上周五,也就是11月25日,俄罗斯亿万富豪、加密货币的大咖53岁的维亚切斯拉夫·塔兰(Vyacheslav Taran),所乘坐的直升飞机,在意大利与法国的边境附近,不幸坠毁,维亚切斯拉夫·塔兰和直升飞机驾驶员,都在这次事故中,命丧黄泉。
Last Friday, 25 November, the Russian billionaire, 53-year-old Vyacheslav Taran, an encoded currency, was killed by a helicopter that crashed near the Italian-French border, and Vyacheslav Talan and the helicopter pilot were killed in the accident.
维亚切斯拉夫·塔兰,早在1997年,就创立了福瑞斯金融集团。该集团的发展壮大,让塔兰成为了俄罗斯著名的三大外汇交易商之一。2012年,塔兰又成立了Libertex and Forex Club交易与投资平台。据说,该平台提前在加密货币圈进行了缜密的布局,虚拟货币风起云涌之际,塔兰赶上了潮流,一跃而成亿万富豪。塔兰在俄罗斯的金融科技行业,享有盛誉。最近多年来,塔兰和老婆以及三个孩子,一直生活在瑞士和摩洛哥。没有想到,刚过知天命之年的塔兰,就这样死于飞机失事之中。据说,还有一位乘客,因为临时有事,没有搭乘这架飞机,从而逃过一劫。
Vyacheslav Talan, who was founded as early as 1997, has grown to make Taran one of the three famous foreign exchange traders in Russia. In 2012, Tarran set up the Libertex and Forex Club trading and investment platform. The platform was said to have been well-tailored in the crypto-currency ring in advance, and when the virtual currency surged, Talan caught up with the tide and turned into a billionaire.
It is well known that the crash of a helicopter, the crash of a plane, and the destruction of a human being happen occasionally. The death of Vyacheslav Talan is not worth the fuss. But it may be a little creepy if you know that in the last month or so, there are still two prominent figures in virtual currency in the world who have died.
2022年10月28日,美国的虚拟货币的牛人、只有29岁的亿万富豪尼古拉·穆什吉安(Nikolai Mushegian),在波多黎各的海滩上,意外溺水身亡。据波多黎各当地媒体的消息,当天尼古拉·穆什吉安在海滩上冲浪,却莫名其妙地被海浪冲走。他的尸体,第二天才被人发现。
On 28 October 2022, Nikolai Mushegian, a 29-year-old bovine cow of the United States, accidentally drowned on Puerto Rico’s beach. According to local Puerto Rican media, Nicolas Mushgian surfed on the beach that day, but was unwittingly washed away by the waves. His body was only discovered the following day.
Nikolai Mushgian, a co-founder of MakerDAO, is a well-known and well-known heavyweight in the virtual currency industry. He is very smart and specializes in new technologies. In 2016, the MakerDAO platform was hit by hackers, and it was Nicola Mushgian, through his powerful technology, who held back the hackers’ attacks and rescued the platform. He was “the inventor of our security strategy.” His colleagues praised him.
It is surprising that, on Twitter, the day before the death of Nikola Mushgian, he had said: “The paedophile elites of the United States and the Israeli intelligence service are doing some kind of untouchable business on Puerto Rico and the Caribbean island. They're going to kill me with my ex-girlfriend, put on a laptop, and they're going to torture me to death.” A few hours later, Nicolas Mushgian was swallowed by seawater. However, his parents thought that Nicolas Mushgian's death had not been a murder or a conspiracy.
Nicolas Mushgian’s parents did not pursue him, and the rest of the outside world did not need to do so. The death of Nikola Mushgian was an accident that did not attract much attention and vigilance.
2022年11月23日,又有一位虚拟货币券里的富豪田田·寇兰德(Tiantian Kullander)意外去世。田田·寇兰德的死亡,原因确实让人意外,只有30岁的他,正当年富力强,身体健康,无痛无灾,却在“睡梦中去世”。这是他的家人对外宣布的消息。
On November 23, 2022, another virtual currency voucher, Tiantian Kullander, died unexpectedly. The cause of his death, which was truly surprising, was a 30-year-old man who died “in his sleep” when he was a strong, healthy and pain-free person.
2017年,田田·寇兰德和朋友一起,创办了Amber Group加密货币交易平台。这个平台在2022年1月的估值,已经超过了30亿美元(折合成人民币大约是210多亿元),田田·寇兰德也成为了亿万富豪。有消息说,就在去世前两天,田田·寇兰德还在和投资方谈判,希望把他的平台估值,提高到100亿美元。同时,他还在安抚惶惶不安的小投资者,告诉他们,虽然币圈震荡不已,但平台仍然能够正常运转。
In 2017, Tanada Colland, along with his friends, founded the Amber Group encrypted money-trading platform. In January 2022, the platform was valued at more than $3 billion (the equivalent of about $21 billion), and Tanada Colander became a billionaire.
Within a month, three coin-bonds die in succession, and the cause of death is incredible. Is it normal to say that drowning, sleeping, depraved? We do not know.
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