币快报是区块链和数字货币价值发现平台,为用户提供数字货币的智能信息流、知识图谱、CV-Rank指数(Coin Volatility Rank)和成长轨迹指数(Growth Track Index),帮助用户寻找价值洼地, 打破投资盲点,普及区块链知识,推动区块链生态的健康发展。
The Currency Express, a platform for the discovery of block chains and digital monetary values, provides users with intelligent information flows for digital money, knowledge profiles, the CV-Rank Index and the Growth Track Index, helping them to find value-drawn ground, break investment blind spots, spread knowledge of block chains, and promote healthy ecological development of the block chain.
刚刚走过的2017年, 数字资产市场迎来爆发增长期,其背后的区块链技术也变得火热起来,并渗入到各个行业,国内外各大企业纷纷试水区块链领域。区块链技术被认为是继蒸汽机、电力、互联网之后的第四次颠覆性创新。如果说蒸汽机和电力解放了生产力,互联网改变了信息传递的方式,那么区块链作为构造信任的机器,将可能改变价值传递方式。
In 2017, the digital asset market began to grow, and the block chain technology behind it became hot and immersed in industries, with major domestic and foreign firms testing the water chain. Block chain technology is considered to be the fourth disruptive innovation following steam engine, electricity, and the Internet. If steam engine and electricity free up productivity and the Internet changes the way information is transmitted, the block chain, as a machine that builds trust, can change the way value is passed.
At the same time, people eager to understand the exponential growth of block chains and digital money investments are suffering from the current early stages of development and from the lack of authoritative, timely, open, and transparent access to information. In addition, the barbarous growing sector has emerged with a number of challenges that need to be overcome, as follows:
1. The high technical threshold of the block chain industry makes it easier for ordinary participants to gain a one-sided understanding of block chain technology by lacking access to a comprehensive picture of the block chain;
2. The block chain industry is at a barbarous growth stage.
3. The lack of independence of the sector's media, the multiplicity of interests and the inability to effectively screen information, which may mislead investors;
4. Lack of a fair and effective evaluation system for block chain projects to help users break through investment blind areas;
The above-mentioned industrial pain points have become a further barrier to the block chain industry, and it is particularly urgent to make the current block chain market more regulated and transparent. To this end, former Vice-President Tony and former President David Noa have joined forces to engage, invest in, and advocate for the Big Crabs of the Beete Unit community leaders to try to build the most responsive sector chains and digital monetary value discovery platform – the currency flash.
通过币快报生态平台,为用户提供数字资产市场和区块链行业的智能信息流、知识图谱、CV-Rank指数(Coin Volatility Rank)和成长轨迹指数(Growth Track Index)。简单来说,币快报定位于区块链与数字货币行业的“今日头条”+“雪球”。公众可以通过币快报生态学习区块链行业知识,突破投资盲区,共同推动区块链生态走向健康发展的轨道。当前币快报团队核心成员包括区块链、AI、大数据等领域的顶级技术专家。
Through the Currency Express Ecologic Platform, users are provided with intelligent information flows from the digital asset market and block chain industries, knowledge profiles, the CV-Rank Index and the Growing Track Index. Simply put, the currency is located in the “Today Head” plus the “ Snowball” of the block chain and the digital currency industry. The public can use the currency Express to report knowledge of the eco-learning block chain industry, break through the investment blind zone, and jointly promote the path of the chain’s ecology to healthy development.
Depending on the user’s habits of interest, currency speed reports achieve personalized intelligent information flows for users through deep machine learning. Multi-channel digital money information on the Internet is updated with real-time authority, making greater use of data cleansing and architecture, and forming digital currency knowledge maps. Then, based on knowledge mapping, CV-Rank indices are constructed to quickly and accurately reflect short-term price fluctuations in digital currencies. The currency speed reports not only provide real-time feedback on digital currency flows through the CV-Rank index, but also use block-chain technology to further construct a global digital asset tracking evaluation system.
Let's make it possible for users, advertisers and platforms to win, and the currency flash will be on the line in March of this year.
In order to effectively stimulate public participation and create an eco-system, the currency Express will use the Token-BKB, which will be issued as a medium for the flow of values in the eco-chain. All users’ interactions and creative behaviour within the system will be rewarded with the incentives offered by the platform, and the benefits will be settled by the BKB-Token system.
In addition, the currency Express ecosystem contains two important ecological platforms – advertising platforms and content payments. Advertisers can get ads and buy them on demand, and pay-for-money subscribers can get paid content.
The first edition of the currency Express will be launched in March this year, in order to provide early service to fans and supporters of the block chain industry and the digital asset market, and thanks to a strong team executive. It is to be hoped that in the near future, the currency Express will become the best assistant in understanding the block chain industry and digital currency.
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