The tether's block chain game is coming up.
On 12 April, Chai Jingo, General Manager of the Tseng sector chain operations, revealed to the First Treasury that Tseng would launch on 23 April the first section chain game, code name & ldquo; Z” and the block chain game.
In fact, in addition to being the best at playing, the first financial journalist learned that Quest had started to set up a block chain research and development team as early as the end of 2015 to locate & & & & & & & & & & & & connector & & & & & cut from the bottom technology platform for autonomous research and development and landscape exploration.
& & ldquo; circle the core scenes, do the deep work, verify it. & & rdquao; this is one of the paths to the grids of the areas that are now in use. In addition to the game, the tether grids are currently being explored in the areas of supply chain finance, logistics information, and public-interest searchers.
In an interview, Chai Jingo told reporters that KPI is not currently being evaluated for profit on the block chain. & & ldquo; if you have to say a clearer KPI test, you have to find influential scenes for deep dialling poles. & rdquao;
曾有人调侃,区块链之前的互联网都是古典互联网。对于“被古典”的腾讯而言,区块链怎么布局? There have been narrations that the Internet before the block chain is a classical Internet. For & ldquao; by the classical & rdquao; how is the block chain configured? 在今年两会期间,当全国人大代表、腾讯董事会主席马化腾被问及区块链时评价,区块链技术是好的,但关键在于怎么用,做ICO数字货币还是有很多风险,家家都在发币。这虽然很热,但腾讯没有考虑参与其中。” During the two sessions of this year, when NPC representatives and the chairman of the board of trustees were asked about the block chain, it was assessed that the block chain technology was good, but the key was how to use it, making ICO digital money was a lot of risk, and families were giving money. This, though hot, was not considered for participation. 他说,区块链技术仍处早期,腾讯更关注把现实世界的凭证在数字世界实现,例如票据的认证。 He said that block chain technology was still at an early stage and that more attention was being paid to the digitalization of real world certificates, such as paper certification. 事实上,和AI类似,区块链属于腾讯创新业务中的一个板块。第一财经记者了解到,腾讯2015年底立项着手组建区块链研发团队,从底层技术平台切入,一方面自主研发储备技术基础,另一方面探索落地场景。 In fact, like AI, the block chain is a part of the innovation business of tweaking. The first financial reporter learned that tweaking at the end of 2015 set up a block-chain research and development team to move from the bottom technology platform to develop the technological base on an autonomous basis, while exploring the location of the site. 在2017年4月,腾讯发布《腾讯区块链方案白皮书》披露了其区块链整体架构:底层是腾讯自主研发的TrustSQl平台,通过SQL和API的接口为上层应用场景提供区块链基础服务的功能;中间是平台产品服务层为TrustPlatform,在底层之上构建的区块链应用基础平台产品,其中包括共享账本、鉴证服务、共享经济、数字资产等多个方向;应用服务层(TrustApplication)是向最终用户提供的区块链应用。去年年底,腾讯区块链BaaS开放平台对外公测。 In April 2017, the White Paper on the Stretch Block Chain Programme revealed the overall structure of its block chain: the bottom is the TrustSQl platform, developed autonomously and developed by the Stretch, which provides the basic function of block chain service for top-level applications through SQL and API interfaces; the middle is the platform's product service level, which is TrustPlatform, built above the bottom, is the base platform's product, which includes multiple directions such as shared books, forensic services, shared economy, and digital assets; the application level (TrustAplication) is a block chain application for end-users. “暂时不考虑盈利,做深做透场景是目前最大目标。”腾讯区块链产品总经理蔡弋戈和腾讯金融科技智库首席研究员王钧此前透露。 & & ldquo; For the time being, no profit is considered, and making a deep view is the biggest goal for the time being. & & rdquo; Chei Jingo, Managing Director of the Tung block chain product, and Wang Jing, Chief Researcher, Tung Tseng Financial Science and Technology think tank. 上述二人对于如何选择落地场景有过描述:首先在于应用场景的核心人员需要对这个技术有开放的心态和其颠覆性价值的真正的理解,“既不能将新的技术拒之门外,也不能人云亦云只是为了蹭概念。” The two men described how to choose the landing scenario: first, the need for the core of the application scene to have an open mind about the technology and a true understanding of its subversive value & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & the & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & ; & & & & & & & ; & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; ; & & ; ; & & & ; & & & & & & & ; & & & ; & & & & & & ; ; & & ; ; ; ; & & & ; ; ; ; & & & & ; ; ; & & ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; & & & & &, ; ; & ; ; ; ; ; ;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 从腾讯年初公布的关于区块链应用的数据中,可以看出一部分已经落地的应用场景:公益寻人平台累积超过300个寻人案例;法务存证平台已经对接了多家银行的大几万条存证。 今年4月12日,马化腾公布了区块链应用的最新进展,落地医疗领域,目前已经和广西柳州合作,借力腾讯区块链技术实现电子处方不被篡改。 On 12 April of this year, Mazen published the latest developments in the application of the block chain, and in the field of medical treatment in the field of landings, he has now cooperated with the Canton of Guangxillu to use the technology of the block chain to ensure that electronic prescriptions are not tampered with. 马化腾介绍,腾讯与广西柳州尝试在微信挂号、支付等功能的基础上,实现了全国首例“院外处方流转”服务,院内开处方,院外购药,甚至送药上门。因为处方流转涉及卫计委、医院、药企等多个环节,这里运用了区块链技术实现处方不被篡改。 Matheteng explained that Quasi and Guangxieu tried to achieve the country's first & & ldquo; out-of-hospital & & rdquo; services, open-door prescriptions, out-of-hospital purchase, and even delivery of drugs. Since the prescription flow involved various links such as the WAVS, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, etc., the sector chain technology was used to ensure that the prescriptions were not tampered with. 此外,他还透露,目腾讯区块链已经在供应链金融、物流信息、公益寻人等领域进行了很多深入场景化的探索。 In addition, he revealed that there had been a number of deep-seated explorations in the areas of supply chain finance, logistics information, and public-interest searchers. 例如,腾讯区块链与中国物流与采购联合会合作推出的面向物流场景的解决方案,已经在托运方、物流总包商、实际承运人、收货方、银行、监管机构等主体间形成有效联动,在降低信任风险、监管成本、融资成本等方面已有落地成果。 For example, a logistics-oriented solution, launched in cooperation with the China Association for Logistics and Procurement, has resulted in effective linkages between shippers, logistics master contractors, actual carriers, recipients, banks, regulators, etc., and has already yielded results in reducing trust risks, regulatory costs and financing costs. 不过,腾讯过去一年大力投资布局的智能零售方面,目前还没有看到太多区块链应用落地。 & nbsp; however, no significant number of block chain applications have yet been seen to land in the smart retail aspects of the upswing over the past year. 蔡弋戈对记者坦言,其实智慧零售是很大的概念,还是要找到合适的切入点,“目前来讲我们没有在智慧零售明确的落地点,未来不排除可能性,目前更关注把明确的场景做透。” Chai Jingo told journalists that, in fact, the concept of retail intelligence is great, and that we need to find the right entry point, “ we do not currently have a clear location for retail intelligence, which does not exclude the possibility in the future, and we are now more concerned with making a clear picture. & & rdquao; 腾讯区块链+金融如何落地? Stretch Block Chain > How do you find finance? “除了比特币,区块链技术其他场景的大规模应用还未到商用阶段。” 此前波士顿咨询公司董事总经理何大勇在接受第一财经专访时这样说。他的观点是,在多方参与、复杂交易、涉及到信任的场景下,区块链技术才派得上用场。 & nbsp; & & ldquo; with the exception of Bitcoin, large-scale applications of block chain technology have not reached the commercial stage. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & ) 尽管仍处早期,但腾讯已经开始在金融领域探索实践区块链技术,这也是蔡弋戈所说的,“圈定一些区块链最有价值最值得突破的场景,把它做深做透。” Although still at an early stage, Tseng has begun to explore practical block chain technology in the financial field, as Chai Jingo said, & & ldquo; to map out some of the most valuable and worthwhile scenes of the block chain, and to make them sound. & rdquo; 他告诉包括第一财经在内的记者,区块链+供应链金融将是2018年腾讯区块链发力重点之一。 He told journalists, including the First Economy, that the block chain plus supply chain finance would be one of the priorities of the tether block chain in 2018. 根据前瞻产业研究院发布的《2017—2022年中国供应链金融市场前瞻与投资战略规划分析报告》显示,到2020 年,预计有望达到14.98 万亿人民币。但现实是:小微企业自有资金缺乏,融资渠道狭窄;核心企业账期压力大,供应商链条难管理;金融机构受阻于信息不对称,难以有效开拓小微客户等痛点也一直制约着供应链金融市场的有效拓展。 According to the Institute of Forward-looking Industries, 2017— an analysis of China’s supply chain financial-market foresight and investment strategic planning for 2022 shows that it is expected to reach RMB 14.98 trillion by 2020. But the reality is that micro-enterprises lack their own funds and have narrow access to finance; that core business accounts are under pressure and supplier chains are difficult to manage; and that financial institutions are hampered by information asymmetries, and painful points such as the difficulty of effectively developing small customers have been limiting the effective expansion of supply chain financial markets. 基于价值传输和高效协同的特性,区块链技术在解决上述问题上找到突破口。 On the basis of the characteristics of value transmission and efficient synergy, block chain technology has found breakthroughs in addressing the above-mentioned issues. 具体而言,腾讯的做法是以核心企业的应收账款为底层资产,通过腾讯区块链技术实现债权凭证的流转,从而保证相关信息不可篡改、不可重复融资、可被追溯,帮助相关各方形成供应链金融领域的合作创新。 In particular, the practice is to use the receivables of the core business as a base asset for the flow of claims through the tether block chain technology, thereby ensuring that the relevant information is not tampered with, is not re-financed, and can be traced back to assist interested parties in developing cooperative innovations in the area of supply chain finance. “通过腾讯区块链技术及运营资源,能够链接核心企业资产端及金融机构资金端,提升资金配置效率、提升流动性,支持小微企业基于供应链进行融资,降低融资成本,支持实体经济”。蔡弋戈表示。 & & ldquo; access to technology and operating resources to link core enterprise asset end and financial institution end, improve financial allocation efficiency, enhance liquidity, support small and micro enterprises in supply chain-based financing, reduce financing costs and support the real economy & & rdquo; 他透露,目前腾讯内部对区块链业务没有盈利KPI考核,主要是把技术在应用场景里做出来。目前腾讯供应链金融这个平台已经和多家银行签战略合作协议了, 现在第一批种子银行正在具体对接业务流程。 He revealed that KPI is not currently taking advantage of block chain operations within the Circus, mainly using technology in the context of applications. The telecommunication chain finance platform has now signed strategic cooperation agreements with a number of banks, and the first seed banks are now specifically docking business processes. 而至于区块链中公有链还是联盟链的发展前景更大?蔡弋戈说,公有链发ICO,导致一些危险的出现,这不是腾讯想要的,因此公有链仍有很长的路要走,要实现一些所谓理想的东西需要探索,慢慢去看发展。而腾讯的做法实际是在圈住核心场景,做深做透,验证它,这样觉得才有价值,“对我们来讲更愿意把这个事情做成后,告诉大家说这个技术有价值,而不是告诉大家这个技术有多美好,大家来买币。” And as for the public chain in the block chain or the development of the union chain, Chai said, the public chain leads to a number of dangers, which are not what the public chain wants, so the public chain still has a long way to go, and it needs to be explored to see development slowly. And the way it does it is actually to go through the core, to go through it, to verify it, so it's worth it, and & & ldquo; when we do this, we're more willing to tell you how valuable this technology is, not how good it is, and we're all here to buy coins.
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