
资讯 2024-07-16 阅读:74 评论:0
本文来源于阮一峰的博客。Source: . 这两周,比特币(bitcoin)的价格大幅上涨,我也凑热闹关注了一阵。During these two weeks, the price of bitcoin˂a href="http://bit...


Source: .


During these two weeks, the price of bitcoin and I was very concerned about it.


<p>首先说明,我对<a href=比特币所知甚少,从未参与过生产/交易,对它的了解仅限于新闻报道和维基百科,但我有一些不成熟的想法。

First of all, I know very little about bitcoin and have never been involved in production/trading, but only in journalism and Wikipedia, but I have some premature ideas.


Looking at the price of bitcoin up, I was wondering, what's the use of it?


I suddenly realized that the best use of Bitcoin was to transfer assets!


Assuming that I have 1 million yuan and need to be transferred to the United States, Bitcoin is the easiest way to do so. I buy bitcoin in the domestic market and sell it on the United States market immediately, and then transfer the dollars from it to the United States bank account.


The whole process is done with a few clicks, which is easy and fast, without any other formalities or supporting documents. Moreover, Bitcoin is a 24-hour transaction, free of charge, at virtually no cost.


The only risk is that prices will fall during the storage period. If they are to be thrown out immediately after buying, the price volatility should not be too large.


Although it hasn't been tested yet, the more I think it's possible to transfer money . So, I think of the second question, what happens if Bitcoin really becomes the preferred channel for money transfers?


Everyone wants to buy , so prices will continue to rise. Bitcoin totals only 21 million, and the price is likely to be in the end.


But I also realize that any digital asset can actually act as an efficient, fast, low-cost broker, provided it is widely accepted and has sufficient market capacity and liquidity. Bitcoin only reflects the advantage of digital currency, but only represents it. To be honest, if the telecommunications company has sufficient credibility, I think can also act as a bitcoin.


Of course, Queens cannot replace Bitcoins, which is very difficult to trust completely, either by tether companies or by any other commercial company. The distribution, by no agency or by any person, is one of the biggest selling points in Bitcoins.


The only thing I can think of now is the true weakness of bitcoin, which is the third question I want to ask. What does it mean if bitcoin prices keep rising?


It is simple that no one uses bitcoin. Because the holder can enjoy price increases as long as it is held. In the world of bitcoin, inflation does not occur at all, and deflation only occurs. Today, a watermelon is a bitcoin, possibly 0.5 bitcoins tomorrow, and perhaps 0.05 bitcoins a year later. As long as you hold it, its purchasing power is increasing, so you will not use/sell bitcoins, but simply hoard them.


So I got a paradox: Bitcoin is for money, but it can't be used as a currency.


It would be better if Bitcoin could overcome that shortcoming. If distribution could increase by a fixed percentage (e.g., 5 per cent) per year over 21 million, then I would be more sure that it was the currency of the future human society.

不过,谁也没有说比特币是完美无缺的,本质上它只是一种分布式算法,完全可能做出改进,也许不久以后就会有人提出比特币 2.0算法,或者其他数字货币的算法。事实上,我认为最大风险来自这里。

But no one has said that bitcoin is perfect, that it is essentially a distributed algorithm, that it is entirely possible to make improvements, and that perhaps a bitcoin 2.0 or other digital currency algorithm will come up soon. In fact, I think the greatest risk is here.


Again, I did not study bitcoin, nor did I actually do it. It is just an assumption that may not be taken fully into account, and the conclusions may be wrong, and I would like to share them with you.


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