Hampshire securities
What's Web3.0?
Web3.0 is a new generation of value Internet, Web1.0 is “readable”, Web 2.0 is “readable + writeable”, and Web3.0 will be “readable + write + own”. Web3.0 has at its core the emphasis on the attribution of data values and features of decentralization, data ownership, data interconnection, privacy, high intelligence and permanent preservation.
While user access is free of charge in the Web1.0 and 2.0 eras, user data will be taken over by Internet platforms and will not benefit from it as an important ecological player and contributor, and Web3.0 will reshape the organizational and business model of the Internet economy.
Web1.0 and 2.0 are centred on Internet platforms, known as the platform economy. Web3.0, using distributed book technology, constructs an open environment that stimulates compatibility, Web3.0 gives users real data autonomy, personal information becomes a data asset that users can truly benefit from in data flow and transactions, making their data no longer a free resource for Internet platforms.
Web1.0 considers that it is the past that solves the problem of user browsing content. Web 2.0 resolves the problem of user creating content. Web3.0 resolves the problem of user and content ownership issues.
What technologies does Web3.0 involve?
Web3.0 is considered to be not only a smart Internet, but also a stereo alloy Internet.
First, Web3.0 needs to include advanced equipment such as immersion AR/VR terminals, brain interfaces, tactile gloves, tactile corsets, and related technologies such as virtual incarnation (Avatar), motion capture, gesture recognition, spatial perception, digital twines. By contrast, Web1.0 and 2.0 can only convey vision and hearing.
Second, it also includes technology such as 5G, margin computing, cloud computing, AI, and image rendering. To convey the same interactive sense as reality, Web3.0 requires advanced high-bandwidth network communication technology to enable terminals to access the network at any time and at any time and with low delay.
综合来看,技术方面,Web 3.0不仅是过往技术迭代,更是多项科技的集成,包括5G、VR、AR、区块链、云计算、芯片、边缘计算等。
Taken together, on the technical side, Web 3.0 is not only an iterative but also an integration of many technologies, including 5G, VR, AR, block chains, cloud computing, chips, margin computing, etc.
More specifically, Web3.0 technology can be divided into basic layer technologies, platform layer technologies, and interactive layer technologies. Compared to the Web 2.0 era, Web3.0 involves a larger and broader breakdown of technology categories, in which block chain technology becomes the bottom core of Web3.0 because of its decentralized characteristics.
According to the A-ray think tank, the future general entertainment area (including video, games, virtuals, etc.) will benefit from Web3.0.
What does Yuan cosmos have to do with Web3.0?
Valium securities also refer, in particular, to the relationship between the meta-cosm and Web3.0, which considers the meta-cosmos to be the upper structure, the infrastructure, the meta-cosmos and Web3.0, which represent the future of the Internet, and the direction of technology, which is the future of the application landscape and way of life, which are mutually reinforcing and interdependent.
The Web3.0 technological direction includes technological innovations such as block chains, artificial intelligence, big data, and innovation in the DAO (i.e., the community of user consensus) network organization model. In meta-cosmos, AR/VR addresses technology needs at the end of the meta-cosmos, while Web3.0 provides strong technological support at the back end.
Chinese securities are expected to reach $1.25-1.3 trillion by 2025 in space business models and market sizes under Web3.0.
福石控股:公司旗下子公司迪思已推出的“AUTO Marketing Web3.0”营销体系,是通过整合元宇宙中前端认知、沉浸式体验和后端转化的营销全链路资源,发挥Web3.0实时演算、即时互动的特点,整合虚拟人、数字博物馆、数字藏品、虚拟4S店等元宇宙技术资源,帮助车企实现“功能可视化”“场景虚拟化”“用户池社交化”
宣亚国际:公司正在联合合作伙伴共同携手打造“山海中国”元宇宙,通过构建“元宇宙+”全生态,探索Web3.0时代数实融合赋能产业新形态 中文在线:公司在web3.0领域持续关注全球各个国家和地区的最新政策动态,与行业内优质公司充分交流沟通,目前公司已在新加坡设立COL WEB全资子公司,在符合各地区政策前提下开展相关业务布局 德马科技:公司WCS智能物流控制软件—机器顾问是天玑系统的web3.0系统,天玑系统是在WCS系统上衍生出来的物流智能设备的健康系统,其基于IoT、大数据、云平台和AI技术,以信息系统平台和硬件设施为支撑的一套先进的、智能的预测性健康管理系统。 飞利信:公司具备WEB3.0的研发能力和技术储备 天下秀:公司2022年上半年对Web3.0路径下全新的创作者经济生态进行布局 华扬联众:在元宇宙方面的探索加快了步伐,在数字人、数字藏品、虚拟空间等领域全面布局WEB 3.0。近日,华扬联众亦联合凤凰数字科技打造的,基于WEB 3.0与元宇宙的沉浸式虚拟现实世界“一方玉宙”正式开启内测 力盛体育:与西虹桥等公司合力探索打造基于体育运动的Web3.0应用场景 东港股份:公司目前已经在开展web3.0相关技术的研究 天地在线:“无限盒子”是由公司全资子公司启元天地(简称)基于Web 3.0时代自主开发的沉浸式商业综合体。公司全方位帮助企业/IP打造商业化“新基建”,实现Web3.0时代下的品牌价值升级 荣泰健康:公司携手无聊猿BAYC#5177,荣泰健康正式进军元宇宙Web3.0。 榕基软件:公司将进一步加大在WEB3.0区块链安全、数据安全、漏洞检测的产品研发投入,为国家网络安全方面作贡献。 二六三:63云通信基于Web3.0理念构建核心视频技术 Two-six-three:63 cloud communications build core video technology based on the Web3.0 concept 天娱数科:虚拟人是公司布局Web3.0的先锋兵。虚拟人作为数字身份载体,从 Web2.0 世界里“工具性赋能”的辅助角色,成为Web3.0世界中不可或缺的关键拼图和场景入口,其价值在不断演进。公司目前聚焦虚拟数字人技术研发与IP孵化运营两个方面。在虚拟人IP孵化方面,着力打造具有影响力的超级虚拟人IP;研发生产方面,以实现虚拟数字人“低成本、短周期、批量化”生产为目标,整合业内领先的动态光场扫描建模、三维重建算法、运动捕捉、AI驱动等技术,建设专业级虚拟数字人视觉捕捉基地,并通过Meta-Surfing元享SaaS平台驱动“低成本、短周期、高质量”的虚拟数字人与虚拟内容生产,实现超写实、沉浸式实时互动,为各行各业数字化转型升级做出贡献 三湘印象:聚焦“年轻一代”新消费市场,以“IP智造〞为核心,引入裸眼3D、AR、VR、MR、全息影像等技术手段,解锁“技术、内容与商业”深度融合的“数字+”新产品,探索“虚实相生、情境交融”的新场景、新生态。把握Web3.0新风口,加速落地数字内容产品
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