怎样购买DePay虚拟信用卡充值ChatGPT Plus订阅?

资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:46 评论:0


How do you solve the problem of registering ChatGPT for ChatGPT?Plus member service, but without a valid Euro-American credit card?


A workable answer:

  1. 安装并申请Depay账号并实名验证;
  2. 充值USDT稳定币(可向朋友换购或者到中心化交易所购买)到Depay APP钱包;
  3. Depay APP中开通万事达虚拟卡(VISA卡暂时无法申请);
  4. 将USDT换成USD美元,再充值到Depay万事达银行卡里,就相当于预付费的万事达信用卡了


Depay is a British enterprise that handles multiple scenarios of encrypted currency for individuals, holds United States MSB plates and is subject to compliance by Fincen (Financial Crimes Enforcement Agency), with a clear and legitimate operator that meets capital requirements, information security requirements and KYC/AML standards under financial supervision.


Deepay supports the USDT, which is built into electronic accounts of the pound sterling, the euro, and the United States dollar, free to conduct transactions and transfers between the pound, the euro, and the United States dollar in legal currencies and the USDT, and to make payments in electronic currencies without borders. Supporting the USDT as a bridge to stabilize the currency is equivalent to supporting the entire asset class, including BTC, ETH, etc.

DePay 兑换和使用有一定手续费,胜在门槛低。除了 ChatGPT 之外,也可以付费美区 App Store。可以绑定到微信、支付宝日常使用,初次使用可能会风控,联系客服解决了后面没再出现。

DePay has a certain fee for exchange and use, which is lower than the threshold. In addition to ChatGPT, it is possible to pay for Apple Street.


Prepare process:

  • 注册1个可用的ChatGPT账号(如何注册这里就不再赘述)
  • 能正常访问ChatGPT的科学上网条件(一定要选美国的代理节点)


ChatGPT requires American credit cards, which are not available in our home country in both currency cards, nor in all currency cards. Undefined, it goes without saying that for small partners in the country who do not have a local American credit card, the popular Deepay American virtual credit card will be chosen.

先到网站下载Depay APP,到 https://www.depay.one/?lang=zh-cn下载APP,ios无外区账号下载内测版。安装后简单注册,上传身份证,并录制一段小视频,大约5分钟后即可通过KYC反洗钱程序

Download the Deepay APP from the website, and download the APP from https://www.depay.one/?lang=zh-cn. Ios downloads the internal control version of the APP without an out-of-area account.


At the bottom left corner of the login app, then select the card type, Lite card (10 U card charge), standard card (0 card charge) for KYC


If you don't want to pass your ID, choose Lite card. I choose the standard card.


The system will be checked automatically for approximately 10 minutes after a step-by-step pass on the identity card.

如 Binance、OKX。将交易所购买的 USDT 提现到 DePay 账户。在 DePay 中,然后通过USDT-Trc20(波场协议)方式充值,打开Depay APP选择钱包选择USDT,点击充币就有Trc20的地址,可从币安等交易所或者朋友转相应USDT(至少5 USDT起)到钱包内,几分钟即可到账。最后,把 USDT 兑换成 USD 并充值到虚拟卡。

For example, Binance, OKX. Raises the USDT purchased by the exchange to the Depay account. In DePay, the value is then replenished by USDT-Trc20 (band protocol), opens the Depay APP wallet to select USDT, and clicks on the charged currency to have an address of Trc20, which can be transferred from an exchange of currency or a friend to the corresponding USDT (at least 5 USDT) to the wallet for a few minutes. Finally, converts the USDT to a USD and to a virtual card.

这里以 下载欧易(OKX)为例
注册1个虚拟交易平台 https://www.okx.com/ (欧易是港股上市,国内最大的交易所,其他没试过,多半不合法。)

Here, for example, downloading Oe (OKX)
registers a virtual trading platform https://www.okx.com/ (Oe is on the market, the largest exchange in the country, and most of it is illegal.

冲币 (下面部分就涉及到钱了,请大家一定谨慎处理)

  • 在欧易 App 中依次打开「资产」→「总览」→「资金账户」→「充币」。
  • 按步骤充值 USDT ,其中 (CNY:人民币) 注意单位切换。注意:网络一定得要选择 USDT-TRC20。
  • 获取一个[支付宝/微信/银行卡]的支付码 (一般是个人的账号),这里是有风险的,一般选择小规模资金尝试。
  • 等待充值成功(一般 1-2 分钟内完成)。 注意,新充值的 USDT 会被冻结 24 小时,我第一次充值了 200 ,约 28 USDT 。
  • 过了 24 小时,等到了第二天,我们转币。

主要是把 OKX 里的 USDT 转到 Depay 里。 在 OKX 里为提币操作,在 Depay 里是充币操作。

mainly USDT in OKX to Depay. In OKX it is for a coin, and in Depay it is for a coin.

  • 获取 Depay 里的个人钱包地址。打开 Depay App ,依次打开 “钱包” → “USDT” → “充币”。
  • 转币到 Depay: 打开欧易 App , 依次打开 “资产” → “总览” → “资金账户” → “提币”(会产生 1 USDT 的提现费用)
    • 填入刚才的 TRC 20 地址。
    • 提现网络选择 USDT-TRC20。(错了钱会消失,别问我怎么知道的)。

等个几分钟 Depay App 里 USDT 就能到账(不是立即到账,数字货币比较慢)。

The USDT will be available in a few minutes in Depay App (not immediately, the digital currency is slower).

Depay 钱包收到 USDT 以后先别急着兑换 USD ,接着就可以申请Depay万事达银行卡了,有各种不同的套餐方案,建议可以选择0元套餐,月租费用和手续费可能高一点,反正未来有需要时可以随时升级服务。开通万事达银行卡后,USDT内部兑换成USD,再充值到自己的万事达卡内就可以消费了。

When Deepay’s wallet is received by USDT, then we can apply for a Depay MasterCard card. There are different packages. It is suggested that the monthly rental fee and charges may be higher. The service can be upgraded whenever the need arises in the future.

先开通 credit card (信用卡). 我开的是 mastercard ,也可以开 visa 卡。

I'll open the credit card.

  • 开卡。保险的先开个标准套餐(0 USDT ,月费 1 USD, 充值手续费 1.35%(最少 1 USD)),实际第二个套餐最划算,就是要先付10USDT
  • 兑换 USD。开完卡以后需要把 USDT 兑换成 USD 。打开 Depay App ,依次打开 “钱包” → “USDT” → “兑换”
  • 充值。打开 Depay App ,依次打开 “卡” → “充值” ,输入要充值对 USD 数量,最少冲 5 USD 。充值会收取 1.35% 的手续费的。

至此,你国内的钱通过这个方式就到海外的一张信用卡上了,变成了美元。其中损失的钱有:1 USDT (给 OKX) + 1.35%(Depay 充值手续费) + USDT 转 USD 的费用。 总体来说还行。

So, the money in your country goes overseas on a credit card and turns into dollars. The money lost is the cost of: 1 USDT (to OKX) + 1.35% (Depay Charging fee) + USDT to USD. Overall, it's fine.

申请账号并开通万事达银行卡后,也可以让已经拥有此卡并有资金的朋友内部转账到自己的卡上,就可以瞬间实现支付ChatGPT Plus会员等服务。

After applying for an account number and opening a MasterCard card, it is also possible to allow friends who already have the card and have the funds to transfer it internally to their own cards so that the payment of services such as ChatGPT Plus members can be made instantaneously.


The active post-activation card is available. CVV code can be found in the CVV security code on the first page of the application.


Deepay supports the USDT, which is built into electronic accounts of the pound sterling, the euro, and the United States dollar, free to conduct transactions and transfers between the pound, the euro, and the United States dollar in legal currencies and the USDT, and to make payments in electronic currencies without borders. Supporting the USDT as a bridge to stabilize the currency is equivalent to supporting the entire asset class, including BTC, ETH, etc.

  • 全局代理,打开网站 https://chat.openai.com
  • 填上 Depay 虚拟信用卡信息。
  • 地址可以用这个美国地址生成器 俄勒冈州地址生成器 – 美国地址生成器 – 美国身份生成器 (https://www.meiguodizhi.com/usa-address/oregon)


In practice, the following points are summarized.

  • 这家公司的业务主要针对中国大陆用户的需求——欧美用户不必使用此产品服务,它的注册过程中也明显是为中国用户准备的——中文服务和支持身份证实名验证。
  • 它本身有一定手续费等服务费,USDT兑换USD产生1%左右的利润,充值USD美元等法币到万事达卡有1%左右的手续费(视不同的卡片套餐而不同),还有每个月不等的一点点月租费,所以它的盈利模式清晰,业务有利可图。
  • 此美元外币预付信用卡在国内人民币支付场景中,可绑定微信和支付宝(支付宝本身另外收3%手续费,较坑)、京东,支持京东购物、中石化/中石油加油卡、美团外卖、滴滴打车、Paypal、天猫国际版、Q币充值、拼多多、猫眼电影票赛事等知名交易服务,但线下商超支持的机会不多,所以存在不完美的地方。
  • 但作为一张日常消费替代卡,它实现了加密资产到人民币支付的无缝使用(国外支付就更不在话下),有较大的意义,更是方便了像上述支付ChatGPT会员等需要欧美银行卡(信用卡)支付的相应服务场景。此外,也可以用此万事达卡号和一个英国家庭地址(自行找一个)开通英国Apple ID,实现以前不能实现的事情。
  • Depay银行卡推出已有有一年多了,相信未来此类银行卡会越来越多,也会越来越好用——除非欧美金融监管政策有大变。
  • 潜在风险方面,考虑到Depay这种小公司产品,为了把控个人整体风险,建议每次充值到Depay上的金额不宜过多,即使它将来万一因各种原因关闭运营,也不至于损失过多——但Depay是欧美合规金融服务,理论上不会没有底线。

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