The so-called cuisine refers to a slender slob that does not earn money in the trading market and even pays for it.
They have a serious lack of basic reading skills and are people who do not read product instructions for the rest of their lives.
The vast majority of pickles originate from a similar cause, and they start buying and buying as soon as they enter the field.
Even when you're in, the bull market is coming to an end.
When we get to Bear City, we'll start buying and buying when everyone's yelling at her!
Even worse than buying and buying as soon as we got in, the mistake was spending all our money on the way in.
The chance to turn around: , though trapped, is still rich and can be spent slowly. So there is still a chance to lower costs in the long after that.
The best thing to do to make up for the dead:
Speculators refuse to study, and investors are good at learning.
It is a real pickle that looks only at small stories and does not study its conclusions on its own.
What else can we do in Bear City besides make money out of the room? Learn! At least start to exercise your ability to learn.
All the pickles share the wrong view: the so-called transaction is a zero-sum game that completely ignores one of the biggest forces in the trading market, the economic cycle
The vast majority of people make money in the cattle market and the vast majority of people in the bear market pay for money, which is not a zero-sum game at all.
The correct explanation for the loss is simple: we bought it at the wrong time
Whenever the sale is made, it is done with the cooperation of both parties.
Essentially, all transactions are the result of inconsistent thinking.
Successful traders are always very few, and their common characteristic is that they are not moved by appearances, that they like to explore the essence of appearances. No one in the world does not learn, except that learning and learning are not necessarily the same.
You made a trade decision at the wrong time, so what was the last right decision? Simple: waiting for the next right time.
The essence of impatience is lack of strength. In the trading market, power is long and stable low-cost cash flow
A percentage, or at least a certain amount of cash, should always be retained and the warehouse controlled.
Do not take risks. Even when it is necessary to take risks, let the fools take risks and gain their own experience by observing.
reduces the frequency of transactions and reduces them and decreases them.
In such a short period of time, the possibility of suddenly generating a huge return is extremely low, and catching a surge or drop is the most dangerous and dangerous of all. The result of frequent transactions is the accumulation of transaction fees, which consumes all your profits and principal.
Li laughs to his own rule: before ten times he doesn't exist.
The so-called pickles are often not cut by others, and in more cases they are cut by themselves.
How people get bad, how people get stupid, the mechanisms of the two processes are exactly the same. There are no bad people in the world, only good people and partially broken people.
If you do something wrong accidentally, you must correct it and never try any form of rationalization.
调整止损线,降低自己的风险承担 为了增大分母,可行的手段有: In order to increase the denominator, it is possible to: 最终李笑来的选择是这样的: At the end of the day, Li laughter made the following choice: 如果一项能力需要很久才能磨练出来,结论当然是不学了。正确的结论是:学着,但不着急用,等够用了再说。 If a capacity takes a long time to sharpen, the conclusion is certainly not learned. The correct conclusion is learning, but not rushing, until it's enough. 进场之后不要动,看上一年之后,再动手买。 Don't move when you're in, look at the last year and buy it. 只卖交易量最大的那么一两个或者两三个标的。 Only one or two, or two or three, of the largest volume of transactions. 记住,你要有生活,并且生活很重要。要降低交易频率。 Remember, you have to have a life, and life is important. You have to lower the frequency of transactions. FOMO:对丧失机会的极度恐惧。 FOMO: Extreme fear of loss of opportunity. 从今天开始更加努力,更加认真的生活!一定要学会自娱自乐 From now on, try harder and live more seriously. You must learn to enjoy yourself. 特立独行且正确,才可能产生巨大的交易价值。 It is unique and correct that the value of the transaction can be enormous. 投资也好,交易也罢,绝对不能当作全职工作,因为你一旦全职,你就没办法成长了。 Investment is good, trade is bad, you can't work full-time, because once you're full-time, you can't grow up. 你必须把大量的时间花在生活上、其他的工作上以及学习上,否则你只能是另外一根韭菜。 You have to spend a lot of time on life, on other work and on learning, or you're just another pickle. 投资也好交易也罢,尤其绝对不能当做一个拿薪水打工的工作。 Investments can also be traded, especially as a wage-earning job. 韭菜们只喜欢谈趋势,而周期是他们脑子里根本不存在的概念。关注周期以及多个周期背后显现出来的真正趋势,会给你一个全新且更为可靠的世界和视界。 The pickles only talk about trends, and cycles are concepts that don't exist in their minds. Focusing on cycles and the real trends that emerge from multiple cycles will give you a new and more reliable world and vision. 走到一定程度之时,你能赚到的钱已经超出了你的能力范围,所以剩下的那些,拿着一年还是拿着两年还是拿着永远有什么区别呢? When you get to a certain level, you can earn more than you can, so what's the difference between holding the rest of the year or holding it for two years or forever? 把握周期最靠谱最不容易出错的方法:仔细观察,体会绝大多数交易者的情绪。控制自己是天下最难的事情,越是简单的原理越是难以遵守。
The most easy way to handle a cycle is to look closely and feel the mood of the vast majority of traders. Controling yourself is the hardest thing in the world, and the simpler it is, the harder it is to follow.
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