Facebook coins up.
Although these two do not seem relevant, they do happen.
On 18 June, local time, Facebook-led digital encrypted currency — the Libra network of officials — officially went online and issued a white paper, stating that its mission was to create a simple, borderless currency and financial infrastructure for billions of people.
What the hell is Libra? Let's talk in a few dimensions.
The reference to bitcoin in the title is because Libra is a digital cryptographic currency, but it is different from the bitcoin.
其白皮书称,世界需要一种全球性的数字原生货币,它能够集世界上最佳货币的特征于一体:稳定性、低通货膨胀率、 全球普遍接受和可互换性。而Libra,就是要做到这些。
According to its White Paper, the world needs a global digital home currency, one that brings together the world’s best: stability, low inflation, global acceptance and interoperability. Libra, that's what this is all about.
为了达成以上目标,Libra将全部使用真实资产储备作为担保,储备将包括一系列“低波动性”资产,如一篮子稳定且信誉良好中央银行提供的存款和短期政府债券。这么做的目的是维持 Libra 加密货币的价值稳定,确保其不会随着时间剧烈波动。
In order to achieve these objectives, Libra will use all real asset reserves as security, which will include a series of “low volatility” assets, such as deposits and short-term government bonds provided by a stable and reputable central bank. The aim is to maintain the value stability of Libra’s encrypted currency and to ensure that it does not fluctuate sharply over time.
In other words, issuing a Libra requires that the issuer reserve an equivalent asset. Bitcoin, which is virtually unrelated to the real world’s assets, is why it has been controversial.
Some say Libra's kind of like a stable currency like USDT.
As digitally encrypted currencies develop, there is an urgent need for a medium that connects digital currency markets to real currency markets, so that a stable currency emerges. A stable currency, in fact, is anchored with a digital currency. One USDT, for example, is equivalent to one dollar, whereas theoretically 100 USDT is needed.
此前,摩根大通就发布了自己的摩根币(JPM Coin),按1:1锚定美元定价。在摩根大通的指定账户中,他们存放了与JPM Coin金额对应的美元。但目前,这一币种暂时只在少数摩根大通机构客户中进行测试。
Prior to that, Morgan Chase issued its own JPM Coin, at an anchor rate of 1:1. In JPM Chase’s designated account, they kept dollars corresponding to JPM Coin. However, for the time being, this currency is being tested only among a small number of JPM Chase clients.
It's also said that Libra is kind of like a SDR basket of currency.
SDR is the special drawing rights (SDRs) of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), also known as paper gold, which is a unit of account created by the IMF and distributed according to the shares of Member States for servicing the IMF debt and covering the intergovernmental balance-of-payments deficit of Member States. Its value is currently determined by a basket of reserve currencies consisting of the United States dollar, the euro, the renminbi, the yen and the pound sterling.
Whatever Libra looks like, the key is whether it works or not. According to the White Paper, anyone who owns Libra has a high level of assurance that they can convert their own digital currency into local currency at the rate of exchange, just like when travelling to exchange one currency for another.
There's one thing you're sure to see. That's right. Libra doesn't have much value.
And look at this new currency operating environment.
根据白皮书显示,Libra运行于Libra Blockchain之上,它是一个目标成为全球金融的基础架构,将满足三个需求——
According to the White Paper, Libra operates above Libra Blockchain, a goal that is the foundational architecture for global finance that will meet three needs -
One is the ability to extend to billions of accounts, which requires blocks chains that are characterized by extremely high transaction throughput and low delay, as well as an efficient and high-capacity storage system.
The second is the high level of security that guarantees the security of financial and financial data.
Thirdly, there is sufficient flexibility to support the management of the Libra ecosystem and future innovations in the area of financial services.
Libra Blockchain设计和使用Move编程语言,同时使用拜占庭容错(BFT)共识机制,并采用和迭代改善已广泛采用的区块链数据结构。
Libra Blockchain designs and uses the Move programming language, using the Byzantine Errors (BFT) consensus mechanism and introducing and iterative improvements to the already widely used block chain data structure.
You don't understand? It's okay, Libra is still based on block chains and uses mature technology. Libra is also in the early stages, and more details are waiting to be published.
One thing to note, however, is that the Libra network requires permission to join in its initial phase, unlike the Bitcoin block chain, where only the founding members have access to the network. But, over time, Libra has a planned transition to a network that does not require privileges, which means that “no one can change the rules of the network unilaterally.”
So, who's going to run this block chain network?
有人会说了,那肯定是Facebook嘛。其实并非如此,Facebook强调,其只是在初期进行主导,而未来的管理工作,是由名为Libra Association(Libra 协会)的组织负责的。
Some would say that it was definitely Facebook. Indeed, Facebook stressed that it was only in the early stages and that future management was the responsibility of an organization called Libra Association.
这一组织由Facebook发起,目前已有20余家机构参与运行,未来将增加到100 家。成员涵盖了支付业、技术和交易平台、电信业、区块链、风险投资、非营利组织、多边组织和学术机构,阵容非常强大。
The organization, launched by Facebook, now has more than 20 institutions in operation and will grow to 100 in the future. Its members include the payment industry, technology and trading platforms, telecommunications, block chains, venture investments, non-profit organizations, multilateral organizations, and academic institutions, with a strong presence.
在这29家合作机构中,你可以看到各个领域的巨头,有支付业的Mastercard、Visa、PayPal、PayU (Naspers' fintech arm)、Stripe;技术和交易平台的Booking Holdings、eBay、Facebook/Calibra、Farfetch、Lyft、MercadoPago、SpotifyAB、Uber;电信业的Iliad、Vodafone Group;区块链业的Anchorage、Bison Trails、Coinbase、Xapo;风险投资业的Andreessen Horowitz、Breakthrough Initiatives、Ribbit Capital、Thrive Capital、Union Square Ventures;还有非营利组织、多边组织和学术机构Creative Destruction Lab、Kiva、Mercy Corps、Women's WorldBanking等。
Among the 29 collaborating institutions, you can see the giants in various fields: Mastercard, Visa, PayPal, PayU (Naspers' informch arm), Stripe; Booking Holdings, eBay, Facebook/Calibra, Farfetch, Lyft, Mercado Pago, SpotifyAB, Uber; Iliad, Vodafone Group in telecommunications; Anchorage, Bison Trails, Coinbase, Xapo in the sector chain;ressen Horowitz, Breakthrough Initiatives in the venture industry, Ribbit Capital, Thrive Capital, Union Square Ventres; and non-profit organizations, multilateral organizations and academic institutions, such as Creative Dispute Law Lab, Kristraction Corps, World Bank.
Instead, the Libra Association will be administered by the Board of Directors of the Libra Association, which will be composed of one representative from each certifying point. The board members will jointly decide on the governance of the network and the reserve.
The White Paper states that Facebook will retain its leadership role until the end of 2019 and will later retire as an ordinary founding member.
Here's the most important question. What's going to happen to Libra?
看着Facebook旗下的产品网络,以及已经加入的业界各方,你很容易想到它未来的应用场景。未来,也许你可以在WhatsApp、Instagram和Messenger中自由收付Libra,你甚至可以用Libra叫车、购物、跨境转账。就像白皮书说的,26亿Facebook生态用户体验到了Libra为生活带来的便利之后,届时依附于Facebook的电商、游戏、服务和金融数字生态,所有的服务将不再以美元或者传统货币计价,而是以 Libra 来进行计价。
In the future, perhaps you can freely pay Libra in WhatsApp, Instagram, and Messenger, and you can even call Libra for cars, shopping, and cross-border transfers. As the White Paper says, 2.6 billion Facebook eco-users experience the benefits of Libra’s life, and then are attached to Facebook’s electricity, games, services and financial digital ecology, and all services will no longer be valued in dollars or traditional currencies, but in Libra.
In the past, there have been a lot of stable currencies in the market, but they are mere approximation of the digital money exchange, with no other use in the real world. And Facebook’s powerful applications and large client groups may make Libra really popular.
But as the founder of the Circumcision said, "Technology is mature. It's not hard. It depends on whether regulation allows it."
Yes, the regulatory approach largely determines the course of this project in the future. It is not easy to think about the risk of money-laundering, data from users, cross-border regulation... It is a whole range of issues.
就目前看来,各国监管人士不少都持否定态度。比如美国众议院金融服务委员会主席Maxine Waters呼吁Facebook暂停Libra项目的开发,并要求Facebook高层接受美国国会质询,说明Libra将对全球Facebook用户数据的隐私和安全带来什么影响,待国会举行听证会后再做进一步决定。
For example, Maxine Waters, President of the US House of Representatives Financial Services Committee, has called for Facebook to suspend the development of the Libra project and has asked high-level Facebook to be questioned by the United States Congress about the implications that Libra will have for the privacy and security of global Facebook user data, pending a further decision by Congress.
Before that, there was a Ripple dedicated to cross-border payments, but it does not seem to be too much. A powerful Internet giant, like Facebook, has a dream to come true and let’s see if we can wait.
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