When discussing the Internet, I like to use the analogy of “Pando” in Utah, United States, which is the world's largest organism, with 42 hectares and a weight of over 6,000 tons.
You can see it as a tree or as a lot of trees, depending on your definition of a tree.
On the ground, Pando is a dense forest, and beneath the ground, these trees have the same vast, single roots.
Today's Internet, there are many Internet companies on the ground, government Internet applications, industrial Internet applications and so on, and below it is the same root system as Pando.
Looking at the block chain at the moment, it seems to us that a new large roots are growing at an alarming rate, and that there are a few new trees on the ground. Now people are concerned about the block chain because the new trees on the ground are very different.
At the moment, many of us are watching a seed imagine what kind of plant it will grow, what flowers it will bloom and what fruits it will produce.
We also look at a few small tree seedlings on the ground and look to the future of dense forests and diverse ecosystems.
In fact, in the process of trying out wrongs, in the process of technological development and in the course of application, we may be better able to cultivate forests and ecology on the ground together if we can go as far as the fundamental understanding of what the block chain technology is and gradually see what the roots of the ground are.
We also do not know whether this root system is closely entangled with the current information Internet to form a bigger root, or another truly new root.
Now, as a result of all the explorations, there is not yet a complete convergence of views on what the block chain is, but there are already some common perceptions that have begun to emerge in practice.
The first is “simpleness”.
During the two sessions, representatives of the science and technology Internet industry also spoke in various interviews about their understanding of the block chain, and both Li Yinghong and Magenteng referred to the uniqueness.
The way information is transmitted on the Internet is by copying a copy.
“When the block chain arrives, it can really make virtual objects unique, and such an Internet would be very different from the previous Internet.”
The same view was expressed by Maitten, who said,
“The block chain is indeed an innovative technology that expresses uniqueness in terms of digitalization, such as instruments, that will solve two or more of the traditional problems, and that can simulate physical exclusivity in reality.”
The singularity, as the Bitcoin mechanism has been discussed, has achieved a mechanism similar to that of “cash”, resolving the problem of spending money twice in the virtual world, the so-called “double flowers”, so that block chain technology can be used to transfer value between individuals.
其二是“不可篡改”特性。 The second is the “non-alterable” character. 达成共识后记录到区块链中的信息是不可篡改的,或者说对它的信息的所有变动都是留有修改痕迹的,这也是对区块链技术的一个普遍认同的认知。 The information recorded in the block chain as a result of the consensus is inexorable, or all changes to its information are marked with modifications, which is also a widely shared perception of block chain technology. 以太坊上的比如用于发放ERC20标准的代币的智能合约在部署之后,也是不可修改的或严格说不可篡改的。 Smart contracts such as those used to issue the ERC20 standard are also non-reformable or strictly non-reformable after deployment. 不可篡改特性是区块链的信任来源之一。 The immutable character is one of the sources of trust in the block chain. 不可篡改特性可能并非区块链的最核心的特性,但它可能是最容易被设想和应用的。这就类似于,把区块链看成是一个分布式的可信账本,这不会是区块链最核心的用途,但可能是当下最容易理解、可直接使用的用途。 The immutable character may not be the most central feature of the block chain, but it may be the most easily conceived and applied. This is similar to the view of the block chain as a distributed and credible account, which is not the most central use of the block chain, but may be the most readily understood and directly usable use at the moment. 现在,很多应用设想就是利用这一特性,将区块链技术用到农产品溯源、进口商品溯源等方面: Many applications now envisage the use of this characteristic for the application of block chain technology to the traceability of agricultural products, the traceability of imports, etc.: 比如京东联合生鲜领域的品牌厂商建立了”京东区块链防伪追溯平台“; For example, a branded manufacturer in the United Lives and Lives area in Kyoto has set up a “Platform for the Prevention of Pseudo-Retrospection” of the Golden East Block Chain. 比如阿里系的菜鸟网络和天猫国际用区块链的这一特性来记录跨境进口商品的物流全链路信息。 For example, Ali's web of rookies and Skycat International uses this feature of the block chain to record logistics-wide information on cross-border imports. 比如新创公司溯源链(Traceability Chain)以二维码、RFID作为入口进行溯源,用户可以追踪到商品的生产、储存、出仓等信息。它将药品、食品作为主要切入窗口。 For example, the new company traceability chain is traced to two-dimensional codes, RFID, and users can track the production, storage, warehousing, etc. of commodities. It uses pharmaceuticals, foods, as the main entry window. 区块链特征之三:“信用层” 其三是”信用层“。 The third is the “credit pool”. 如何在所有各方相互不信任的假设下,形成信任,过去在线下和线上我们依靠的都是中心化的权威机构。 How to build trust under the assumption of mutual distrust on all sides, we used to rely on centralized authorities, both online and online. 区块链技术带来的变化是,它用分布式计算的一致性算法和区块链的链式数据存储机制,让参与各方(也就是在数字世界中代表我们的计算机)基于算法形成了信任。 The change brought about by block chain technology is that it uses distributed consistency algorithms and chain-based data storage mechanisms for block chains to create confidence among the parties involved (i.e., the computers that represent us in the digital world) based on algorithms. 区块链专家、以太坊顾问董事威廉·穆贾雅在《商业区块链》认为,这给互联网增加了一个”信用层“(the trust layer),用他的话说: William Mujaya, a block chain expert and Ether's adviser, argued in Business Block Chain that this added a “trust player” to the Internet, in his words: “信用的去中心化”使得 “Decentization of credit” makes it possible for 由此,在互联网中,在信息流动的WWW协议层旁边,多了一个价值流动的区块链信用层。 As a result, on the Internet, there is an additional block chain of credit for the flow of information, next to the WWW protocol layer. 从这个特性展开的区块链应用也有不少。 There are also a number of block chains that operate from this feature. 比如不久前雄安特区上线了区块链租房应用平台,房产信息、房东房客信息、租赁合同信息等存储区块链中,也即交易各方的信任是基于区块链信用层达成的。 For example, a block chain rental application platform has recently been set up in Yuan SAR, and in the chain of storage areas such as property information, landlord information, rental contract information, etc., the trust of the parties to the transaction is based on the block chain credit. 中国建设银行、链家、蚂蚁金服等各方机构参与这个平台的建设,基于区块链信用层建立了真实有效降低信用成本的应用场景。 China's construction banks, chainers, ants and other institutions involved in the development of the platform have created a real and effective application to reduce credit costs based on block-chain credit. 总的来说,区块链技术的前景远大,但畅想未来的前提是我们一起更深入地理解它是什么。威廉·穆贾雅这么说,“在你能赞赏它的潜力之前,你必须了解它。” In general, there are great prospects for block chain technology, but the idea for the future is that together we understand what it is. William Mujayas says, "You have to understand it before you can appreciate its potential." 探讨:区块链的叙事性 区块链像所有被认为可能是根本变革型的技术一样,被和各种事物联系起来,变得宽泛甚至无所不包。 区块链今天是管理大师约翰·哈格尔说的典型的强叙事性事物 (narratives),与叙事对应的是故事,故事是有开头、有中间、有结尾,而叙事是开放性的,我们可以去创造它的未来。这正是当初互联网展示潜力的方式,互联网产业的根本信条之一是艾伦·凯说的“不要去预测,而是去创造未来”。 更重要的是,哈格尔指出,所有具有叙事性的伟大事物,都有这样的特点: The block chain is today typical of managing the narratives (narratives) described by Master John Hagger, which are stories that begin, end, and are open, so that we can create its future. That is the way the Internet showed its potential, and one of the fundamental tenets of the Internet industry, Alan Kay said, “Don’t predict, but create the future.” More importantly, Haggle pointed out that all the great things of a narrative nature have such characteristics: “超越……的界限而连接和动员其他人”。 “to connect and mobilize others beyond the limits of...”. 站在当下看区块链,的确如此,它充满了可能性。 威廉·穆贾雅在《商业区块链》中专门有一节讨论叙事性,他特别引用约翰·哈格尔(John Hagel)对叙事和故事的区分: 故事是自包含的——有开头,有中间,有结尾。 而叙事是开放的——结局并未定论。 其次,故事是关于故事讲述者或者其他人的——它不是关于读者你的; 相反,叙事的演变取决于你采取的行动和做出的选择——你将决定结局。 William Mujaya devoted a section to narrativeism in the Commercial Block Chain, citing in particular John Hagel’s distinction between narratives and stories: stories are self-contained – there are the beginning, there are the middle, and there is the end. And narratives are open – there is no finality. 资料:区块链的十个特征 在《商业区块链》一书中,威廉·穆贾雅梳理了‘区块链的十个特征’,也可参考(P18): 1、加密货币 Cryptocurrency 2、计算的基础设施 Computing Infrastructure 3、交易平台 Transaction Platform 4、去中心化的数据库 Decentralized Database 5、分布式会计账簿 Distributed Accounting Ledger 6、开发平台 Development Platform 7、开源软件 Open Source Software 8、金融服务市场 Financial Services Marketplace 9、点对点网络 Peer-to-Peer Network 10、信用服务层 Trust Services Layer In the book “Commercial Block Chain”, William Mujaya combed the “Ten Features of the Block Chain”, also available for reference (P18): 1, Encrypted Currency 2, Calculated Infrastructure 3, Trading Trading Platform 4, Decentralized Database 5, Distributed Accountbook, Distributed Accounting Ledger 6, Development Platform 7, Open Source Software 8, Financial Services Market 9, Point-to-Peer Network 10, Credit Level 本文作为互联网知识经济专栏刊发于2018年3月7日《南方都市报》,网络刊发时根据原稿重新编排,并补充部分资料。
to “flux value without intermediary”.