level II service is more efficient, it is not complicated, and it does not require extra fees.

MaiCoin 開戶流程大約需要 1~2 天,KYC 則需要 5~10 天左右,建議申辦 MAX 或是 幣安 Binance 交易所,速度會快很多。

The MaiCoin opening process takes about 1-2 days, and KYC takes about 5-10 days, suggesting that the exchange or will be much faster.


The exchange registration process is not regularly updated, the order of order and the required documents remain largely unchanged, and detailed processes are mainly shown online.

此處我們說明等級二的開戶步驟,首先於首頁 點選註冊

At this point, we will describe the opening steps for the second level, starting with the page .


1、輸入 Email 註冊,自行設定密碼


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Clicking links to continue the registration process requires a cell phone validation, entering a cell phone number and receiving SMS through the cell phone.




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Both the ID and the second ID can be uploaded directly and easily.


Photos must be taken in such a way as to ensure that the photos are not reflective, that the pictures are clear and that the documents are complete.



MaiCoin 帳戶註冊採雙證件認證,在申辦時務必注意將證件都準備好!

The MaiCoin account is registered for dual authentication, and at the time of filing, be sure to have all the documents ready!


4、通過銀行驗證 (等級二驗證)


The name of the account, the name of the bank, the branch selection, and the account number can be verified, as the bank is the account in which future money proceeds are deposited, and it is recommended that it be easier to fill out its usual account.



The status of the data review and the steps that have not been completed are shown on the equivalency table, so that the second level of registration can be completed by completing it in order to complete it.

至於 MAX 交易所的開戶與出入金教學可以參考下方文章:

As for the opening of and access to the MAX exchange, the following articles can be consulted:


>MAX indigence: new currency entry, wallet transfer survey, transactional expenses


Click on the wallet, choose to receive the currency, click on the receiving, and then the receiving address is generated.



Copy the receiving address to send the encrypted currency to your user.


Click on the wallet, choose to send money, click on the wallet.



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Take the authentication code, set the number of deliveries, confirm the details, take the double-level authentication code.





Send encrypt currency with a single number limit


Sending encrypted currency is subject to a surcharge in the form of a deduction, and users need to verify that the balance of the wallet is sufficient before sending it.


The sale and receipt of encrypt currency has different functions and users can register as required, but we still recommend that the second level be completed at the time of registration and that it be used without any functional restrictions.

MaiCoin 目前也可以透過美元入金,方法是綁定聯邦銀行的外幣帳戶,就可以輕鬆把你的美金入到交易所,換成 USDT 或是 USDC 等虛擬貨幣。

MaiCoin is also currently able to make money through the United States dollar by binding the foreign bank accounts of the Federal Bank to ease the exchange of your dollars into virtual currency such as USDT or USDC.


這張圖片的 alt 屬性值為空,它的檔案名稱為 20230217155814_44.png


步驟三:綁定成功後,將美金匯到 MaiCoin 與聯邦銀行合作的信託戶,即可完成



步驟三:輸入 2FA,即可完成出金

目前 MaiCoin 也可以使用美元直接買幣,入金成功後,只要選擇你想買的幣種,在選擇支付幣別 ( 台幣、USDC、USDT、USD 美金),就可以直接買幣囉!

At present, MaiCoin can also buy money directly in United States dollars, and once you're successful, you can buy money directly by choosing the currency you want to buy and by choosing the currency of payment (Tic, USDC, USDT, USD).

MaiCoin 推出的收滿益投資方案就像是七天為一期的定存,由用戶投入加密貨幣資產,存續七日後,MaiCoin 會返還用戶原先提供的加密貨幣資產及期間收益。

MaiCoin introduced a seven-day set-up, with users investing in encrypted currency assets, and seven days later, MaiCoin returns the encrypt currency assets and period gains that users had previously provided.



Steady Gains

用戶投入加密貨幣資產給 MaiCoin,資產投資的風險將由 MaiCoin 來承擔,且期滿後用戶能選擇讓資產及收益續購接檔產品,讓投資收益能不斷累積。

Users invest in encrypted currency for MaiCoin, and the risk of investing in the capital will be borne by MaiCoin, and after the end of the term users will be able to choose to buy the product from the asset and the revenue stream so that the return on the investment will continue to accumulate.


Short temporarily


will be available at any time for only seven days, and the assets will not be locked up for long periods of time and will continue to be easily purchased.

在進行投資前,MaiCoin 也提供加密貨幣及預期報酬的計算器,讓顧客能調整欲投入的加密貨幣幣種及數量。

, before investing, MaiCoin also provides an encrypt currency and a pre-paid calculator that allows customers to adjust the type and amount of encrypt currency they want to invest.



a product similar to the nature of the harvest, and a currency treasure, which is more attractive under similar risk and investment patterns, compared to two products: .

 幣安寶MaiCoin 收滿益
方案時長可分為活期、定期、活動、權益證明,不定期推出不同利率的產品,利率 7~30%,活動要搶,其他不用 。只有定存,需要搶,一期七天,期滿可續購,利率 1.8~8.5% 。
3.僅能投資 USDT、BTC
4.投資上限 10,000USDT


: newer in the currency circle , profiter who likes to earn interest on regular earnings, person waiting for the arrival of the airport (with interest to be invested in the product)


OTC (Over-the-counter) off-site transaction services provide a large amount of transactional services specially designed for legal persons or group customers, with a minimum number of single orders, and will be certified by an individual to ensure that the transaction is safe, accurate and legitimate, and very efficient and secure for users with large amounts of money or the need to buy encrypted currency.

maicoin OTC場外交易服務

目前沒有什麼方式可以節省 MaiCoin 交易手續費,但你可以選擇用 MAX 交易所,交易手續費 Maker 掛單 0.05%;Taker 吃單 0.15%,還能夠透過使用平台幣折抵再打 6 折!

There is no way to save the MaiCoin transaction fee, but you can choose the MAX exchange, where the transaction fee is 0.05 per cent; Tucker eats 0.15 per cent, and can double it by using the platform currency!

MaiCoin 交易手續費

MAX Token 是 MAX 發行的純功能性代幣,MAX Token 為平台功能幣,提供參與鎖倉獎勵、手續費獎勵、社群管理、手續費抵扣等服務。

MAX Token is a pure functional token issued by MAX Token, a platform functional currency that provides services such as participation in warehouse locks, remunerative reward, community management, and remunerative credit.


要注意的是,購買 MAX 代幣後需要在 MAX 交易所支付才會有 MAX 手續費優惠,單單放在 MaiCoin 交易所,是沒有用的喔!

Note that when

只要持有 MAX Token,MAX 每天會依照一定比例空投 MAX Token 給用戶。

If you hold MAX Token, MAX will drop MAX Token at a given rate every day.


為 MAX 提供給持有 Token 用戶的獎勵。

要獲得鎖倉獎勵,需先有鎖倉指數,鎖倉獎勵會依照鎖倉指數的比例進行分配,擁有越高的鎖倉指數,每日獲得的鎖倉獎勵就會加成,不同筆鎖倉的鎖倉指數會相互疊加,但因為時間加權的關係,越早鎖倉、鎖越多 Token,鎖倉指數就越高。

to be rewarded with a lockout index, which will be distributed according to the ratio of the lockout index, the higher the number of locks, the higher the daily receipt of the lockout bonus, and the overlapping of the locks in the different sheds, but because of the timing, the sooner the locks are locked, the higher the lockdown mark.

(鎖倉指數=[5 x 鎖倉顆數 x (1+時間加權)]+未鎖倉顆數)

為交易手續費的返還。返還的比例會從 100% 逐漸遞減。

每日 MAX 交易的總手續費收入中,會分別獎勵掛單者 40%、吃單者 10% 及持倉者 30%。

The total cost of the daily MAX transaction will be rewarded by a split of 40% of the list, 10% of the eater and 30% of the warehousekeeper.

從 PTT 上看下來,MaiCoin 並沒有詐騙的疑慮,反倒是淪為詐騙集團的工具,受騙者被詐騙到 MaiCoin 買加密貨幣轉給詐騙集團,流向不易追蹤QQ

It appears from PTT that MaiCoin has not been suspected of fraud, but has been used as an instrument of fraud against the cartel. The con man has been tricked to MaiCoin to buy an encrypted currency for transfer to the cartel, and it's not easy to trace QQ.


But let's do some of the usual scams to show you how to avoid fraud!

TRX/iToken/Metamask 錢包挖礦:說只要把 USDT 或其他加密貨幣放在指定錢包就會產生利息,實則是錢打進去直接被領走。

TRX/iToken/Metamask Wallet Mining: Says that just putting USDT or other encrypted currency in a specified wallet generates interest, and the money goes in and is taken directly.

不玩了,把錢給你:用各種藉口說錢領不出來不要了,讓你去登入錢包,但需要轉入一點 Gas Fee 才能領錢,同樣地,那錢包裡面的錢是假的,你轉的 Gas Fee 也會被轉走。

No more games, give you the money: say you can't get the money out, don't get it in your wallet, but it takes a little bit to get the money. Likewise, the money in the wallet is fake.


On the second round of the exchange: This is often found in the exchange’s Facebook messages, which say that more money will be given to you as soon as the money is transferred to the designated address, and that in fact it is a fraud, and it will not come back.


Fake Exchange: A fake exchange will be used by the girls, who say they'll make a huge profit from operating there. Fake. You'll need your money again for a variety of reasons before you realize it's not coming back from the start.


(a) Cashboards: This is more conscientious, introducing you to the use of the funds tray, and basically you can't afford to run as long as you can, #8230; #8230; #8230; #8230;

這邊也附上 MaiCoin 收錄的 常見犯罪及詐騙手法 給各位參考,嚴防詐騙。

Also attached is MaiCoin's acceptance of .

MaiCoin 詐騙 PTT 網友常見套路分享!


The encryption currency is sold in a variety of ways, and the platform is endless. The most important thing is to find the most appropriate attributes and investments in a variety of programs and commodities.

MaiCoin 僅有數字貨幣現貨的買賣功能,相比 MAX 功能簡略許多,如果只想在台灣交易所投資現貨可以選擇在 MAX交易所 下進行。

MaiCoin has only the ability to sell cash in digital currency, which is much shorter than MAX, and has the option of investing in cash on the Taiwan Exchange under



  • 幣安:全球最大虛擬貨幣交易所,流動性佳,現貨、合約、Defi這裡通通有,文章介紹
  • OKX:全球第二大虛擬貨幣交易所、USDT活存15~40%,IEO收益率極高,文章介紹
  • 派網:14種免費量化交易機器人,我用來使用網格交易、雙幣投資的好工具,文章介紹
  • ACE:USDT美金定存 8~ 15%,穩健投資與被動收入的選擇,文章介紹
  • MAX:台幣出入金專用,可以讓你把台幣與USDT互換,購買各種虛擬貨幣,文章介紹



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