There are currently known Chinese and Chinese versions of the following:
版本一:中本聪,日裔美国人,1949年7月出生于美国,英文名Dorian S. Nakamoto 日本人称其为中本泽史,现居住于美国洛杉矶圣贝纳迪诺山 。2008年发表了一篇名为《比特币:一种点对点式的电子现金系统》的论文,描述了一种被他称为“比特币”的电子货币及其算法。 2009年发布了首个比特币软件,并正式启动了比特币金融系统。
Version 1 of
, Chinese Ben-Sung, Japanese-American, born in the United States in July 1949, and known as Dorian S. Nakamoto, a Japanese in English, now residing in San Bernadino, Los Angeles, USA. A paper entitled Bitcoin: A Point-to-Point Electronic Cash System was published in 2008, describing an electronic currency and its algorithm, which he called “bitcoin.” The first bitcoin software was released in 2009 and the Bitcoin financial system was officially launched.
版本二:2016年5月澳大利亚企业家克雷格·莱特在接受BBC(英国广播公司)采访时承认,他就是比特币的发明者中本聪。 莱特有着许多不同的身份:他有着神学的博士学位,曾在查尔斯特大学担任计算机科学的特邀讲师和研究员,写过许多本书,是多家公司的 CEO 和创始人,这些公司大多是虚拟货币或者计算机网络安全相关的领域。
In May 2016, an Australian entrepreneur, Craig Wright, admitted in an interview with the BBC that he was an inventor of Bitcoin. Leiter had many different identities: he had a doctorate in theology, was a guest lecturer and researcher in computer science at Charlest University, wrote many books, was a CEO and founder of a number of companies, mostly in the field of virtual money or computer network security.
版本三:中本聪并不是一个人,而是一个秘密团体。是美国高尖端技术情报部门的一个技术部门的代号。因为比特币的研发、设计、运营,不是一个人能够为得了,是一个政府行为,是一个高尖端技术情报部门研究机构的执行情况。 目的宗旨在于霍乱各国经济基础与方便转移与挖空各国经济上层的大亨们的财富。比特币的价格的起落把控在美国政府,是注水还是抽离的调控罢了。
The aim is to transfer the economic base of cholera countries and to facilitate the removal of the wealth of the big tycoons from their economies. The price of Bitcoin is held in the US government, whether it's water-infused or pump-out regulation.
Of the three versions, the second, and the first and third, have the lowest credibility. And, with the crazy rise in bitcoin prices, the middle bellow has become the incarnation of God. There is a distance between God and man, and that is the last thing that people want to see. So the middle bellow has become a mystery, and it has become an unknown mystery.
But whoever he is, it doesn't matter anymore. As Bitcoin survives in China, our own digital currency will flourish, so let the foreigner be confused.
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