
资讯 2024-06-25 阅读:31 评论:0
˂img src="https://www.yonghaoka.cn/img/20240615/5106408-1.jpg" alt="加密货币市场即将暴涨"˃˂img src="https://www.yonghaoka.cn/img/...

<a title='注册送加密货币' href='https://okk.meibanla.com/btc/ok.php' target='_blank' class='f_d'>加密货币</a>市场即将暴涨

<atitle='href='https://okk.meibanla.com/btc/ok.php'target='_blank'crass='f_d'> encrypted currency</a></p><p>加密货币世界正在好转。在经历了残酷的加密货币寒冬之后,许多加密货币的价格已达到或接近历史最高水平,未来终于再次变得光明。</p><p>The world of encrypted currencies is improving. After the cold winter of cruel encrypted currencies, the prices of many of the encrypted currencies have reached or come close to historical highs, and the future has finally become bright again.</p><p>然而,由于一个关键原因,前景可能会变得更加光明——世界各国的央行都开始降低利率。</p><p>However, for one key reason, the outlook is likely to be brighter — central banks around the world are beginning to lower interest rates.</p><p>两者看似毫无关联,但央行行动与加密货币市场行为之间却有着深厚的联系。对于投资者来说,这是一个极具吸引力的机会。新一波流动性可能很快就会注入市场,为加密货币的繁荣奠定基础。</p><p>For investors, this is an attractive opportunity. A new wave of liquidity could soon be injected into the market, laying the foundation for a boom in encrypted money.</p><p>各国央行开始降低利率</p><p>Central banks are starting to lower interest rates.</p><p>近日,欧洲央行、加拿大、瑞士和瑞典央行均下调了基准利率。此前,这些央行曾实施了数十年来最激进的加息举措,旨在抑制不断飙升的通胀。</p><p>In recent days, the ECB, Canada, Switzerland, and the Swedish central banks have all lowered their benchmark rates. Previously, these central banks had implemented the most radical interest hikes in decades to contain rising inflation.</p><p>尽管美联储尚未开始降息,但市场观察人士越来越乐观地认为,美联储将在今年年底前降息。鉴于美国仍是世界上最大的经济体,许多人认为,这一潜在的政策转变是需要倒下的最后一张多米诺骨牌,才能为加密货币等风险资产创造更有利的环境。</p><p>Although the Fed has not yet begun to cut interest rates, market observers are increasingly optimistic that the Fed will reduce interest rates by the end of this year. Given that the US is still the world’s largest economy, many believe that this potential policy shift is the last domino domino that needs to fall in order to create a more favourable environment for risky assets, such as encrypted currency.</p><p>为什么利率对加密货币很重要</p><p>Why is the interest rate important for encryption money?</p><p>乍一看,利率和加密货币似乎存在于完全不同的领域。加密货币在分散的网络上运行,拥有自己的货币政策。然而,它们与更广泛的经济有着千丝万缕的联系。</p><p>At first glance, interest rates and encrypted currencies seem to exist in completely different areas. Encrypted currencies operate on a fragmented network with their own monetary policies. However, they are inextricably linked to the wider economy.</p><p>加密货币是一种所谓的风险资产类别,这意味着当投资者普遍愿意承担更多风险以追求利润时,加密货币往往表现良好。这通常发生在流动性强的时期,即资金廉价且充裕的时期。要再次出现这种情况,就必须降低利率。</p><p>Encrypted money is a so-called risk asset class, which means that when investors are generally willing to take more risks in pursuit of profit, encrypted money tends to perform well. This usually takes place during periods of high liquidity, when money is cheap and abundant. For this to happen again, interest rates have to be lowered.</p><p>要理解央行降息为何有利于加密货币,了解加息的影响会有所帮助。当央行提高利率时,借贷成本会更高,这往往会减少经济中流通的货币量。高利率也使低风险的生息资产更具吸引力,从而进一步减少部署在风险较高资产中的资金量。</p><p>When central banks raise interest rates, borrowing costs are higher, which tends to reduce the amount of money in circulation in the economy. High interest rates also make low-risk interest-bearing assets more attractive, further reducing the amount of money deployed in higher-risk assets.</p><p>相反,当利率下降时,借贷成本会下降,流动性会增加。较低的利率也会降低储蓄账户和债券的吸引力。随着过剩资本的流通,这种流动性通常会流入各种资产类别,包括股票、房地产,当然还有加密货币。</p><p>By contrast, when interest rates fall, borrowing costs fall and liquidity increases. Lower interest rates also reduce the attractiveness of savings accounts and bonds. With excess capital flows, such liquidity usually flows to various asset classes, including equities, real estate, and, of course, encrypted currencies.</p><p>历史证据</p><p>Historical evidence</p><p>我们不需要回顾太久,就能看到低利率对加密货币市场产生巨大影响的证据。2020 年,世界各国央行为应对新冠疫情造成的经济影响,将利率降至接近零。这导致全球金融体系获得了前所未有的流动性注入。</p><p>In response to the economic impact of the new crown epidemic, central banks around the world reduced interest rates to near zero in 2020. This has led to unprecedented liquidity injections in the global financial system.</p><p>结果如何?加密货币市场从约 1900 亿美元增长至超过 2 万亿美元。领先的加密货币<a title='注册并实名送比特币' href='https://okk.meibanla.com/btc/ok.php' target='_blank' class='f_a'>比特币</a>(CRYPTO: BTC)的价格从 2020 年初的约 7,000 美元飙升至 2021 年 11 月的近 69,000 美元。</p><p>What happened? The crypto-currency market grew from about $190 billion to over $2 trillion. The price of the leading crypto-currency <atitle='registered and delivered bitcoin' href=https://okk.meibanla.com/btc/ok.php'target='_blank'crass='f_a'bitcoin</a> (CRYPTO: BTC) jumped from about $7,000 in early 2020 to nearly $69,000 in November 2021.</p><p>2021 年牛市中最令人印象深刻的例子之一是Solana (CRYPTO: SOL)。借助流动性增加(以及大量投机)的浪潮,在不到两年的时间里,它上涨了 25,000% 以上。</p><p>One of the most impressive examples of cattle in 2021 was Solana (CRYPTO: SOL). It rose by more than 25,000 per cent in less than two years, thanks to a wave of increased mobility (and a lot of speculation).</p><p>在繁荣中保持纪律</p><p>Keep discipline in prosperity.</p><p>尽管本轮降息幅度不会像 2020 年那样大,但仍将对加密货币产生重大利好。正如加密货币牛市中常见的情况一样,这意味着一些名不见经传的加密货币将开始实现天文数字般的涨幅。</p><p>Although this round of interest cuts will not be as large as it was in 2020, it will still yield significant benefits for the encoded currency. As is often the case in the encrypt currency cow market, this means that some unnamed encrypted currency will begin to grow as astronomically.</p><p>然而,虽然说起来容易做起来难,但投资者必须保持平衡的视角,不要陷入投机的炒作中——大多数加密货币根本不适合长期投资。</p><p>However, while it is easy to say, investors must maintain a balanced perspective and not get caught up in speculation — most of the encrypted currencies are not suitable for long-term investment.</p><p>为了成功度过即将到来的阶段,投资者需要保持纪律,并专注于具有良好业绩记录和强大实用性的蓝筹加密货币。例如,比特币和以太坊(CRYPTO: ETH)符合这一标准。</p><p>In order to succeed in the forthcoming phase, investors need to remain disciplined and focus on blue-knit encrypted currencies with a good track record of performance and strong practicality. For example, Bitcoin and the Etherto: ETH meet this standard.</p><p>虽然这一策略可能不像投资时尚模因硬币,它是少数经过验证的策略之一,可以为投资者提供只有加密货币才能产生的收益。</p><p>While this strategy may not be like investing in fashion model coins, it is one of a few proven strategies that can provide investors with the benefits that only encrypted currencies can generate.</p><p>热点:<a href=加密货币 加密 市场 暴涨 货币



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