In the field of energy, although there are currently fewer and smaller applications of block-chain technology and insufficient operational experience, the integration of block-to-point (P2P) transfer, consensus mechanisms, encryption algorithms, among other technologies, is an important way of addressing today's energy applications. Taking stock of the application of grid-to-chain technologies in the energy sector, both domestic and international, will provide an important source of information and a reference value on the application of block-to-chain technologies in the energy sector, making them a catalyst for energy transformation and paradigm evolution.
(来源:微信公众号“能源研究俱乐部”ID:nyqbyj 作者:能源情报研究中心 邱丽静)
(Source: Weibo Public, “Energy Research Club”, ID nyqbyj, author: Energy Intelligence Research Centre, Chiu Li Jing)
“区块链”(Blockchain)技术起源于“比特币”。2008年一个笔名为中本聪的作者发表了一篇名为《比特币——一种点对点的电子现金系统》的文章,阐述了一种基于P2P网络技术、通过加盖时间戳、参与各方一同记账、一同公证、每十分钟确认一次交易的分布式记账系统,标志着比特币的诞生。随后,该理念很快步入实践。然而,目前尚未形成关于区块链的统一定义。如今比较通行的定义为:区块链是分布式数据存储、P2P传输、共识机制、加密算法等计算机技术的新型应用模式。区块链技术是比特币的底层核心技术,其本质是一个去中心化的数据库,任何一笔交易都会通过数据库发给全网的其他每个节点。与传统数据库技术相比,区块链技术具有去中心化、数据不可篡改、集体维护、信息公开透明、智能合约、可追溯性、开放性、无需信任系统等特点。作为一类新兴的分布式数据存储技术,区块链在金融、政务、能源、医疗、知识产权、司法、网络安全等行业领域的应用逐步展开,正成为驱动各行业技术创新和产业变革的重要力量。根据Lux Research发布的《2019年的19项关键技术》报告,区块链被视为即将改变世界经济、在未来10年改变人们生活方式的19项关键技术之一。
The Blockchain technology started in “bitcoin” in 2008. An article entitled “bitcoin – a point-to-point electronic cash system” was published in 2008 by an author called Bint. It describes a new application model for computer technology based on P2P network technology, accounting by stamping time, accounting by all parties involved together, a common notary, and a distributed accounting system for every ten minutes of transactions, which marks the birth of Bitcoin. However, the concept has not yet developed a uniform definition of the block chain. The more commonly used definition is: block chains are distributed data storage, P2P transmissions, consensus mechanisms, encryption algorithms, etc. The essence of the block chain technology is a decentralized database, through which any transaction is sent to every other part of the network. Compared with traditional database technology, the chain technology has been decentralized, data unmanageable, collective maintenance, key information transparency, traceability, openness, confidence-free system, etc.
“Plus chain plus” industrial landscape
(i) Overall development of internal and external block chains
区块链技术作为“比特币”的底层技术,自2009年以来,随“比特币”在全球范围内兴起,逐步走进人们的视野。iiMedia Research发布的数据显示,自2009年至2019年8月,全球区块链产业累计投融资规模为103.69亿美元。全球各国推动的区块链项目数量达154项,主要应用于金融业、政府档案、数字资产管理、投票等领域,其中政府项目数量较多的前三个国家分别是荷兰、韩国和美国。
The block chain technology, as the bottom of the “bitcoin” technology, has been gaining ground since 2009 with the rise of the “bitcoin” worldwide. ii Media Research has shown that the cumulative financing of the global block chain industry from 2009 to August 2019 was $10,369 million. The number of block chain projects promoted by countries around the globe reached 154, mainly in the areas of finance, government archives, digital asset management, and voting, with the top three countries with a larger number of government projects being the Netherlands, the Republic of Korea and the United States, respectively.
目前,世界各国政府、产业界和学术界都高度关注区块链的应用发展,相关的技术创新和模式创新不断涌现,已经有越来越多的国家和地区将区块链作为战略发展方向。其中,欧盟相对较为积极,于2018年2月成立欧洲区块链观察论坛,该论坛主要职责包括:政策确定、产学研联动、跨国境BaaS(Blockchain as a Service)服务构建、标准开源制定等,并且通过Horizon 2020创新项目投入500万欧元作为区块链研发基金,预计2018~2020年的3年间区块链方面投资将达到3.4亿欧元。
At present, governments, industry, and academia around the world are giving high priority to the application of block chains, and related technological and model innovations are emerging, with an increasing number of countries and regions using block chains as strategic development directions. Among these, the EU is relatively active in establishing the European Forum for the Observation of Block Chains in February 2018, whose main responsibilities include: policy identification, production research and research association, construction of services in the cross-border Baaçain as a service, standard open source development, etc., and investing Euro5 million in sector chains through the Horizon 2020 innovation project, which is expected to reach Euro340 million over a three-year period from 2018 to 2020.
The Australian federal government has invested heavily in block-chain technology, including $700,000 in fiscal year 2018-2019 for digital innovation agencies to study the benefits of using block-chains in government payments. In March 2019, Australia announced a national block-chain road map strategy that focuses on a variety of policy areas, including regulation, technology and capacity-building, as well as innovation, investment, international competitiveness and cooperation.
In January 2016, the British government released a White Paper on Distributive Account Technologies: Beyond Block Chains, the first comprehensive analysis and research recommendations on the development of block chain technologies at the national level. The UK Financial Practices Regulatory Authority (FCA) issued a Guidance Paper on Regulation of Sand Boxes as early as November 2015, setting out, for the first time, the core and specific implementation requirements for the regulation of sandboxes, providing a safe environment for scientific and technological enterprises, such as block chains, in the absence of regulatory certainty.
In the United States, industrial policy has been moving slowly, owing to divergent state policies and although block chains are still hot in start-ups in the United States.
The Japanese government is taking a more active and cautious approach to research and control of block chain technology. Japan is actively developing legislation at the national level and further regulating the large financial, logistics and commercial sectors to achieve the early application of block chain technology and digital currency.
In October 2016, the Ministry of Trade and Communications issued the White Paper on Technology and Applied Development of China's Block Chain, which is the first official guidance document on the territorial chain.
In December 2017, Guangzhou officially published 10 strategies for the development of a sector-based enterprise innovation zone in the District of Huangpu and the Development Area. In March 2018, Shenzhen, by the Committee on Economic Trade and Informationization of Shenzhen City, issued the Circular of the Municipal Economic and Trade Information Council on the Organization of the Second Support Plan for the New Generation of the Information Technology Security Transformation of Shenzhen City in 2018, which is part of the Support Directions of the District Chain, which was launched by the Fifth Local Government of the country after Guangzhou, Guiyang, Qingjia and Hangzhou.
(ii) Development of domestic and external energy sector chains
Block chain technology, as a new distributed database technology, is centralized, open, and transparent, allowing each individual to participate in the database’s records. Although the block chain has fewer applications and small applications in the field of energy and has limited operational experience, the block chain has a wide range of applications in the energy field in the future, and is becoming an important application in today’s energy sector.
1. 全球能源区块链仍处于探索起步阶段
1. Global energy grids are still in the initial stages of exploration
In recent years, there have been numerous cases of energy chain technology applications, which have been explored by a number of domestic and international energy enterprises, mainly in the context of distributed energy trading, greening asset digitization, supply chain finance, carbon market trading, electric car charging and clearing, reducing transaction costs and increasing efficiency. The Spanish renewable energy giant Iberdrola is using block chain technology to track renewable energy, which has now been piloted and successful. The Spanish energy giant Repsol has announced that it has successfully completed a block chain pilot that could improve the certification process for petrochemical products and improve their quality of certification, which could save up to €400,000 per year. It is worth noting that early January 2019, the United States Department of Energy announced that US$ 4.8 million will be funded for university technology research, including the sector chain.
The technical advantage of block chains in the area of energy lies in the fact that the distributional P2P trading process is achieved through a pass-based flow and incentive mechanism. In April 2016, in the United States, in the Brooklyn MicroNet project in New York, roof photovoltaic power providers and power users were able to trade P2P directly on the basis of an intelligence contract based on the Taiku block chain, which is considered to be a precursor to the energy applications of block chain technologies.
Although there have been several demonstration projects around the globe, energy block chain applications are still at a small pilot stage and are mostly experimental in nature, and technological, economic, and policy constraints prevent short-term block chain technologies from having a substantial impact on the energy sector. There are early block chain energy companies in the United States, Germany, the Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa, which develop power trading platforms based on an Etherm smart contract, collect data using smart instruments, and mature P2P power generation, electricity use, trade technology.
The development of energy grids in our country is still largely in the early stages of development, as compared to the level of activity in investing in and applying energy grids abroad. Until 2016, the “Basic theory of energy Internet planning, operation and trade” was defined in the relevant documents as a basic research category under the project “Intelligent grid infrastructure technology” with a five-year implementation cycle (2016-2020). The establishment of the first sector energy chain laboratory in 2016 and the launch of the Demo chain of energy grids reflect the efforts of our explorers in this area.
2. 区块链技术助力全球能源转型
2. Block chain technology for global energy transformation
In February 2019, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) published a report entitled Innovations in the Future of Renewable Energy, which states that, in order to accelerate low-cost renewable energy generation in the electricity sector, countries need innovative technological tools to enable them to benefit from the expansion of renewable energy. The innovations mentioned in the report include time-use taxes, polymers and block chains, among others. The report states that 189 companies are using energy grids, and 71 projects use energy grids, with about 50 per cent of the projects based on the Tetsu grid. IRENA reported that, overall, investment in the grid in the electricity sector had reached $466 million as of September 2018.
In a digital wave, the digital transformation of green energy assets is bound to form an ecological network of multi-eco-intellectual associations, free flow of value from industrial chains, and intelligent green applications from multiple scenes. The traditional business and profit models of energy enterprises are no longer adapted to the demands of digital, low-carbonized new economic patterns, and energy-user-led energy transformations pose new challenges to firms’ systems.
In the case of electricity, through block-chain technology, we can safely and easily integrate distributed energy resources into the grid balance process. A large number of distributed resources can be used to create “virtual power plants”. They can provide the same services as centralized power plants, but they are owned to a large extent by individuals and businesses. Users can benefit from assets owned by their own assets, rather than by electricity companies, which significantly reduce the operating costs of the system. Block-chain technology allows us to coordinate the charging or discharge of these assets, and users who own them can buy these services for their own use or receive returns through the provision of those services. The result is a significant increase in grid utilization and a significant increase in the ability to integrate renewable energy, energy efficiency and clean energy assets into grid operations.
3. 能源区块链初创型公司集中在发达国家
3. Innovative energy sector chains are concentrated in developed countries
根据行业调研机构GTM Research发布的《2018能源领域区块链发展》报告,在其统计调查范围内,已经有122家区块链初创公司活跃在能源领域,其中有54家公司是2017年成立的。能源区块链技术的逐渐成熟推动了资本涌入相应的初创型公司,目前来看这类公司主要还是集中在欧美日等发达国家。欧洲尤其是德国也有不少能源区块链项目,德国对区块链技术整体持较为支持的态度,加上德国较为发达的分布式可再生能源,使得区块链在能源领域的应用十分有前景。此外,专注于能源的区块链创业公司Power Ledger已经在澳大利亚和新西兰试运行了几个区块链平台项目。奥地利的Grid Singularity是将区块链技术应用到能源领域的主要欧洲开发商。2017年5月,落基山研究所(RMI)与Grid Singularity合作建立了能源互联网基金会(EWF),该基金会旨在促进区块链项目在能源领域的商业部署。
According to a report published by the industry research agency GTM Research on the development of block chains in the field of energy in 2018, 122 block-chain start-ups have been active in the field of energy in the context of their statistical surveys, of which 54 were established in 2017. The technological maturity of the energy block chain has prompted capital inflows to start-up companies, which are still mainly concentrated in developed countries, such as Europe and America. There are also a number of energy block-chain projects in Europe, in particular Germany. Germany’s overall support for block-chain technologies, coupled with Germany’s more developed distributed renewable energy sources, has made the use of block-chains in the energy sector very promising.
另据Fortune Business Insights发布的报告,由于加大力度推动绿色能源,预计到2026年底,全球能源公用事业的区块链市场规模将达到15.664亿美元,2018~2026年间的年复合增长率将达到37.6%。能源公用事业市场研究报告中区块链涉及的主要公司包括IBM、Greeneum、Oracle、微软、EnergiMine、埃森哲PLC、Infosys Limited等。
It is also reported by Fortune Business Forums that, as a result of increased efforts to promote green energy, the global energy utility sector chain market is expected to reach $1,566.4 million by the end of 2026 and the annual compound growth rate between 2018 and 2026 will reach 37.6 per cent. Major companies involved in the sector chain in the energy utility market study include IBM, Greenerum, Oracle, Microsoft, EnergiMine, PLC, Infosys Limited, etc.
4. 全球传统油气企业加快进入区块链领域
4. Accelerating access to block chains by traditional global hydrocarbon enterprises
In the context of a slowdown in global economic growth and increasingly stringent environmental standards, a large number of traditional oil and gas enterprises are entering development bottlenecks, and oil and gas companies expect to use digital technologies such as block chains, big data, and artificial intelligence to refine industrial chain processes, improve operating efficiency and safety while achieving sustainable goals such as environmental protection. According to Deloitte Survey, 72% of oil and gas industry executives expect to adopt block chain technologies. Deloitte suggests that the use of block chains in the energy and resource sectors can increase visibility, operational efficiency and simplify regulatory processes.
In December 2017, the Centralized Group successfully completed a pilot crude oil import transaction for the country’s first block chain from the Middle East to China, with efficiency gains of more than 50 per cent. In April 2018, China Centralized Energy Technology Ltd., a subsidiary of the Centralized Group, completed a pilot export transaction for the sector chain application for gasoline export operations from Spring State to Singapore, the world’s first single-sector energy trade chain application involving government departments, reduced the cost of trade finance by more than 30 per cent through the introduction of bank funds.
5. 国内能源企业积极探索区块链技术应用
5. Active exploration of block chain technology applications by domestic energy enterprises
Local governments are also stepping up their preparations to launch a block-chain industrial support policy. As early as 2017, the National Development Reform Commission introduced policies to support direct inter-user-distributive energy transactions and implemented pilot projects. In 2019, Jiangsu introduced regulations on the sale of electricity on the wall.
In October 2019, the national grid was announced, and the national grid chain technology (Beijing) Ltd. was officially established. Next, the national grid chain technology company will build on the most powerful industries in the area of connectivity, optimal allocation of the most flexible resources, the most efficient value-sharing capabilities, the enabling hub, platform-type, and shared enterprise development, which will contribute to the development of the world's top-class energy Internet enterprises. In December 2019, the national grid grid chain technology company, based on autonomously developed technology service platforms at the bottom of the grid, was able to enhance the application of the grid chain in the field of energy and electricity. Ten sites, such as new energy clouds, electricity transactions, high-quality services, integrated energy, goods procurement, smart finance, smart law, data sharing, safe production, financial science and technology, and so on, produced typical, high-feasibility technology solutions.
III. Application landscape analysis of block chains in the field of energy
In this new energy system, it is expected that power from small distributed sources (usually renewable energy) will be supplied directly to end-users through microgrids. Using block-chain technologies, power generation and consumption will be measured through smart meters, and trading and payment operations will be achieved through smart contract controls in the form of digital money. In this case, electricity companies or agents will not need to be involved.
(i) Energy trade
1. P2P energy trade
P2P energy deals make energy consumers actively involved in the energy trade and become energy consumers. On the one hand, users can use electricity from grids or their own distributed energy sources; on the other hand, they can sell excess energy to grids and other consumers. From the point of view of power efficiency, improved energy efficiency can directly reduce the load in the region and ease the pressure on the grid.
Typical cases
LO3 Energy搭建居民P2P电力交易微网
LO3 Energy set up a P2P power trading micronet for residents.
2016年4月,美国能源公司LO3 Energy与西门子数字电网以及比特币开发公司Consensus Systems合作,建立了布鲁克林微电网——基于区块链系统的可交互电网平台TransActive Grid。该项目是全球第一个基于区块链技术的能源市场。这个微网项目实现了社区间居民的P2P电力交易,允许用户通过智能电表实时获得发电量、用电量等相关数据,并通过区块链向他人购买或销售电力能源。用户不需要公共的电力公司或中央电网就能完成电力能源交易。用户通过手机APP在自家智能电表区块链节点上发布相应智能合约,基于合约规则,通过西门子提供的电网设备控制相应的链路连接,实现能源交易和能源供给。为了提高整个系统的效率,该平台不仅要对生成的和存储的能量进行管理,而且还要处理消费者的灵活性选择。LO3 Energy之前与Green Mountain Power合作,为美国推出了第一个面向客户的商业化本地能源市场。但对于大多数美国人而言,跨P2P网络进行电子交易的能力似乎仍然遥遥无期。即使交易生成,也仅限于极小规模,现实中的管理困难以及回报率低的问题仍旧难以解决。
In April 2016, the U.S. energy company LO3 Energy, in collaboration with Siemensus Systems, and the Bitcoin Development Corporation, established the Brooklyn Microgrid - a grid-based, interactive platform for grid-based grids - TransActive Grid. The project is the first global energy market based on block-chain technologies. The microgrid project enabled inter-community P2P power trading, allowing users to access electricity generation, electricity use and other related data in real time through smart meters, and to purchase or sell electricity from others through block chains. Users did not need public power companies or central power grids to complete power trading.
2. Large-scale trade in energy commodities
Trade in energy products can become a block of information, where electricity, oil and gas transactions are done on the basis of a common market mechanism. Digitalization runs through the entire energy value chain, with a growing number of large energy companies and commodity traders moving into the military chain.
Typical cases
VAKT Energy Trade
In 2017, large oil companies, such as BP, Shell, and the Norwegian National Petroleum Corporation (Equinor), joined with large banks and trading companies to launch VAKT, the first customer VAKT has come into operation since the end of November 2018, and the new strategic investment shareholder introduced. VAKT, by making effective use of the technical advantages of the chain, can simplify traditional business processes, eliminate paper documents, and then improve efficiency throughout the entire trade cycle and create new and innovative trade financing opportunities.
3. Wholesale energy market transactions
The process of wholesale energy market transactions typically involves isolated IT systems and inefficient communications, which are almost always dependent on manual operations, with high transaction costs between exchanges and brokers and pricing agencies. For wholesale energy trading markets, using block chains and smart contract techniques can guarantee financial security and reduce default rates. For example, through shared book bookings deployed between traders, transaction information can be recorded directly on block chains for validation. This model allows traders to store data without having to do so, but rather to share secure media to ensure that stored information is transparent, accurate and validated. This trading system can improve transaction efficiency and reduce manual errors.
Typical cases
BTL: Addressing core issues
2015年成立的BTL(Blockchain Technology Limited)起初活跃于金融服务业,与Visa合作完善跨境结算,之后进入能源行业。在批发能源交易中,BTL发现交易确认和核对是可以首先用区块链解决的问题。贸易商之间部署共享账本,大多数交易后的通信是手动进行的,即对方通过邮件和传真验证和核对数据的不符点。BTL则提议采用贸易商之间部署的共享账本来调整,在区块链上记录交易信息。这个系统让交易员不再各自存储数据,而是共享安全的媒介,其中存储的信息做到透明、精确化、验证过,可以加速工作流程,降低人为错误的可能性。各双边关系配备区块链。批发能源交易中还存在隐私性和扩容性的问题。为解决这个问题,BTL开发了私有区块链平台Interbit,而不是依赖如以太坊的其他已有区块链目录。其构思是为每个双边关系配备一个区块链,所有的区块链连接到一个通用的区块链目录上。BTL没有走传统的风投路线,而是于2015年11月在TSX Venture Exchange交易所上市(TSXV:BTL)。通过与Wien Energy、BP等领先的能源公司合作,BTL进行了12周的试点项目,重点是欧洲天然气市场的交易核对问题。通过这个创收的项目试点,BTL意在获得Interbit基础设施执照,扩展到下游应用,比如交易计划、发票、监管报告和现金结算,满足个人客户的需要。
In wholesale energy transactions, BTL finds that the identification and reconciliation of transactions can be addressed first by a block chain. The deployment of shared accounts between traders, most of which are communicated manually, is a discrepancy between the data verified and verified by mail and fax. BTL proposes that the share of accounts deployed between traders be adjusted to record transactional information on the block chain. The system allows traders to move away from storing data individually, in cooperation with Visa, but to share secure media in which the information stored is transparent, accurate and validated to speed up the process and reduce the likelihood of human error.
(ii) Power sales services for electric cars
In the context of green, low-carbon, and energy-efficient transport, a growing number of car-buying consumers are choosing electric cars. But in the current scenario of instant charging applications for electric cars, there are a number of charging companies that are faced with complex payment agreements, inconsistent payment patterns, relative scarcity of chargeposts, and inaccuracies in the measurement of charging costs.
Typical cases
Innogy, Germany, shared chargeposts
德国能源巨头Innogy和物联网平台企业Slock.it合作推出基于区块链的电动汽车P2P充电项目。该区块链的组成节点包括多个运营商运营的充电桩、交易平台、运营商节点和充电车辆。用户无需与电力公司签订任何供电合同,只需在智能手机上安装Share&Charge APP,并完成用户验证,即可在Innogy广布欧洲的充电桩上进行充电,电价由后台程序自动根据当时与当地的电网负荷情况实时确定。由于采用了区块链技术,整个充电和电价优化过程是完全可追溯和可查询的,因此极大地降低了信任成本。需要充电时,从APP中找到附近可用的充电站,按照智能合约中的价格付款给充电站主人。不过,这种收费方式目前还没有得到普及,即使在德国,以太坊钱包只是一部分人的选择。
Users do not need to enter into any electricity contracts with electricity companies, but simply install Share&Charge APPs on smart phones and complete the user certification so that the charger can be charged on the European charger in Innogy, which is automatically determined by the back-office process in real time on the basis of the local grid load at that time. The entire charging and optimization process is fully traceable and searchable, thus significantly reducing the cost of trust, as a result of the application of block-chain technology. When you need to charge, you need to find a nearby recharge station in APP, paying the owner for the charger at the price of the smart contract.
(iii) Smart services
The open and secure characteristics of block chains and the application of smart contracts can help energy enterprises to upgrade the intelligence of existing operations and develop more intelligent value-added services. Energy companies can manage user energy use and payment by combining IOT equipment, such as smart electricity meters, smart gas meters, or provide value-added services such as safer battery storage management, electric vehicle charging, etc. They can also apply smart contracts to energy wholesale to reduce transaction risks and management costs. For example, block chains + smart meters can help power companies record user energy use and sales as trading information in blocks, thereby ensuring the authenticity and accuracy of electricity and sales data.
(iv) Accounting and traceability of energy assets
1. Supply chain management
The retroactive application of block-chain technology, in addition to its basic function of anti-false queries and consumer feedback, can obtain information on products such as brands, place of origin, sale point presentations, business qualifications, security certification, import registration certificates, import inspection and quarantine certificates, customs declarations, and so on. The energy enterprise supply chain is relatively complex, with traditional models in which different enterprises each maintain data on their own flows of goods, capital flows, information flows, etc., without transparency. Each party cannot effectively manage the entire supply chain.
2. Green certificate issuance and tracking
“绿证”(Renewable Energy Credit,REC)是一种专门针对绿色、可再生能源提升环境水平的证明,用以衡量发电企业是否满足可再生能源组合标准(Renewable Portfolio Standard,RPS)。在西方,该信用由各个国家的标准委员会颁发。2017年1月,《关于试行可再生能源绿色电力证书核发及自愿认购交易制度的通知》发布,标志着我国绿色电力证书制度试行。绿证的购买方,实际上是获得了声明权,即宣称使用了绿色能源。绿证完成了项目信息的标准化,资格权属确认功能,但对资产的数据价值增值以及未来资产权属的分配和划拨过程中,提供风险增信未起到作用。要真正实现新能源资产数字化流通,就必须对数据的真实性、可靠性在不同节点上和依赖不同主体对其赋能。绿色证书可以通过基于区块链智能合约的绿色证书交易平台自动进行交易并进行记录。区块链技术可以验证该信用额的真实性,通过验证在能源生产源头提供的实时数据,区块链帮助能源效用公司创建一个真实的追踪链条,以显示可再生能源“从哪里来”“到哪里去”和“在哪里用”。该信用额还可以在不同发电主体之间交换,衍生出经济价值。
In the West, the credit was issued by national standard committees. In January 2017, the Circular on the piloting of a green power certificate and voluntary subscription trading system marked the piloting of our green power certification system. The green certificate purchasers were in fact given the right to declare that green energy was being used. The green certificate completed the standardization of project information, the recognition of qualifications, but the value added of the asset data and the distribution and transfer of future asset titles did not work. To achieve a real digital flow of new energy assets, it was necessary to track the trueness, reliability and dependence of the data on different subjects. Green certificates could be automatically traded and recorded on a green certificate trading platform based on a smart contract for the use of green energy.
Typical cases
Iberdrola uses block chains to track renewable energy sources
During the pilot period, the Iberdrola technical platform monitored the transfer of renewable energy from two wind power plants and one power plant to the banking offices in the city of Córdoba in the Basque region and the southern city. The company used an open-source block chain platform of the Energy Network Foundation to meet the regulatory, operational and market needs of the energy sector in the pilot project. Iberdrola argued that the sector chain could contribute to the issuance process of the energy-producing land certificate, which would enable clients to understand the sources of the energy used. This decentralized solution, without the need for intermediaries, could help the energy industry to increase transparency while cutting operating costs. The pilot mentioned above could improve the certification process for petrochemical products and improve the quality of their safety certification, which could save up to 400,000 euros per year.
(v) Innovation in energy finance products
1. monetization of energy market transactions
区块链中代币的产生衍生出一种新的融资形式——数字货币的首次公开募集(Initial Coin Offering,ICO)。在能源行业,代币的产生通常与新能源有关,例如,通过可再生能源产生1千瓦时电,就可以在可再生能源区块链平台中获得一定数额的代币资产。平台通过ICO的形式吸收资金,从而用市场的手段鼓励更多可再生能源接入到该平台中。通过绿色ICO概念与金融产品相结合,为能源创新,特别是为可再生能源市场带来革命性的变化。
In the energy sector, the generation of coins is usually associated with new energy sources, such as the generation of 1 kWh of electricity through renewable energy sources, which can generate a certain amount of money in a grid platform for renewable energy. The platform absorbs funds in the form of ICO, thereby encouraging more renewable energy access to the platform by market-based means. By combining the green ICO concept with financial products, it can revolutionize energy innovation, especially for renewable energy markets.
Power ledger是一家区块链能源市场提供商,P2P能源交易平台。平台通过可交易和无成本的能量交易代币SparkZ,支持不断扩大的能源应用生态系统。这个系统在电能的生产者和使用者之间建立了直接的联系,他们可以直接进行交易,而不是通过一个充当中介的电力公司。该公司在初始代币发行期间募集了3400万美元,并获得了澳大利亚政府800万美元的资金支持。
Power ledger is a block-chain energy market provider, the P2P Energy Trading Platform. The platform supports the expanding energy application ecosystem through tradable and cost-free energy trade in token SparkZ. The system creates a direct link between producers and users of electricity, who can trade directly, rather than through an intermediary power company.
Typical cases
WePower: Green Energy Trading Platform based on block chains
Webower is a green energy auction platform that allows renewable energy producers to raise funds by issuing their own energy tokens, of which 0.9 per cent is allocated to WePower’s money-holders. There are many benefits for currency holders on this platform, on the one hand, by giving priority to the new energy token sales auctions on WePower’s platform, and, on the other hand, by having more WePower in their possession in a fast and transparent way. After producers have built up their energy plants, we have been able to link up with energy infrastructure and markets for energy exchanges in order to record data on the grids and, if the platform does not have sufficient demand, to reinvest in the platform. WePower addresses the issue of access to capital for current renewable energy developers and directly invests in profitable projects for final consumers, investors and energy market creators. This is done through smart contracts in the regional chains.
2. Supply chain finance
All participants in supply chain financial operations (including suppliers, importers, banks) can use a decentralized book-sharing document and make automatic payments when they reach their intended time and results, significantly increasing efficiency and reducing the potential for mistakes in manual transactions, thus creating a complete and fluid flow of information throughout the supply chain and increasing the overall efficiency of supply chain management. According to McKinsey, the global application of block-chain technology in supply chain financial operations can help banks and trade finance enterprises to reduce operating costs by about $13.5 billion to $15 billion a year, with risk costs of about $1.1 billion to $1.6 billion; buyers and sellers to reduce capital costs by about $1.1 billion to $1.3 billion a year, and operating costs of about $1.6 billion to $2.1 billion a year. With the multiple drivers of key technological breakthroughs such as energy data, cloud computing, block chains, artificial intelligence, physical networking, and 5G communications, efficiency in traditional energy supply chain management will be further enhanced, and supply chain finance will be able to develop efficiently in the next five years.
In the area of energy, supply chain finance can provide financial services to upstream and downstream enterprises, while helping to alleviate the problem of upstream and downstream enterprise financing. At present, a number of front-line financial institutions and science and technology finance companies have entered the energy supply chain for industrial deployment, experimenting with new supply chain finance models, in cooperation with entities such as logistics companies, port terminals, and local trading centres, to inject capital into industry-wide development.
(vi) Security of operation of energy systems
With the development of physical networking technology, global energy enterprises are increasing the integration of energy assets with information technology, with an increasing number of data collection, processing and transmission equipment installed to serve the enterprise’s information management and control systems. Centralized data management responses to external attacks are fragile, pose a significant threat to the use of electricity, energy security, and national security if the system is broken.
For example, in the case of the safe production scenes in the 10 national grid block chain technology application, the system alerts the system by validating the integration of equipment information, such as security surveillance, network security, defence information, and alert mechanisms. When the log data are tampered with, the system alerts immediately, reducing potential security risks and risks.
IV. Problems and challenges
While the development of the energy block chain is promising, there are regulatory and technical challenges that need to be overcome in order to achieve scalability. As the technology is yet to be refined, issues related to scalability and security need to be further discussed by all concerned.
(i) Technological challenges
The emergence and application of block chain technology has taken about 10 years so far, but the current block chain is technically difficult to meet the real-time requirements of energy system production in terms of computational efficiency, and there are corresponding limitations on the capacity to calculate and respond to block chains. The application of block chain results is small, delayed, and low block storage capacity in bitcoin. This is associated with technical bottlenecks and practical application constraints for the energy sector, which has a large volume of data. Future block chain systems need to be optimized in terms of throughput, including research to reduce block generation time and block identification time.
On the other hand, the application of block-chain technologies in the energy sector is still relatively small and underdeveloped compared to the popular use of block-chain technologies, such as finance. Because of the new technology of block-chains, small and dispersed applications in the energy sector, the understanding of block-chain technologies in the energy sector is more fragmented and lacking.
(ii) Information security issues
While block chain technology has greatly increased the difficulty of data manipulation, it still suffers from cyberattacks, among others. Block chain technology allows nodes to add custom information to blocks. If the additional information contains malicious codes, it will have an impact on the entire block chain network. Moreover, each node in the block chain will have a complete account book that is transparent to all users and sensitive information vulnerable to disclosure. In 2017, the multi-signature multi-signing machine, Parity, announced a major gap that would make smart contracts with multiple signatures unusable and that would result in $150 million being frozen. Unsurprisingly, in February 2018, a team of researchers at the National University of Singapore, Yale University College of Singapore and the University College of London published a report claiming that they used analytical tools to analyse nearly 1 million smart contracts based on the Tails, and found that 34,200 of those contracts contained security loopholes that could be used by hackers to steal currency or freeze assets or to remove contracts.
(iii) Regulatory challenges
If distributed transactions are explored on the basis of technology related to the block chain, this change will inevitably bring about a shift in market roles, particularly at the regulatory level. All energy consumers must manage their own expenditure balances rather than centralized management.
(iv) Lack of professional expertise
Block chain technologies are multidisciplinaryly integrated technological systems that include database technology, cryptology technology, P2P technology, digital authentication, etc. When applied to the energy Internet, first of all, block chain technologies need to be further integrated into relevant business models of the energy Internet. Second, there is a need for further integration of knowledge related to financial transactions. Block chains are emerging computer technologies that apply block chain technologies in practice, requiring a large number of professionals with in-depth knowledge of the concepts of programming, computer science, and block chains.
In practical terms, the commercial application of block-chain technologies is still in the early stages of deployment, piloting and testing: while the understanding of block-chain technologies per se lags behind that of other areas, such as finance, most of the applications are small and mostly experimental in nature, and many of the application scenarios and technical problems are still being explored. At this stage, ways of developing block-chain technologies in the area of energy power need to be explored, and further developed and refined in the area of energy block-chain applications, standard-building, regulatory systems, and profitability.
(i) Deep integration of block chains and the economy of traditional industrial entities
The most important role of block-chain technology should be to return to the real economy, genuinely helping the real economy to reduce transaction costs and improve efficiency while creating a credible business environment. Currently, IBM Finance and more than 4,000 partners settle $44 billion in cash annually, process 2.9 million invoices, and save $100 million in liquidity annually through block-chain technology. If the block-chain is integrated with the real economy, especially with the real-economy sector, such as hydrocarbons, it will contribute significantly to the upgrading of traditional industries and to increasing the efficiency of social operations. Attention needs to be paid to the need to avoid “one-on-one” phenomena while promoting deeper integration of the block-chain with the real economy, and to guard against potential risks such as operating traps, technological monopolies, etc. due to the potential impact of block-chain applications on traditional institutional management, business operations, etc.
(ii) Identification of applications and promotion of demonstration sites
Block chain technology is based not only on technological innovation, but also on science, technology, and scenario three-vortex calculations. The industry is divided into technology-driven platforms and applications. The platform is designed to enhance capacity-building in bottom infrastructure in terms of performance, flexibility, and security, and where there are few technological innovations, millions of investments can build platforms.
(iii) Strengthening basic research and applied basic research in block chain technology
The application of block-chain technologies in the energy sector is still relatively low compared to the popular areas of technology applications in block chains, such as finance. From the relevant news that has been reported, most of the practices in the current 100 or so block-chain use in the energy sector are still in the early stages of the energy value chain, mainly in the areas of microgrids, small-scale excess energy management, P2P energy trade, electric car charging, and payment.
(iv) Leveraging the resource advantages of large enterprises to encourage first-hand testing
The development of block-chain technologies in the field of energy does not depend on the role of innovative players, especially large enterprises in the energy sector. Because of the centralization of the energy sector and the complexity of business processes, large firms in a position of importance in the industry are cautious about potentially destabilizing front-line technologies. International experience shows that block-chain technologies cannot be used in the energy field without first testing large enterprises, and that large-scale energy enterprises should actively cooperate with start-ups in block-chain technologies, such as setting up laboratories to build platforms for small and medium-sized enterprises in the industry, and jointly promoting experiments and landings in the form of sectoral clusters alliances, industry foundations, and so on.
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It was originally published in Energy Intelligence Research, February 2020.
Original title: Status of technological developments in the energy block chain and applied analysis
Disclaimer: The above is reproduced from the Arctic Star Power News Network and the text does not represent the platform's position.
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