
资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:44 评论:0
来源:雪球App,作者: DigQuant点宽,(https://xueqiu.com/8937137678/194107086)从2020年末至2021年五月上旬,币圈一直风头正盛,大部分虚拟货币的价格一路高歌猛进。进入五月,比特币甚至一...

来源:雪球App,作者: DigQuant点宽,(https://xueqiu.com/8937137678/194107086)


From late 2020 to early May 2021, the currency circle was booming, with most virtual currency prices rising all the way. In May, Bitcoins even rose to $60,000, and the Ether was able to break the $4,000 mark.


But it didn't last long, and in late May there was a big jump in the currency ring.


Until late July, the price of the mainstream currency fell. However, part of the circle still believes that there will be a bull market this year, plus a low price, and that a newcomer will be moved. So, what is Ether, which is so interesting to investors?


i, what's a talisman? Why is it called a block chain 2.0?


This begins with Bitcoin. The mid-2008 Bitcoin White Paper, Bitcoin: A Point-to-Point Electronic Cash System, brought block chain technology into the eyes of the public. Looking back at the history of block chain development, we find that Bitcoin can be described as the first successful application of block chain technology, and thus as representative of block chain 1.0.

2013年发表的以太坊白皮书《一个下一代的智能合约和去中心化应用平台》中提到,以太坊是一种基于区块链技术的、支持完备应用开发的平台。本质上,它是与Windows、Mac OS等操作系统相似的,用户可以在该平台上开发应用等。并且以太坊是开放的公有链平台,世界上任何一个人都可以不受限制的加入或者退出以太坊。

The 2013 Etherworld White Paper, A Next Generation Smart Contract and Decentralized Application Platform, mentions that Ether is a platform based on block chain technology that supports the development of full applications . In essence, it is similar to an operating system such as Windows, Mac OS, where users can develop applications, etc., and that it is an open public chain platform where no one in the world can join or withdraw without restriction.

作为一个平台,以太坊不仅拥有自己数字货币——以太币(Ether),它同时支持多种编程语言,用户可以用来编写智能合约(Smart Contract)与去中心化应用(Dapp)。并且以太坊的编程语言是图灵完备的。所谓图灵完备,通俗来讲,就是原则上它可以解决任何计算性的问题。

As a platform, it not only owns its own digital currency -- Ethel -- but also supports a variety of programming languages, which users can use to write smart contracts and decentralize applications (Dapps). And in the community's programming language, Turing is perfect. In general terms, it solves any question of computation.


Nick Saber defines smart contracts as #34; a set of commitments defined in digital form, including agreements in which participants can enforce them. #34; traditional contracts, which rely on the public power and laws of the state to secure their implementation, and smart contracts, which do not require a third party to be the implementer of the contract, automatically implement agreements that need to be done manually. In the writing of smart contracts, the author anticipates trigger conditions, and the contract is automatically executed when it meets them. So as long as the original contract is set right, there is no need for default.


At the same time, in order to ensure that each node has the same results for the same smart contract, Etheria has also introduced the Etheria Virtual Machine (EVM). Virtual machines are actually re-constructing a software system outside existing hardware systems and software systems, and while sharing a hardware set, the operation between the software system and the software system is independent. By introducing EVM, the difference between each access and the nodes of the ethernomy has been eliminated, making the result of the smart contract more certain.


II. What's the application based on Ether?

早在以太坊的ICO阶段,它就受到了众多关注。而后随着创世区块的诞生,以太坊上的应用便轰轰烈烈发展起来。以太坊上一类重要的应用是DeFi(Decentralized Finance,去中心化金融)应用,旨在让任何人便捷地参与全球范围内的点对点的金融活动。基于去中心化的区块链技术,DeFi应用可以解决部分传统金融服务高昂的中介费用以及透明度低的问题。去中心化实际上可以应用到稳定币、金融产品及衍生产品、资产管理、借贷等方面。金融衍生产品实际上是最容易在区块链技术上实现的,根据事先部署好的智能合约,可以在到期日自动执行,大大降低了违约的概率,同时也提高了交易的效率。区块链技术的公开透明以及不可篡改性也使得公开透明的资产管理平台成为可能。通过这一平台,投资者可以随时知道自己的钱投向了哪里,也可以避免资金管理者随意挪用资金,智能合约也使得资金的投入、分红、退出更为高效可靠。

Since the birth of the


The White Paper states that semi-financial applications and non-financial applications are also important applications in the Tai shop. semi-financial applications refer to important non-monetary aspects in the application, although there is money. Some non-financial applications, such as de-centralized self-government organizations (DAOs), online voting, etc., are also possible. The most common example of de-centralized self-governing organizations is de-centralized companies that guarantee the automatic operation of companies by pre-defined smart contracts, or more efficient operations through the allocation of funds.


iii. The way forward for Etherno

早在以太坊问世之初,开发团队就已经规划好了其发展路线:前沿(Frontier)、家园(Homestead)、大都会(Metropolis)、宁静(Serenity)这四个阶段。在前沿阶段,以太坊还只是一个比较粗糙的雏形,所有的操作只能通过命令行来实现。进入家园阶段后,因为提供了图形化的操作界面,使得普通用户大量进入以太坊中。而大都会阶段则通过两次硬分叉对以太坊的部分机制进行优化。以太坊现在正处于从大都会到宁静的过渡过程中。进入宁静阶段后,从的共识机制将完成从PoW(工作量证明)到PoS(权益证明)的转变。采用PoS后,将通过验证人质押的以太币来保证区块链的可靠性,因为验证人如果做出损害区块链的行为,其自身的利益也将被损害。在PoS机制下,以太坊不必举全网之力来竞争新区块的记账权,因此也大大减少了能源的消耗。同时,在宁静阶段引入的分片链(Shard Chains)也将大大提升以太坊每秒处理交易的数目,使得智能合约和去中心化应用的成本下降,效率上升,也使以太坊能够有更多的算力应用到除金融外的其他方面。

The development team has already planned its development path since the beginning of the Etherm: front stage (Frontier), home (Homestead), Metropolis (Metropolis) and Serenity (Serenity) are now in the process of transition from Metropolis to serenity. At the front stage, it is still a crude prototype, and all operations can only be accomplished by command lines. After entering the home phase, since a graphical interface has been provided, ordinary users have entered into the neighborhood.


It certainly has wider applications than bitcoin, which is simply positioned as an e-money system, and solves the problem of high energy consumption in bitco. As it enters a quiet phase, transaction fees will be reduced and its arithmetic capacity will increase substantially. Decentralization applications, based on the fact that it is “the world are bound to increase.


But it is important to note that bitcoin and encrypted digital currencies like Taiwan, which have neither the corresponding physical value nor the authority of the state to endorse them, can easily become bubbles. Moreover, there are a large number of speculators in the currency circle and different perceptions of block chain technology, leading to large fluctuations in virtual currencies and higher investment risk compared to other investment areas.



1.以太坊白皮书(中文翻译) - Lim的文章 - 知乎网页链接

& nbsp;-      

2. 安德烈(Andrey Moskvin).区块链应用于跨境电子商务的问题及相决方案.2020.浙江大学,MA thesis.

2. & nbsp; Andrey Moskvin. Problems in the application of block chains to cross-border e-commerce and programmes of mutual resolution. 2020. Zhejiang University, MA Thesis.


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