在企业实施区块链技术的实用指南 实施区块链技术绝非易事。除了试图弄清楚它是什么以及如何使用它之外,CTO 还面临着许多实际挑战,例如在无数的解决方案提供...

资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:57 评论:0
来源:雪球App,作者: CoinnessHY,(https://xueqiu.com/2190319249/132262362)实施区块链技术绝非易事。除了试图弄清楚它是什么以及如何使用它之外,CTO 还面临着许多实际挑战,例如在无数的解...

来源:雪球App,作者: CoinnessHY,(https://xueqiu.com/2190319249/132262362)

实施区块链技术绝非易事。除了试图弄清楚它是什么以及如何使用它之外,CTO 还面临着许多实际挑战,例如在无数的解决方案提供商中寻找方法并找到利用它的人才。

The technology to implement block chains is never easy. In addition to trying to figure out what it is and how to use it, the CTO faces many practical challenges, such as finding ways and finding the talent to use it among countless solution providers.

随着万事达卡,英国航空公司和三星等行业巨头实施区块链技术,来自其他企业 CTO 自然而然会开始认真考虑是否应该这样做。毫无疑问,作为一个非常真实的破坏者,区块链在许多人的眼中出现了; 主要是因为它具有改变传统业务渠道,供应链和通信的潜在能力。

With everything in place, the British airline and Samsung industry giants implement block chain technology, and the CTO from other firms naturally begin to seriously consider whether or not to do so. There is no doubt that, as a very real spoiler, block chains appear in the eyes of many people; mainly because it has the potential to change traditional business channels, supply chains, and communications.

虽然不同的 CTO 将从区块链计划中寻找不同的东西,但他们在此过程中都将面临类似的障碍。然而,本指南不是考虑克服区块链技术本身的局限性,而是关注实际问题,例如找到利用它的人才,以及了解哪些解决方案提供商和服务。

While different CTOs will look for different things from the block chain plan, they will all face similar obstacles in the process. However, instead of overcoming the limitations of block chain technology per se, the Guide focuses on practical issues, such as finding the talent to use it and understanding the solutions providers and services.

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本文作者 | Andrew,Imformation Age

This post is by Andrew, Imformation Age.



Frankly, there is not enough talent to fill the surge in technical roles. While this is good news for those in need, because they can negotiate higher wages, it is terrible news for business leaders who cannot innovate without them.

技术危机对任何希望使用新兴技术的 CTO 来说都是一个痛苦的现实,无论是人工智能,机器学习还是自动化,但对于那些关注区块链的人来说,这可能是最痛苦的。根据 Hired最近的一项研究,自去年同期以来,全球对区块链技能的需求增长了 517%。

The technology crisis is a painful reality for any CTO that wants to use emerging technologies, whether artificial intelligence, machine learning, or automation, but it may be the most painful for those who focus on block chains. According to a recent study by Hired, global demand for block chain skills has increased by 517% since the same period last year.

这种需求反映在区块链工程师的全球平均工资中:海湾地区 118.48 万英镑,纽约 103.39 万英镑,伦敦 67.92 万英镑,多伦多 59.62 万英镑,巴黎 50.56 万英镑。

This demand is reflected in the global average wages of block-chain engineers: £118.8 million for the Gulf region, £103.39 million for New York, £67.92 million for London, £59.62 million for Toronto and £5.56 million for Paris.

Gartner 2018 年开展的一项针对 293 名 CIO(首席信息官)的问卷调查显示,23% 的 CIO 表示区块链需要更多新技能人才来实施,而 18% 的人表示,区块链技能人才是最难找到的。还有 14% 表示区块链需要 IT 部门文化的大变,13% 的人认为 IT 部门的结构必须改变才能实施区块链。

A survey conducted by Gartner in 2018 for 293 CIOs (Chief Information Officer) showed that 23 per cent of CIOs indicated that the block chain required more new skills to be implemented, while 18 per cent said that the block chain skills were the hardest to find. A further 14 per cent indicated that the block chain required a major change in the culture of the IT sector and 13 per cent thought that the structure of the IT sector had to be changed in order to implement the block chain.

“CIO 面临的挑战不仅仅是找到并留住合格的工程师,而是随着区块链发展的增长找到足够的资源以适应资源的增长,” 副总裁兼 Gartner 研究员 David Furlonger说。“由于区块链开发者社区历史上的自由主义和特立独行的性质,合格的工程师可能会保持谨慎。”

“CIO's challenge is not just to find and retain qualified engineers, but to find sufficient resources to adapt to resource growth as the block chain grows,” David Furlonger, Vice-President and Gartner Researcher, says. “Because of the liberal and monopolistic nature of the historical community of block chain developers, qualified engineers may be cautious.”


Considering all these factors, you are advised to consider alternative ways of finding talent.


一种选择是进入自由市场。当然,这条路线并非没有挑战,竞争也很普遍。根据Blockonomics 的一份报告, 2018 年,区域链技能的需求在自由职业市场(如Upwork)同比增长中了6,000%。

One option is to enter the free market. This route, of course, is not without challenges, and competition is widespread. According to a report by Blockonomics, demand for regional chain skills increased by 6,000 per cent in the free-trade market in 2018 (e.g.

有了这样的需求,自由职业也将是一个昂贵的选择。据 CNBC 报道,美国的小时工资率从50 美元到 200 美元不等。但是,聘请自由职业者有很多好处: CTO可以通过最新用例的经验组合获得灵活的人才。

According to CNBC, hourly rates range from $50 to $200 in the United States. But there are many benefits in hiring freelancers: CTOs can obtain flexible talent through a mix of recent experience.


If you are interested in more information on how to access the free market, please see the following information on free job recruitment platforms in relation to the block chain.


Upwork 是一个全球自由职业者平台,企业和独立专业人员可以远程连接和协作。


Toptal 是一个自由职业者平台,可以将企业与全球的软件工程师,设计师和业务顾问联系起来。该公司开发了个性,语言和技能测试,以远程筛选工程候选人,并接受了几千个月度申请人的前3%。

Toptal is a freelancer platform that connects businesses with software engineers, designers and business consultants around the world. The company developed personality, language and skills tests to screen engineering candidates remotely and accepted the top 3% of applicants for thousands of months.


这是一个高端区块链人才市场,已经处理了价值超过 800 万美元的数千个项目。

This is a high-end block chain talent market and has dealt with thousands of projects worth over $8 million.


Codementor 是软件开发人员的按需市场。客户可以在 Codementor 上获得 1:1 的实时编程帮助,并聘请 CodementorX 上的世界级开发人员。

Cordementor is the demand market for

New-collar workers(新领工人)


Given that block chains are an emerging technology, it is self-evident why it is difficult to find skilled people. However, according to your technical requirements, you may not need a person with the best university experience or degree.

这类工作通常被称为新领域的职业。新领工人是通过传统教育以外的方式发展履行职责所需的核心软技能的员工。该术语由 IBM 首席执行官 Ginni Rometty 创造,涉及技术领域的“中等技术”职业,如网络安全分析师,应用程序开发人员和云计算专家。

This type of work is often referred to as a new field of occupation. The new leader develops the core soft skills required to perform his duties in a way other than traditional education. The term is created by IBM Chief Executive Officer Ginni Rometti, a “medium-tech” profession in the technical field, such as web safety analysts, application developers and cloud computing specialists.

根据 Rometty 在CNBC上发言:“对于未来,有很多工作可以在没有四年制学位的情况下完成。在美国的一些中心,大约三分之一的人没有四年制学位。“事实上,虽然强大的技术专业知识将是必须的,但企业应该意识到区块链计划需要许多其他技能,例如创造力,商业头脑和雄心。

According to Rometti, speaking at the CNBC: “A lot of work can be done without a four-year degree in the future. In some centres in the United States, about one third of people do not have a four-year degree. “In fact, while strong technical expertise will be necessary, businesses should be aware that block chain planning requires many other skills, such as creativity, business mind and ambition.


许多创新型公司都非常清楚这种需求。例如,IBM 使用内部培训计划来吸引和留住人才。该公司还拥有一个内部区块链社区,拥有 5,000 多名活跃会员。该计划的一个有趣部分是它会提供证书,因此员工可以在简历或 LinkedIn 个人资料上显示他们的技能。

For example,

这是一个重要的特征,不仅鼓励参与提供认可; 它还有助于 IBM 了解他们拥有的技能类型。根据英国特许人事和发展协会的数据,英国雇主在培训方面的支出低于其他主要欧盟经济体。虽然这个统计数据并不仅仅与区块链有关,但当我们考虑技能差距时,它确实指出了基本的态度问题。

This is an important feature, not only in encouraging participation to provide recognition; it also helps IBM to understand the type of skills they possess. According to the British Chartered Personnel and Development Association, UK employers spend less on training than other major EU economies.


Chief technical officers should look at how to improve the skills of their current employees. This means that they should consider educational platforms that can help, and they should remember that education will not end in class.

如果你打算将你的公司开放给 new-collar,那么必须建立一个能够帮助他们提升技能的结构; 并给予他们在区块链等领域做出贡献的机会。这是一个区块链培训资源列表,以帮助他们开始:

If you intend to open your company to new-collar, then a structure must be created that can help them upgrade their skills; and they must be given the opportunity to contribute in areas such as block chains. This is a list of block-chain training resources to help them start:


各种规模的企业和组织使用 Blockgeeks 为其团队提供有效的按需技术区块链培训。借助引人入胜的互动内容和可定制的学习轨道,它可以为您建立一个根据您的特定目标量身定制的结果驱动型培训计划。

Businesses and organizations of all sizes use Blockgeeks to provide their teams with effective needs-driven block-chain training.




Altoros 提供定制的讲师指导的区块链培训计划,为与会者提供无与伦比的顶级工具和用例访问。

Altoos provided customized block chain training programmes guided by lecturers, providing participants with unparalleled top-level tools and routine visits.


虽然世界各地的大学创造了成千上万的课程,令人沮丧的是,毕业生仍然很难将他们的学位与职业联系起来。例如,在英国,11.7% 的计算机科学毕业生在完成学位课程后失业六个月,尽管对他们有巨大的需求。可以说,这指出了为什么 CTO 和招聘人员需要重新思考他们目前如何与教育机构合作的充分理由。

While universities around the world have created thousands of courses, it is disheartening that graduates still find it difficult to link their degrees to their careers. In the United Kingdom, for example, 11.7% of computer science graduates are unemployed for six months after completing their degree programmes, despite the enormous demands on them.

随着诸如编码协会(IoC)等组织的到来,希望可能即将到来。在英国政府的英格兰和其他地方的高等教育拨款委员会的资助下,由巴斯大学领导的 Institute of coding(IoC)旨在汇集由 60 多所大学,国内和国际公司中小企业,行业团体和非专家组成联盟。

With the arrival of organizations like the IoC, hope is likely to come. With funding from the UK government’s Higher Education Grants Committee in England and elsewhere, the Institute of Codes (IoC), led by the University of Bass, aims to bring together more than 60 universities, national and international companies, small and medium-sized enterprises, industry groups, and non-expert coalitions.

随着英国商界领袖呼吁拥有最新技术技能的员工,IoC 将自己定位于公司和教育工作者之间,以满足需求。根据 IoC 主任 Rachid Hourizi 博士的说法,所有这些政党之间的对话形成了良性循环。然而,仅仅谈论是不够的,Hourizi 认为这就是为什么 IoC 如此重要,因为他们将能够鼓励采取行动。

As British business leaders call for employees with the latest technical skills, IoC has positioned itself between companies and educators to meet demand. According to Dr. Rachid Hourizi, Director of IoC, dialogue among all these parties has created a virtuous circle. However, it is not enough to talk about it, and Hourizi believes that this is why IoC is so important because they will be able to encourage action.


“If the CTO is reading this article, we want them to be able to reach out,” he said in his conversation with the information age. “We have a group of educators who are interested in developing new curricula. If you are the chief technical officer of a company, you cannot get the kind of educated staff you need, or some soft skills that have not yet been developed, we would be happy to hear how we can help.



In the last few years, some leading professional service providers and consulting firms have joined the block chain.

它看起来像一个蓬勃发展的市场,它是许多组织争夺的选择。因此,有很多可供选择,埃森哲IBM 和 毕马威等主要参与者都提供区块链解决方案。

It looks like a booming market, and it is a competitive choice for many organizations. So there are many options. ,


Due to the complexity of each enterprise, none of the options is suitable for all solution providers. But there is a list of the main participants: , Cognizant,


除了寻求咨询服务外,Blockchain-as-a-Service 产品已成为实施区块链技术的可行选择,无需大量内部专业知识。Oracle,MicrosoftIBM 等组织都推出了 BaaS 产品。虽然他们的解决方案以各种方式彼此不同,但他们似乎都将自己定位为企业采用新生技术的一种方式,而无需承担在内部开发区块链的成本或风险。

In addition to seeking advisory services, the Blockchain-as-a-Service product has become a viable option for the implementation of block chain technology without the need for significant in-house expertise. Organizations such as Oracle, and

由于 CTO 可以利用其外部供应商的人才库,因此 BaaS 产品有可能为人才短缺提供真正的解决方案。从财务角度来看,它还为 CTO 提供了一个机会,无需投资新的基础设施。

Since the CTO has access to its pool of external suppliers, the BaaS product has the potential to provide a real solution to the shortage of talent. From a financial point of view, it also provides the CTO with an opportunity not to invest in new infrastructure.

但这一切是如何运作的。通常,BaaS 供应商会向客户提供所有必需的区块链技术和基础设施,但需要付费。然后,供应商负责建立和维护区块链基础设施的后端。

Usually, the BaaS supplier provides the customer with all the necessary block chain technology and infrastructure, subject to payment. Then the supplier is responsible for establishing and maintaining the back end of the block chain infrastructure.

IDC 全球区块链战略研究总监 Bill Fearnley Jr 表示:“与 BaaS 提供商合作的一个优势是用户如何利用提供商的经验教训来帮助他们的系统更安全。”许多BaaS供应商试图通过提供有竞争力的副产品(例如培训或其他安全选项)来区分自己。

“One advantage of working with BaaS providers is how users can use the lessons learned by providers to help make their systems safer.” Many BaaS suppliers seek to distinguish themselves by providing competitive by-products (e.g. training or other security options).


The following is a list of some of the popular block chains, or service providers (BaaS):


Microsoft Azure区块链:Azure区块链服务预览简化了联盟区块链网络的形成,管理和治理,因此您可以专注于业务逻辑和应用程序开发。

亚马逊区块链平台:AWS 区块链平台旨在帮助组织和个人使用不同的区块链框架在 AWS上快速创建和部署区块链网络。


Oracle block chain cloud service: Oracle block chain platform provides you with a preassembly platform to build and run smart contracts and maintain anti-frozen distributed ledgers


本文由 ZB 创新智库原创编译

This post is edited by ZB Creative think tank original.

ZB 集团是全球领先的区块链和数字资产金融服务商。ZB 集团运营数字资产交易平台集群、电子钱包、投资基金、研究机构等综合业务,总部位于瑞士苏黎世,在美国、新加坡、韩国、香港、迪拜和马耳他均有业务布局。

ZB Group is a global leader in block chains and digital asset financial service providers. ZB Group operates a combination of digital asset trading platform clusters, electronic wallets, investment funds, research institutions, etc., based in Zurich, Switzerland, with business layouts in the United States, Singapore, Korea, Hong Kong, Dubai and Malta.

ZB.com 是全球领先的数字资产交易平台,2013 年成立至今,已为全球超过 500 万人提供数字资产交易服务,有超过 6 年的安全运营历史,日均交易额 30 亿美金以上。秉承全球化战略,ZB 集团同时运营着全球创新加密货币交易平台 ZBG.com,全球首个基于矿池的交易平台 BW.com,以及 ZBM、ZBX、BitHi、XT 等数家交易平台。

, a leading global platform for digital asset trading, established in 2013 to date, has provided digital asset trading services to more than 5 million people worldwide with a safe operating history of more than 6 years, with an average daily transaction value of over $3 billion. In keeping with the globalization strategy, the ZB group also operates the global innovative and encrypted currency trading platform , the first global pool-based trading platform

ZB 创新智库(ZB Nexus)致力于打造一体化区块链研究体系和顶级产业智库,实现区块链行业全景透视。依托行业研报、数字资产评级、指数研究、通证经济实验室四大产品板块,ZB 创新智库(ZB Nexus)将通过研究创造价值,推动区块链行业应用落地。

The ZB Innovation think tank (ZB Nexus) is dedicated to building an integrated block chain research system and a top industrial think tank to provide a panorama of the block chain industry. The ZB Innovation think tank (ZB Nexus) will promote the application of the block chain industry through research to create value.

ZB 集团还先后成立开展 ZB 实验室(ZB Labs)、ZB 资本(ZB Capital)、ZB 研究院(ZBRC)等综合业务布局,从资本、技术、人才等多方面扶持产业链上下游的独立区块链项目,为区块链发展提供领导力和更稳定的环境。

ZB Group has also set up integrated operational arrangements such as ZB Labors, ZB Capital, ZB Research Institute (ZBRC) to support, from a variety of capital, technology and talent, stand-alone block chain projects up and down the industrial chain to provide leadership and a more stable environment for the development of the block chain.


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