For the first time, the concept of block chains appeared in our eyes, as was mentioned by Benson, the founder of Bitcoin, in "bitcoin: an electronic cash system at a point-to-point" in 2008. While the definition and concept of the term "block chain" were not explicitly proposed, the paper described in detail how to create a decentralized electronic trading system, which did not need to be based on mutual trust between the parties to the transaction.
In a market economy, when a transaction takes place and is completed, mutual trust between the parties is the basis. Without trust, it is difficult to succeed, in other words, to have a trust broker in the course of the transaction. By way of a simple example, it is now very popular in society to shop on the Treasurenet, and the money that we choose to pay to the seller will not be paid immediately, but rather through payment of the Treasure Platform, which will transfer the money to the seller only when we confirm receipt.
It can be said that our information on money, privacy, etc. is in fact tied to an intermediary platform like a payment treasure. The same is true of transactions under the line, where money can be used as a medium for commodity transactions because the government, as a centre of trust, assigns monetary value without government guarantees, it is just a piece of paper. In short, the block chain is a public accounting technology that was born to reduce the cost of trust that we incur in our transactions.
What is the definition of a block chain? A more detailed description can be found in Wikipedia, which can be summarized as follows: the block chain is a distributed database technology that maintains a chain structure of data blocks that sustains continuous growth and irreproachable data records. But Wikipedia’s interpretation does not identify the core value of the block chain, which places greater emphasis on the technical attributes of the public accounting of the block chain, while the block chain is more important in addressing multiple trust and value transfer in a decentralized manner.
The essence of the block chain is a decentralized distributed book of accounts. Decentralized is actually to remove trust intermediaries like payment treasures, micro-letters, which do not need to be rounded up in commodity transactions, such as our day-to-day sales, but can be traded directly through point-to-point transactions.
Distributed bookkeeping is the database that will encrypt an encrypted recorder's server for any transaction that occurs in the system, which is what we usually call “distributed book technology” or “public account”. The block chain does not simply record information on a server, but is recorded simultaneously on multiple servers in different locations. Once the recorder has done so, it is difficult to add, delete or modify the information. The block chain combines a consensus mechanism to ensure data consistency, even if the data on one server is destroyed and the other servers are still in place, and the stored data remain secure and valid, independent on the Internet and not controlled by any centralized individual, organization or institution, and the database will be maintained and monitored by everyone in the system.
数据的安全性是当下社会非常关注的焦点问题,区块链的信息同样也是加密的,采用的是非对称加密,每一个数据库就好像是一个保险柜,钥匙在你自己的手里。你或者你授权的人才可以看到在不同的保险柜中属于你的文件。非对称加密一般包含两个密钥:公钥(publi key) 和私钥(private key) , 它们是成对存在的。公钥的作用是对数据进行加密及验证签名,私钥的作用是对数据进行解密及签名。公钥一般是公开的,私钥是自己保存的。与传统的对称加密相比,非对称加密更加具有安全性,是一种更为高级的加密方式, 常见的有RSA、ECDSA等。因此, 区块链通过去中心化、集体协作、非对称加密等方式来维护数据库安全可靠、不被篡改。
Asymmetric encryption typically consists of two keys: public key (public key) and private key (private key), which exist in pairs. Public key is used to encrypt and authenticate data, private key is used to declassify and sign data. Public key is generally public, private key is kept by yourself. Asymmetric encryption is more secure than traditional symmetric encryption and is a more advanced way of encryption, often RSA, ECDSA, etc.
In a sense, the block chain is essentially a value transfer trust agreement, a traditional one. For a long time, there has been no such agreement on the Internet, and therefore no transmission of value or authentication.
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