
资讯 2024-06-19 阅读:61 评论:0
对于那些对上涨持怀疑态度的投资者和短期交易者来说,目前的市场趋势似乎将价格维持在一个相对狭窄的范围内。For investors and short-term traders who have doubts about the rise,...


For investors and short-term traders who have doubts about the rise, current market trends seem to keep prices within a relatively narrow range.

尽管市场情绪普遍看跌,但比特币的交易价格仍然低于 26,000 美元。这主要是因为投资者似乎对市场失去了兴趣,而且即使有一些利好消息,也未能吸引足够的需求来推动价格上升。这种市场停滞不前导致了2023年活跃投资者数量的显著减少。

Despite a general decline in market sentiment, Bitcoin’s transaction prices are still below $26,000. This is mainly because investors seem to have lost interest in the market and, even with some good news, have failed to attract enough demand to drive prices up. This stagnation in the market has led to a significant reduction in the number of active investors in 2023.


For example, thousands of bitcoins moved between exchanges before the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) decided to postpone approval of the Bitcoin Exchange Trading Fund (ETF). This dynamic triggered price declines, indicating that large investors have been looking for the right time to sell, thus reinforcing price resistance and negatively affecting short-term performance.


However, some Morgan Chase analysts believe that the US Securities and Exchange Commission will eventually approve several bitcoin ETFs. However, before this decision, the market may continue to face uncertainty and volatility. While short-term price movements in bitcoins remain unclear, data show that more than 40.53% of bitcoins are available for three years or more.


At present, the price of Bitcoin appears to be in a narrow range of US$ 24,800 to US$ 31,000. Prices are close to the level of support and may need to break through an important resistance position in order to make a significant change.


In recent months, short-term traders have seen support as an opportunity to buy, and resistance as an opportunity to sell, leading to weak participation by medium-term investors, with prices remaining relatively narrow.


If the seller succeeds in lowering the price below US$1,600, there may be a further downward trend, with a potential target of US$1,550 and US$1,368. On the other hand, if the price breaks through the 20-day average (US$1,684), there may be an opportunity to rise to US$1,750.


In conclusion, it should be stressed that the information provided here does not constitute an investment proposal. The crypto-currency market is highly volatile, and therefore there is investment risk.


After reading this paper, what do you think?


Thanks for reading. I'll see you next time!


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