
资讯 2024-06-24 阅读:75 评论:0
USDT是什么币?USDT中文名称叫泰达币,是一种将加密货币与法定货币美元挂钩的虚拟货币,充当稳定币的作用。What is the currency of USDT? Th...


What is the currency of USDT? The Chinese name of USDT is Tedar, a virtual currency that pegs an encrypted currency to the United States dollar and acts as a stabilizing currency .


Tedan (USDT) is TetherUSD (hereinafter USDT), a proxy introduced by Tether based on a stable value currency, the United States dollar (USDT), and 1USDT = $1. Users can use the USDT for 1:1 conversion at any time.

泰达币是一种将加密货币与法定货币美元挂钩的虚拟货币。每一枚泰达币都会象征性的与政 府支持的法定货币关联。泰达币是一种保存在外汇储备账户、获得法定货币支持的虚拟货币。该种方式可以有效的防止加密货币出现价格大幅波动,基本上一个泰达币价值就等1美元。

tidal currency is a virtual currency that pegs an encrypted currency to a legal currency, the United States dollar. Every tidal currency is symbolically associated with a government-sponsored legal currency.


The main role of USDT is to serve as a bridge and medium in the crypto-currency market, allowing users to make it easier, faster and less costly to convert and trade between encrypted currencies or between encrypted and legal currencies.


For example, if a user wants to buy bitcoin (BTC) in the renminbi (CNY), he may need to take the following steps:

  • 在一个支持CNY充值的交易所注册并进行实名认证;
  • 通过银行卡或支付宝等方式向交易所充值CNY;
  • 在交易所上以CNY购买BTC;
  • 将BTC转移到自己的钱包或其他交易所。


This process may take a great deal of time and fees, but it also entails the risk of policy and regulation.


If USDT is used, the user can simplify the process:

  • 在一个支持USDT充值的交易所注册;
  • 通过OTC(场外交易)或其他方式用CNY购买USDT;
  • 在交易所上以USDT购买BTC;
  • 将BTC转移到自己的钱包或其他交易所。


This process saves time and fees and avoids the risk of direct use of the legal tender.


In addition to being a conversion and trading tool, USDT has the following roles:

  • 避险:在加密货币市场中,USDT可以作为一种稳定的价值储存工具,让用户在市场波动时可以及时将资金转换为USDT,以保护自己的利益。
  • 支付:USDT可以作为一种支付工具,让用户可以在支持USDT的平台或商家上进行购物或消费,享受低手续费、高效率和匿名性等优势。
  • 跨境汇款:USDT可以作为一种跨境汇款工具,让用户可以在不同国家和地区之间进行资金转移,无需担心汇率波动、银行限制或高额费用等问题。

1. 规避整体下跌风险


In currency transactions, three cases are common, for example, LTC/BTC transactions:


After buying LTC with BTC, BTC and LTC are on the rise and you enjoy two benefits;


When BTC buys LTC, BTC and LTC go up and down one by one, depending on the increase and drop in two currencies, which is larger. Only one increase is greater than the other, and the profit is greater. On the contrary, the loss is the loss. The increase and fall is equal, and the gain is no loss.


When you buy LTC in BTC, you fall in both currencies, and you have to suffer two losses. That's often the worst.

但是有了 USDT,是当币价下跌时,可以立刻把币换成 USDT,从而保证你的资产不缩水。

But with the USDT, when the currency falls, it can be replaced with the USDT immediately, thus ensuring that your assets do not shrink.

2.反向操作 数字货币提现


The charging value was simple, and USDT stated that investors could wire the United States dollar through SWIFT to Tether's bank account or exchange USDT through the Bitfinex exchange.

如果你获利颇丰,想要提现,可以先把手中的币兑换为USDT,然后通过 Tether 公司或其它平台,兑换为美元。这里你可以发现,如果你完成USDT公司的认证,在其它不需要认证的币币交易平台就可以直接进行交易了,不需要再次认证其它平台。

If you are profitable and want to cash it, you can exchange the currency in your hand to USDT and then to the dollar through Tether or other platforms. Here you can see that if you complete the USDT certification, you can deal directly with other currency trading platforms that do not require certification, and no other platforms need to be certified again.

不过提现流程也不是那么容易。你可以通过 Tether 公司,把手中的 USDT 还给 Tether 公司。Tether 公司销毁收到的 USDT ,发放等值的美元给用户。需要提醒的是,不管是通过电汇美元至 Tether 公司提供的银行帐户以购买 USDT ,还是将 USDT 换回成美元,都是需要完成账户验证的。据了解 Tether 的 KYC 比较难通过,兑换手续费约为5%。

But the current process is not that easy. You can return the USDT in your hand to Tether through Tether. Tether destroys the USDT received and distributes the equivalent dollar to the user. It is important to recall that whether to transfer the dollar to a bank account provided by Tether to buy the USDT or to convert the USDT back to the dollar, it is necessary to complete the validation of the account.

另外还可以通过交易平台如 kraken将 USDT 兑换美元。在 Kraken 平台,选择 USDT / USD 交易对,就可以将 USDT 换成美元。

It is also possible to convert USDT to United States dollars through trading platforms such as kraken. On Kraken platforms, selecting USDT/USD transaction pairs allows USDT to be converted to United States dollars.


While the USDT has many advantages and functions, it also faces many questions and disputes.

  • 储备问题:Tether公司声称每发行一个USDT,就会在其银行账户中保留相应价值的美元作为储备,以确保USDT和USD之间的1:1锚定关系。然而,Tether公司并没有提供充分的审计报告或证据来证明其储备是否真实存在和充足。这引发了外界对Tether公司是否存在造假、挪用或超发等行为的怀疑。
  • 操纵问题:有研究者指出,Tether公司通过增发USDT来操纵比特币等加密货币的价格,从而获得不正当的利益。他们认为,Tether公司在市场低迷时增发USDT,并用其购买比特币等加密货币,从而推高其价格,然后再将其卖出换回美元,从而实现套利。
  • 监管问题:Tether公司由于涉及法定货币和加密货币之间的兑换和交易,可能会受到不同国家和地区的法律和监管的影响。例如,Tether公司曾经因为违反美国的反洗钱法而被美国商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)传唤,也曾经因为涉嫌欺诈而被纽约州总检察长(NYAG)起诉。


In short, USDT is an encrypted currency pegged to the dollar, which plays an important role in the crypto-money market, providing user convenience and value. However, there are also disputes and risks in terms of reserves, manipulation, and regulation that require careful user use and evaluation.


What's that supposed to mean? What's more about the role of the USDT? More about the details of the USDT?

Tag:是什么币   usdt  

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